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BF is an idiot

Biomomof2's picture

I just have to share!!! Kids told me BF is going to school on his GI Bill (yeh for contempt of court, he is suppose to sign it over to his ODD) to be a teacher. Hmmmmm hey stupid, you have a permanent domestic violence restraining order against you. It's why the military force retired you. But go ahead, waste your GI Bill on a career you can't have because you can't pass the background check.
Granted this only applies to the state we leave in, I don't know if it is a disqualifor for other states.... Ohhhhh maybe he is planning on moving!!!!!!


Biomomof2's picture

Focused because of what my bios are being put through and we are in the middle of court right now. Sooo he takes up for time then before and more then I wish he did

Biomomof2's picture

This is how court went down. He went in via telephone so it is all transcribed. Judge was figuring out dollar amount to have him pay for college. He was coming up with all excuses why he couldn't. Then finally brought up his GI Bill. Judge said well either way, either assign your GI Bill to her, or pay $xx.xx a month. He said he would assign his GI Bill to her. He was in 4 yrs after order was made. So it is in the court order that in leu of paying $xx.xx father agreed to assign GI Bill to daughter. Instead he used it himself and never even tried to assign it to her. So it wasn't a judge making him, it was him using it to get out of paying... And then didn't do it. Does that make sense??? It has been checked by a military attorney and it is legal since he was the one who offered it up.

furkidsforme's picture

So why not wish him well for wanting to continue his education and DO something with himself???? He's an ex, not the devil incarnate. People can change. And wishing harm on him is only bad karma for you. I get from your post that he abused you in the past, and for that I am sorry and glad you got out.

But can't you be a little happy, at least for any of the future women he may meet and date, if he grew as a person and did better for himself?

Biomomof2's picture

Ummm nope. As my 11 yr old would tell you... Dad can only keep a girlfriend for 2 weeks. That's what he gets for talking to the kids about everything. He is 44, both of his ex-wife's left him at the same age. Women over 30 don't put up with it. Sorry NPD and bi-polar people do NOT change.

Disneyfan's picture

Wait, what?

The OP is doing the very thing that many people do here every day. Plenty of posters want BMs to fail at whatever they do. No one wishes they will do well so that they will be better women to the next men they are involved with. Why is OK to hate on BMs but it wrong for the OP to hate on her ex husband? The jerk is just as bad as many of the BMs posted about here.

Biomomof2's picture

Look back over my posts. I don't hate him. That would take to much time. I hate what my bios are going though. And right now in the middle of a court battle, he is on my mind more then normal as I'm preparing with my attorney. Normally, I just hope for peace. For both me and my kids.

Biomomof2's picture

Okay, well you went from you can't to its a choice.
Like everything on this planet, it's a choice until court ordered. He was court ordered to pay for her college, he said in court she could use his GI Bill. So he hasn't paid or signed his GI Bill over. That is a contempt of court. Period.
I know many people on here hate their skid, I'm not too found of SGD either. But my ex-SD is not a bad kid. She is a great big sister to my bios and dad has never helped her with anything the 16 years ex paid CS for her, her mom never adjusted it. She does deserve this. Just my opinion on that.

Biomomof2's picture

Well, let's see. Courts said do one or the other. He choice GI BILL. It's in their order. Now he is using it.
As far as what I have or haven't done, military protected his ass. CS division wouldn't touch it because " at least he is paying something " needed an attorney to handle it. Now I have one.
If your tired of the bitching don't do it yourself. There is a lot you could do that you haven't.

Biomomof2's picture

They have protected him. They have sent letters to CS division that he had reached him garnishment limit. They have kept him from being arrested on RO violations multiple times. Said they would take care of it, but never did a thing. They have stopped the courts from filing the contempts and putting them on calendar. County clerk had a letter in file with contact information and date he retired to contact them prior to putting contempts on calendar. Everytime they were told to forward the packet to the military and they would handle it. They never did a thing. I have had his shirt show up at peaceful stand-by of PD for exchanges trying to tell the cops it's not nessacary for PD to be there. He's got it covered. The 3rd time PD stood their ground and said NOPe, we aren't leaving.

Disneyfan's picture

"I think some people are tired of the bitching because this could have been handled years ago but you did nothing about it."


This can be said about damn near everyone posting here.

Jsmom's picture

Let it go...He is not married to you anymore and can do what he wishes. The kid can pay for their own education or figure it out. Those are his benefits and he can use them how he likes.

Biomomof2's picture

Look, it's all kinda of in my face right now with court and I have a lot of desisions to make. Prior to court, he wasn't on my mind this much. But when I posted this it was right after the kids told me. I wasn't sitting around dwelling on it. The only effect this man has is on my bios.
And sorry, he was COURT ORDERED to either pay for her college or sign his GI BILL over to his oldest. He has done neither. So, nope he can't do whatever he wants. That is like saying for a SM it's my DHs check and he cando whatever he wants (when not paying child-support).
They same people that post on my posts about BF telling me to let it go, post the same stuff about BM. So is it only ok to post about bad BMs or what??
I do think he is an idiot. And do you all think anyone would be ok with this man teaching their children?!?! Really?!?

Sports Fan's picture

I would suggest looking into the GI Bill rules. My DH had to allocate the amounts for his kids at a certain point. He tried to change it later and was told he couldn't. Maybe he messed up assigning it to the child. If you find out that is the case, you would have more information to use for him to pay for the college outright.

Biomomof2's picture

He never even tried. I'm right next to a base and her mom is 300 miles from the closest so I do a lot of leg work for her. Using her supena I was able to pick up a copy of all paperwork in regards to it.

Sports Fan's picture

Thanks for explaining.i knew there were rules about the transfer. My DH had to do certain things for his kids to get his GI. I didn't know the details though.

WTF...REALLY's picture

For me, I want BM to do well. I am sick of working so damn hard raising her child, providing for het child. The woman contributes nothing!!!

So I really do wish she would do well.

And my ex, I could care less about the details Of his life. Rock ex...rock on.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I'd also like BioMonster to do well. She's been a moneygrubbing ho her entire life and is always telling the skids to hound my DH for more, more, more. When the CS dries up, she'll be in a world of hurt and likely be begging the skids for money. SInce she looks 20 years older than she really is, I don't think she'll be able to sell "IT" again once the skids have all moved out.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

BioMonster is lucky she managed to get a GED. Her idea of bettering herself is mani/pedis, hair salon visits, and clothes, clothes, clothes. Oh, and a "hot ride", which she is paying for with CS. She would never go to college or pursue higher education because it would be WORK.