Every single time, SD? Really?
It seems I cannot say anything at all about DD19 on FB without SD22 getting a cob up her ass about it. A while back, I posted that I was excited for Thanksgiving break because DD will be home from college for a few days and that I miss her. SD comments that she hasn't seen her dad or brothers since May, so she knows how I feel. Actually, she saw them in June at BS1's bday party and in July at a family BBQ. Being an adult and going a little while without seeing your dad or siblings is NOT the same as being a parent going months without seeing your child, whether they are a child or are grown. I ignored it.
DD called me the other day and said that since FDH and I never have any time to just be a couple (2 kids and he works all the time), she was getting us a gift card and sending us to dinner while she kept the boys when she's home. Of course I'm gonna brag her up for being so sweet! I said that I have the best daughter ever, told what she was planning to do, and that I love her. SD comments that she wished she could have a day with her brothers AND (she capitalized it) her dad.
Then she texted me and said that wasn't meant to be rude toward DD or me, it was aimed at FDH. He doesn't have fb, so that must mean she's expecting me to show him. It's only going to piss him off. My mom kept the kids for awhile the day before so I could get some stuff done, and when FDH and I were here alone, he was saying that his whole life is just work and that he wishes he could have some time off. He worked 10 hours Saturday and Sunday on top of his regular 40 all week. He has to sleep sometime, and it's not like she lives close. But more than anything, I'm so sick of her blaming everything on him. She makes no effort, yet he gets all the blame. What kind of bullshit is that? I'm sure she's counting on me to show him and for him to feel guilty and call her. Well, like I said. It would only piss him off and I'm not doing that to him. If she wants to say something to him, she has his number.
She is perfectly capable of picking up the phone and calling her dad if she wants to see him. She never does. She never invites him or the boys over and she never asks to come here. Yet somehow he is an asshole because she feels they don't see enough of each other.
Anytime I post anything about DD, SD has some passive aggressive comment to make, like she's trying to make sure we don't forget she exists. She acts like she's being left out of something. She has a dh and kid, soon to be 2 kids. She doesn't prioritize other people, yet she expects everyone else to make her and hers a priority and it just eats her up to see people have fun or praise each other when it's not about HER. Her comment was completely ignored and I only responded with "ok" to her text. I'm not entertaining her bullshit. It's not my job to tell her dad to see her. She's an adult. She can manage her own relationships.
Why do you not block her?
Why do you not block her?
The drama that would ensue if
The drama that would ensue if I blocked her is so very not worth it.
I'm gonna tell you the same
I'm gonna tell you the same thing I tell you every time you post this same stuff:
IGNORE HER and dont let her comments effect you.
Tell her to Fuck off and deal with her dad herself and to leave you out of it.
Quit feeding into her b.s
She obviously has some unresolved issues with her dad and their lack of relationship. They need to figure that out themselves.
1 more thing- She's probably
1 more thing- She's probably does feel left out and forgotten for whatever reason and this is her way of showing it. It's very unlikely she is going to change. So unless you want to KEEP VENTING ABOUT THIS FOREVER, you need to just accept her for who she is, ignore her or block her. You dont have to like it, but you dont have to let it affect your life either.
Yes you can customize your
Yes you can customize your posts so that she doesnt see them.
So if you refuse to unfriend her or block her, you can DO this and then you wont have anymore drama!
Easey peasey lemon squeezy.
I will start blocking her
I will start blocking her from seeing the ones that seem to ignite her. I find her incredibly annoying, but I don't let it piss me off the way it used to. To be honest, and this is embarrassing to admit, she's almost entertaining because she's so ridiculous. But I will not let her use my page as a way to say things to her dad without actually saying them. She's nuts if she thinks I'm gonna relay her bullshit to him.
I know it must be
I know it must be entertaining (to some degree at least) to watch this girl make a spectacle of herself, but it must also be annoying to be taken for such a pawn in her pitiful games.
It's always acceptable to ignore foolish texts and to delete inappropriate comments.
This is exactly why I had to
This is exactly why I had to block SD17 from seeing certain things I posted on FB. Everytime I'd say we were out doing something (without SD17) or something about my DH or my bio-kids..she'd have some comment like "i wish i could have gone with you guys" or "why can't you do that when I'm there" I got tired of it so I made sure her or her sister couldn't see anything. It's things like this that make people not like facebook. I have the same problem as you, I can't completely delete her from FB because then the drama would ensue because my Dh doesn't have facebook so i have to use mine to show him things about her...it's frustrating..but thank god FB has that feature where you can choose who you want to see your posts.
Or just woman up and tell her
Or just woman up and tell her "If you want to see your brothers and your Dad, maybe YOU should make the effort and arrange something, and stop complaining while doing nothing."
She is an adult, commenting
She is an adult, commenting on your status posts, you need to put her in her place publicly. For instance, Well SD, why don't you call your Dad and make plans to see him and your brothers. Your Dad doesn't have Fb so you commenting here isn't really doing anything for your rship with them.