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Another Child Support Review- AGAIN???

zerostepdrama's picture

Got mail today... another CS review for DH and BM.

They had a review in July 2011, October 2013. And then it was adjusted when MSD "graduated", in May 2014.

DH unemployed for about 3 weeks and started back at his old job about 2 weeks ago. Of course he got a $2 an hour raise when he went back to his old job.

I swear if we have to give this bitch any more money I am going to scream. Especially since she cant even work 40 hours a week. Or just because DH works hard to get a raise.

I sent an email to the caseworker trying to confirm what the reason is for reviewing again, since there was a review last year.

Unless they want to review how BM collected CS for 6 months for MSD even though she was 18, not living with BM and not even attending HS (But lying to DH that he was attending).


Teas83's picture

Haha. BM works about 20 hours a week making minimum wage. Great way to contribute to your daughter's life financially. When SD started kindergarten, BM started working LESS. She claimed that it was so she had more free time to volunteer in the classroom. We saw the class schedule and her name was on there maybe once a month. SD is starting grade 1 next week. I'll be curious to see if BM decreases her hours even more.

This is my biggest pet peeve about BM - being greedy.

Someone on here made a really good point. It was something along the lines of "BM spends a full time job's worth of hours figuring out how she doesn't have to work as much."

zerostepdrama's picture

It has never occured to me to work less then 40 hours.

It would be different if she made some awesome wage working 20 hours a week but she doesn't.

She is more then capable of working FT. The last skid is 15 years old!

But here is my DH busting his ass every day working a labor job, climbing up the ladder trying to do better for himself and it always goes to BM.

At least we only have 3 more years.....

Teas83's picture

Me too. I would never have had my own child if I couldn't support her financially. I don't get how it's so easy for these people to expect the father to take care if everything.

I know it's bad to think of it, but I sometimes wonder what would happen to my SD if my DH died. My BD would be done because I have a great job. But my SD.....her mom can't support her. She relies on DH for everything.

zerostepdrama's picture

Here is the thing...they have 4 kids! So at one time BM was working 20 hours with 4 kids and getting CS from DH. WTH!

I have 1 kid that I can support.

Sports Fan's picture

If something happened to DH, I would be fine. BM would be so screwed. Not only does DH support skids and BM, but he also is greatly supporting BM's new husband, new child and new husband's first child. All six of them would be screwed. BM has not worked a day in her life and only knows how to live off of men. I'm hoping that someday husband number 2 leaves her and she actually has to get a job.

Teas83's picture

Same here. BM's boyfriend sits on his ass most of the time. He's even made comments to people in town that it's nice BM gets so much money from DH. He's got a useless girlfriend that he doesn't need to support.

zerostepdrama's picture

Oh I plan on it. If DH has to send in his income then he is going to be sending in MSD's attendance record as well showing she stopped going to school.

zerostepdrama's picture

Yes one left to pay on. And no I dont think its from when he paid for MSD when he shouldnt have been. It looked like a standard form for when CS review is due... idk really know though. Asking for his income stubs, etc.

My 3 year review came up recently with my ex and I received paperwork first asking if I wanted it reviewed. I never responded as my Ex acted like he didnt want to get it reviewed because he wouldnt be able to get a ride to the CS office (long story), so I just left it. (Even though CS would be reduced and help HIM greatly- not like he is paying anyways- $10,000 behind)

So to me the paperwork seems like it was iniated by someone and it wasnt DH....

zerostepdrama's picture

MSD was 17 when she got pregnant. Started living with her BF when she got pregnant and after she had the baby. Except for maybe 3 months when she went to BM's house, when GB was about 4 months old. However BM started charging her rent (while also collecting CS) and then eventually kicked MSD out and she went back to BF and his family.

Still had to pay CS even though MSD turned 18 in November because she was in school. (Sr year).

Then come to find out, she had actually stopped going to school and wasn't attending, even though MSD told us different.