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How should I handle this- Ex and DH

zerostepdrama's picture

This weekend BS has a wrestling meet in Ex's town. Ex has not been able to see BS wrestle since he started 3 years ago. Mostly because Ex doesnt have a car, lives 45 minutes away from our town and works weekends.

I let Ex know about BS's meet and he is going to try to make it. BS is obviously very excited.

DH has attended 90% of BS's meets. This is a big deal because DH isnt really into the "kid" thing. LOL.

I am really worried about feeling uncomfortable around Ex and DH.

Ex and I "get along". We co parent well. We dont agure. Mostly because I do all of the work and pay for everything and Ex knows that I do it all so he just goes with the flow. Its on him to step up and do what he needs to do. (long story) But in general we get along.

Ex always tries to be friendly to DH and DH kind of blows him off. I think its rude. I dont think that DH needs to be overly friendly but I dont think he needs to be rude either. Being RUDE doesnt help anything at all.

Ex and DH are OPPOSITES- 100%. Ex is friendly, social, outgoing, talkative. DH is the opposite of all of that. He sits at every meet and maybe mutters a few words. He doesnt engage with any of the other wrestling parents. I think they have given up trying to even talk to him. I on the other hand talk to all the wrestling parents. BS and I do appreciate DH being at the meets though. I think he just shows his support differently.

I think that DH has a lot of resentment for Ex because he is basically "raising" his child while Ex is doing his own thing and is a parent when he wants. But in all fairness DH is a SP when he wants. It's really me doing all the raising of BS. But I can get where DH is frustrated at.

We havent all 3 been around each other in a setting like this in probably 3+ years and that was at a soccer game. Ex had bought his GF at the time and we all sat by each other and all was fine. A lot has changed though since then, including Ex moving to the city he is in now and basically leaving it up to me and DH to raise BS.

Because of BM issues, DH just automatically thinks Ex= be a jerk. I dont believe this at all. I grew up with ALL of my SPs getting along. I grew up with Exes getting along. So its different for me.

Obviously I care first and foremost how DH feels but I also dont want to feel uncomfortable. I dont want BS to feel the tension in the air.

I do plan on talking to him about it beforehand.


zerostepdrama's picture

Oh yeah I am going to let him know he doesnt have to go if he doesnt want to. I feel like though if he knows Ex is going, he may want to go. Only because its a macho thing I think.

zerostepdrama's picture

To be clear- I do hold him (Ex) accountable. I CANT make him get a car and liscence and move back to our city and take BS EOW and pay CS. I have done everything that I am suppose to do. I play "Nice nice" for the sake of my son. I could "punish" him and "force" him to step up to parent more by keeping BS from him ( I think that is the only thing that would "help") but I would never do that to my BS. When Ex wants to see BS, I let him. When Ex calls BS, I let him talk to him. When BS wants to call his dad, I allow him.

And so what if this site is all about someone with a skid in there house??? Doesnt mean that everyone's feelings are the same or situations are the same.

Ninji's picture

Why do you and DH have to sit next to your X? The very few times that BM has attended anything for the kids, we sit on one side and she sits on the other. SO and I do not talk to BM at these events. We are there to see the kid not visit with BM.

zerostepdrama's picture

We dont. But I think my Ex will just sit by us and try to be friendly and DH will just be distant. I dont know if Ex will get the hint. We will probably be there way before Ex because of weigh ins and warm up.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Your ex knows about the game. End of story. If your DH goes with you, doon't look for ex at the game, don't sit with ex at the game. You're all there to support the kid.

zerostepdrama's picture

Thank you. This is helpful. I am not really used to these interactions, so it does make me feel a little uncomfortable and nervous about what to expect. Our interactions for the past 3 years have been a brief pick up/drop off- hi and bye and that is it. I'm probably worrying about it more then needed, but like I said this is somewhat new to me.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Same for us. BioMonster had a fit when SD18 gave us tickets for the center area for her graduation and we wouldn't sit with her. WTF?!