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so angry!!!!

Christilynn's picture

OK spelling will not be that good cause i am so darn mad, just have to vent... i have tried my hardest ... i do everything for everyone in this house and him being there father and me the well....lets just say we agree on rules sit down talk to the kids, explaine.....were all in agreement 10 mins. later here comes 16 year old asking for something we all just said no on.... low and behold.... it's like i am slapped in the face... he lets him do it while i am saying no means no...rules are just that rules is wasnt 5 mins. ago we all agreed on this!@! ... he lets him go ... to me he just slapped me in the face, i am constantly disrespected and he just showed him what i say does not matter... he wants to be his friend rather than a parent .... this happens atleat once a day i am so freaking fed up!!!


Christilynn's picture

well i dont know about you but i do know me if what i say does not matter ...he cant be a man and back me up.... then i dont need to be there .... get a babysitter....or another female... but i am no doormat to anyone i give respect and demand it in return...

WTF...REALLY's picture

Its not natural for a blended family to work. Odds are against us. I truly feel men need women to run a household and when its a blended family...well...its just not natural.

hugs.....its going to happen to step moms.

Step parenting is not natural.

Christilynn's picture

ok sorry bout that just had to vent but for real i am at a total loss....he is constantly trying to be his friend his bro... while i am trying to help him raise and well mannerd, thoughtful, considerent, truthful, loving, well balanced young man.... every single time i make progress.... he chops me off at the knees.... i try telling him by your lack of actions in having my back and being a man of your word your teaching him its ok not to be a man of his a father not a friend.... he needs a father now not a friend... i have busted him shooting up with steriods.... his dad did not believe me... he confessed to his dad.....i busted him smoking weed.... he didnt believe me.....he confessed.....i do not lie.....but thats all he knows how to do and he is teaching him that....i told him councling or i am leaving him....i started looking for places...he got on phone made friday then pulled this tonight....the deal was ...he always has friends over...if you leave and have friends here...when you leave they leave....if they cant leave for some go nowhere....that simple....well tonight his dad who is suppose to have my back did just the opp. ...i told him no you know the rules...he took 3 friends with him but was going to leave one here ? i said umm no...he goes too..he said he cant...i said why..."attitude" he just cant...i said thats not acceptable answer ....why!! he said he was not invited.... i said well you dont go then.... he was mad... ya i didnt care.... ran to his daddy ...he told him it was ok...i said no its not!! 1- thats not the rule 2- thats extremely rude!! 3- have my back and do what we agreed on as parents.... nope let him go.... i told him do not talk to me i am so tired of his lies.... thats all he knows how to do..... i do not respect him or trust anything he says..... help please

Christilynn's picture

ya now hes wanting to say so now you think hes a bad kid ... lol.... i said no... he is actually a good kid crying out for attention and love and the only way he knows how to do it from you is selfishley because thats what you have taught him.... i am saying your being a bad father.... he needs a father not a friend.... father first ...friend second.... he is learning from your actions...or shall i say the lack of them... grow a set of balls i am tired of being only female in house full of boys with a set....back me up......sorry but thats what i said...

Christilynn's picture

long story but this kid had no where to go or anyone to get him tonight.... my deal is he should not have invited him over if he planned on going anywhere, or should have turned down invit. to go if friend couldnt go....he just cares about no one but himself and his dad teaches him thats ok....

Christilynn's picture

omg i know.... i tried that but i am cajun and i am like you i get so pissed i come storming out and say what i got to say... call them out on their lies ... make myself sick and why????? they dont care!!!

Christilynn's picture

he wants me to sit back look pretty mind listen take care of house and kids and shut my mouth be seen and not heard!!! i dont think so.... told him that but what gets me is i am madder at him than the kid because he had told his dad he does not respect him..... he plays him and knows he can get what he wants....and he still allows it and bows down to him.. but stabs me in the back when i am the only mother they have ever known, complete disrespect!!!!!!

Christilynn's picture

first off that is so not the case. Just so you know he begged me to help, personally asked me to give them rules and dicipline them as i felt needed, i told him i was really not comfortable with this but he assured me they needed it but he just didnt know how... i told him ok, but before i decide anything we will talk about it and discuss it agree on it then i will handle it....did that for awhile then i told him i was tired of being the bad one...he could be a man grow a set and take some of the heat by punishing his own kids, he would come up with punishment we would discuss it agree then he was to carry it out....well guess what he didnt like that too well....for the first time his 16yr old son told him he hated him...i told him it's ok he loves you if your child does not tell you they hate you atleast once in your life for having rules...your doing something wrong... all worked he they both lived through it....he said now i see what you were saying i am sorry for pawning my responsibilites off on you and not having your back....

Christilynn's picture

my computer crashed, just got new one and was dying to see your response tommar24365.... all this time and no response?.....typical male...can't handle strong woman who will not bow down and kiss your rear end....see it's men like you and your lack of respect for your lady....that puts most of us step mothers in this situation....God bless Merry Christmas........