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There will be blood.... and yes this is long.

MissElphaba's picture

It's been a while since my last post..for several reasons. My DS11mths and I passed a viral stomach flu back and forth for a week, and then the following week I was busy with work and family gatherings.

Two weekends ago we had MSH for the weekend. It started with SO mentioning IN THE CAR, that we were stopping at such and such store and by the way MSH would be picked up there. :jawdrop: Now, months ago I told him that I was NO LONGER going to even have to breathe within the same 25 feet as the GHSH, so I stopped talking to him. For the weekend. I really do not care if that shows my age or what, I am sick of getting walked all over because he's too afraid to tell her to shove it and meet up at a convenient time for SO to pick her up! The woman gets and inch and takes a mile, which we found out last year when she was allowed to drop of MSH at our apartment and proceeded to leave and then come back and COME INSIDE for twenty or so minutes. I was livid.

So during that weekend, I don't say much to either of them. A. He's in the doghouse. B. She's not my kid, it's not my job to entertain her.

I had work on Saturday, thank goodness, so I had an excuse. He took MSH and my ds to his friend's house, because GOD FORBID he parent them both. So his friend's wife kept the baby while he sat on his phone, and the friend's daughter's took MSH to the mall. When I got home, he made an effort to do ALL the laundry in the house and make dinner. I was still too fumed at him to care, and when we're not getting along this way it puts my stomach in knots and I won't eat. He knows this, but it seems to fuel his fire a little so now we're just outright saying mean things to each other.

He then proceeded to huff and puff and spitefully take them to a Christmas light display. He announced it while I was putting my pajamas on after getting out of the tub. He said, that was his invitation and if I wanted to go I needed to deal with it. :O So, he then left in a huff, and wasn't able to get on the lot of the display anyway! That was also my fault, dontcha know.

Sunday - I take my son to my parents, SO is continuing to treat me with hostility and I continue to ignore him. I did tell him before I left that if he was going to continue to change his entire behavior pattern and be disrespectful of ME whenever MSH and GHSH snapped their scaled fingers, that I was done. That it was a shame our relationship didn't work out, that I loved him, but that love is simply not enough anymore. I said that I would not keep our DS away from him and we could work out a parenting plan together and I would work with him financially to make sure DS had everything he needs. Well, that seemed to change his tune. Although, I think the prospect of being alone is really what hit him. That, and his daughter cried that she'd never see her brother. :sick: So he put his act together and showed up at my parents, after he'd released her back to the kraken, for dinner.

Two weeks go by, illnesses, a mild car accident, holiday..etc. Come to Christmas Day.

SO, DS, and myself are at my parents house for opening of gifts for DS and dinner. My mom has VERY GENEROUSLY laid out a filled stocking and several gifts for MSH, then asks when we'll have her again. SO says, this weekend. :? :jawdrop: .

This was the first I get the hear about it, so you can bet as soon as we got home I laid into him about unilaterally deciding my weekend AGAIN. He lost his mind. It went from my not liking her, to my hating her, to him catering to me and having to ignore his daughter for me. He doesn't think I should dictate when he sees his daughter, he doesn't like the GHSH but he has to do what she says otherwise she'll withold MSH, that I used to care whether or not MSH was here and I wanted her to be around and like me etc, but now I don't and that'll get me nowhere with him. He then flipped out on me calling me every name he could think of, saying I'm lazy, entitled, and a complete brat. He doesn't know if he wants to live with me anymore because he doesn't know how I'm going to be any kind of good mother with our new baby, when apparently our DS has caused me to not want his daughter around.He also claims I'm embarassed by her, which is 100% true, because between the GHSH putting lies and so forth in her head and SO's lack of ability to correct her, she'll say whatever whenever wherever and I wasn't raised that way and I don't think it's appropriate to bring her to my family's house for things when she can't function like an appropriate 10 year old.

So, because I told him that he needs to STOP making choices that affect me without telling me ahead of time, that he needs to continue to treat me like his adult partner EVEN when MSH is with him, and that he needs to parent her so that she acts like a normal member of society when she's in our care...I am a terrible mother, girlfriend, and person. :?

