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O/T -I'm so out of the loop!

Peaches1973's picture

I haven't been on ST for a while due to some health issues and as I'm going through the posts today I feel so lost! :?
What's with the Stephen King references? Flying mailboxes? I get the 'he's tall' ones cause I happened across Drac0's blog so at least I get one!!
And where's Fearless?
This is like sitting at the popular table in school after being out with mono for a month. Except that I never had mono. Smile


misSTEP's picture

I was wondering about Fearless, too. And ktq but now I know why she hadn't been on for a while.

Peaches1973's picture

Omg that's hilarious. Every one else is to blame but the skids for their actions so I guess Mr. King can be as good a scapegoat as anyone. I do love his books so it's kinda sad to find out what a trouble maker he's become.

Damn you Stephen King!! Damn you all to hellllllll!!