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My "coochie burns " /nasty & manipulative

hatemyhusband's picture

We have a pool or we would go to pools, from 4-6 years old, each and every time my SD went swimming, it was always my coochie burns. Everyone else was fine, no issues with private parts or eyes. Each and every time. My H would rinse her with a hand held shower each and every time, or just bathe/shower her, whichever. When she was about 6 or so, maybe 7 , he thought she was too old and asked me to do it. I remember that day, it was at a water park. My kids are having fun and I can't be with them,, because I'm helping this nasty manipulative bitch in training rinse her " coochie". ( I just started shower and stood guarding nearby, not directly looking at her just guarding her from others )Then SD of course demands to leave water park, of course H thinks we should all leave. I told him go take care of her, and come back for us, or don't. We will find our way back. Next time, same thing, "coochie" burns. This time we took separate cars cause I smartened up.,since she had no one to shower and no one to inconvenience with leaving the water park except her dad, her " coochie" never ever burned after that day.

Looking back, I can't believe I was stupid enough to actually believe her at first. And then just see it as a plea for attention. It was that, but it was more than that. It was a seriously disturbed child acting out. And I can't believe I actually went along with rinsing her.

Raggles story about daddy "helping" his naked 17 year old and staying in the bathroom at length reminded me of this. of course the parents have failed, but these girls are disturbed, and dangerous, and manipulative. Raggles, sometimes when we are too close to things, it's hard to see them clearly. Like me, I am so disgusted even writing this, I can't believe at one point, I was encouraging my H to take her to the doctor actually believing her. Yeah a man helping his 17 year old naked daughter bathe, that's beyond acceptable. That's criminal.


ctnmom's picture

Yesss it was a manipulation. If it wasn't, it'd be a long term problem for her!My mom can't tolerate chlorine, her parents learned early on she couldn't ever swim in pools. She's 71 now and her sensitivity never went away. (she has lots of skin issues this is just one of them)

Maxwell09's picture

Yeah for those of yall that believe that's too young for manipulation it's really not. SS3's new favorite thing is to make himself throw up when he doesn't want to eat something. And you can say that there's no way that possible but it's happened 6 or 7 times and it's with food he will like one week and not the next. He also only managed to "be sick" after he's said he's finished but me or DH tell him to finish his plate. When he's ready to get up and play he knows exactly what to do so that he can get the heck out of dodge.

hatemyhusband's picture

I should have said she's 12 now. And swims in pools/water parks very regularly for the past 5 years plus or so with no issues/ complaints. It stopped immediately after no one was willing to shower her, and only her dad left to take her home, not all of us.

Echo, using the word coochie is just one of many things I had to explain to my kids was inappropriate. She was twerking before twerking was a word, thrusting her pelvis while dancing at length at 4 years old.( my H thought this was cute). Wearing full heavy make up at 8 years old. Making false cleavage out of her rolls of breast fat at 6 years old. Wearing high heel wedges at about 7-8 years old, she has extremely large feet and could wear women's sizes at a young age. I could go on, that's not a complete list. Another reason I was stupid stupid stupid. I should have left, instead of buying into my H bullshit exscuses and thinking I could "help"