We've been barely tolerating each other for two days. He was called in for work yesterday, and therefore did not have her at all. The fight continued into today. I'm starting to lose respect for him as a man and as a father. I don't think this is the way a real man acts and so I'm starting to look at alternatives to this. Maybe I should leave. It would suck to raise two children in a split household, but there are worse things. I think that coming into it from a "step" perspective might make me a little less controlling, but who knows. I'm running out of reasons to stay. Sad


onstrike's picture

I don't understand why these men don't parent their children,but get pissed when we stepmoms don't want to be around their brats. If they were pleasant skids,it would be easier to want them around.
I had to put my foot down with dh. He and Bm had a willy nilly visitation schedule,and I was sick of not being able to plan anything because bm is looking to dump sd8 off on anyone,constantly. I insisted on boundaries and a set schedule.
My dh is lazy and wanted a nanny and a servant. Unfortunately he raised sd8 to be an entitled brat,so I have stopped trying to help. Dh is hostile about it.
I feel for you and suggest you insist on a set schedule and to be notified right away of any changes. You deserve to be respected in your home. Have you tried counseling? Dh and I are about to.

MissElphaba's picture

I've been thinking about counseling. SO is not very feeling-oriented, so I doubt he'd go, but I had gone before and I'm starting to think I should go back.

MissElphaba's picture

Oh - there's a court order. They have joint custody. It was made when GHSH was living in Sametown as SO, she then moved over an hour away to live with new boyfriend. She swiftly changed MSH's school and got CS. She knows that he can not financially afford to get an attorney and take her to court, so she just sits up on her throne of scales and dictates when he sees MSH. He never has said no to a visitation, and when he once faltered on saying OMG YES... immediately, she decided to revoke the offer and didn't speak to him for a month.

New Boyfriend's town is also a wealthier, more afluent area than ours. We live in a more country-esque area with lots of farm land when she inevitably started fooling around on new boyfriend and he kicked her out, she started renting a home she couldn't afford and took SO for the CS...and because of where she lives it's SO much more than it would be here and it's just been a total nightmare. She pulled MSH out of extra activities and told her that it was because SO wouldn't pay for them in addition to CS. There's no updated order after this whole thing happened almost two years ago.

Maybe I am a terrible person, but I have one soon-to-be two baby boys to worry about. I want consistency in their lives with or without her and this arrangement doesn't work. My SO doesn't know where to turn because GHSH's family will pay for her attorney and all those things, and he can't afford it. I don't really know how to point him in the right direction in that respect. GHSH always gets her way, and SO allows her to continue that...and I'm just over it. I'm an adult in this relationship, we have children... and it's time that he started growing up and making tough choices. GHSH would NEVER keep MSH away from SO, because then she'd be on her own for everything all the time...SO doesn't see that, or he's too pig headed to see it.

I don't know. I'm rambling. I'm upset.

Sootica's picture

This has got to stop as it shows complete disregard & disrespect for you -an adult who SHOULD have an equal say in your home together.The CO is in place for a reason so it needs to be adhered to.This use to happen with my DH all the time & use to drive me insane.In our case custody is 50/50 but BM would dump SS at a moments notice with DH whenever the mood struck her & DH would agree.After coming home from work for the umpteenth time to find SS was staying with us unscheduled because BM & DH had arranged it, I blew my top.I informed DH I would not have another woman having the ultimate say regarding what would be happening in OUR marital home.DH did try the whole "don't you think I want to see my son as much as I can" to which I replied "In that case you should have stayed with BM's lying cheating ass then you could see your son 24/7!".Now if there are any changes to be made to the visitation schedule (unscheduled) DH ALWAYS runs it by me first prior to agreeing to anything as he has finally realised these changes impact on US as a couple & as such decisions should be made TOGETHER.

MissElphaba's picture

When he gets angry at me like that, he has no appropriate filter. She cries about every disagreement we have because she still thinks that "fighting" is why her parents SO refuses to further degrade the GHSH and tell her the truth about the cheating/lying/seahaggy behavior she pulled on him over the course of their marriage. (I agree with that, she's too young to know that about her mother.) So when we don't agree on what brand of baby wipes to buy (random example), she thinks we're breaking up.