CANNOT Believe what OH has done.......SS19 turned up out the blue on Saturday afternoon, wanted a chat with daddy......
Now, apparently, my other blog wasn't quite correct, OH didn't know at this point that the flat had gone, he had speculated it is CONFIRMED that SS19 lost his flat...he ignored all letters, notices etc...all he has apparently are the clothes on his back....Boo f*cking hoo....he had been sleeping at his GFs, and only popped back to the flat every now n then, and he popped back Friday after a row with GF to find the locks had been changed and and eviction notice on his door....he stopped at BMs Friday night, came to mine Saturday......
I stayed out the way....didnt want anything to do with the conversation if im honest, but I regret that decision now....apparently "a friend" told SS19 his GF was seeing someone else behind his back (we think this is an excuse to cover whats to follow!)..apparently she had been in hospital for 5 days and SS19 didnt bother with her, this GF is 24 with 2 much more mature than SS19....OH and I believe that they have rowed over his attitude and maturity and she has ended it and now SS19 has nowhere and anyway, Im not entirely sure what has happened so Im speculating that SS19 has asked to move back in....OH not spoke, asked or told me anything......but he had better have said NO.......SS19 has been sleeping on the sofa for the last 2 nights, which Im also not happy about either.....OH got busy on Saturday decorating the nursery.....Ive had some more sh*t news re my health regarding the pregnancy, so OH wouldnt allow me to help in any way.... SS19 assisted a little, but did nothing on Sunday....he not even claiming social and has to start a new claim....OH and me struggling to support ourselves, Christmas and getting baby stuff ready, let alone supporting a grown adult......
My fear, is that OH will finish the nursery, and allow SS19 to sleep on the floor in the nursery....I dont want him there......I want him gone.....Ive had enough of dealing with SSs sh*t and I need the stress even less now......
Dont know how to bring the subject up to ask OH, Ive been waiting for him to tell me....but looks like im going to have too....
- stressedstep's blog
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Worst things is, He knows it
Worst things is, He knows it isnt all right with me....thats why he isnt saying anything!!....Im just gonna have to come out and ask what the plan is with him and tell him how I feel this time......
You say he doesn't have
You say he doesn't have anything or anywhere to go. If you think dad is going to toss him in the street, you're kidding yourself.
Giving him a hard deadline to get his act together and contribute a bit while saving for his own place may be better.
He has been living in and out
He has been living in and out of mine for the last 3 years............I set him up in a flat when nobody else could be bothered and IO was the one who organised getting people together to give him things for his flat........
SS19 LOST all of that on his own yes, kick him out instead of cuddling him up and telling him "all is fine with the world".....he should have grown the hell up years ago....
Besides, BM has a use for him, his brother has a flat....I do not want him and his lazy lying mouth anywhere near me and my home anymore...Im done with catering to him......
Thanks all......Ive seriously
Thanks all......Ive seriously lost it on this one....Im sickt to death of his sons causing nothing but mess, grief, sh*t, hassle, lies, deceipt and everything else they bring to the table!!
Im done supporting SSs....done it for years....SS19 needs to be f*cked off and told to reep what he sows for a damn change instead of being mothered and cuddled all the damn time!!...Does my head in..........
Im just gonna have a chat with OH and ask whats going on, and how long he planning on sleeping on the sofa....see what reply I get.....
Ill get back to you!! lol
Yes, it's evident that DH
Yes, it's evident that DH will not kick his own out onto the street right now. But SS19 can't be allowed to wear out his welcome.
The worst thing is NOT knowing what the plans are, so make some. Give him a week, two weeks, thirty get his act together. If he is as irresponsible as I have read here (don't know your back story) , then chances are he will do nothing to plan for where to go. DH needs to be ready to boot his ass out the door once the term is up.
When are you due? You need SS19 out ASAP for your well-being during the pregnancy. If SS19 is a substance abuser, he will never change until he makes that decision himself. He will continue to use people to put a roof over his head.
You said he is not claiming social? Why isn't he working? He's not going to have a choice before too long....
Stand your ground and make a plan with DH!
~ Moon
Im due February 11th, but my
Im due February 11th, but my due date has been bought forward to 37 to 38 weeks, which is January 21st to 28th due to Gest. they just found out my cervix is open internally and I have an amniotic I dont need the stress right now......
He was claiming social at his old address, but since he lost that flat now he has to re-claim.........he had a job but it was zero hour contract, so rather than LOOK for another job, he spent the last year dossing and doing f*ck all as per usual......
OH got him up at 6 this morning, told him to get the social started/sorted and get job hunting now.....
I simply cant talk to him at the moment.....I care little for what he is going through anymore.....I have wasted 3 1/2 years being there for this kid, taking him in....he told OH I had been more of a mother to him than BM......YET...he still lied about me, stabbed me in the back and basically broke my heart last time.....I was now, I stay un-attached to his issues.....I dont care, I dont care if all he has is a park bench.....yes its the cold should get his laze a** moving quicker then shouldnt it!.....I know its harsh.....I care even less for SS17.....
Don't wait for anyone to do
Don't wait for anyone to do anything and just kick him out now. If DH has a problem with it he can go too. You have a baby to think about.