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A skid weekend of drama

MidwestStepmom's picture

So ss received a 0/200 on a social studies project. Not doing his homework has been an issue that has been addressed at partial inpatient therapy. Bm said she would do a better job at checking his homework. Dh only sees ss13 every other weekend. Dh checked ss grades and noticed this mark, he texts Bm on Friday asking for the instructions for the project, ss was able to say exactly where is was in his bag. So this morning
Dh texted her again asking for the instructions. She sent a long text back going off on a rant about how she is a great mom and that she had other kids that need attention and that we will receive CPS visits this summer since we have called CPS on her.

I'm pissed at lazy ass ss13 that can't do his fricken homework and I'm pissed at Bm for not parenting ss and checking his work. Bm will regret this when ss can't get into a college or keep a job and ss ends up living with her his entire life. No way is he living here, I will pack my shit and move out the day dh asks me if he can live here.


ChokinOnLemonz's picture

So it's too hard to even let his father KNOW what the kid needs to do a project? What a lazy bitch. How hard is it to pass on instructions FFS?

MidwestStepmom's picture

It's ridiculouse that someone can be so lazy. Dh found blank maps from the internet and made ss color and title all the countries. Ss13 did not like this and said he wouldn't get credit for it because it wasn't exactly what the teacher wanted. Dh said oh well, ss13 may receive no credit for the work we made for him, so I hope he learns a lesson.

However, I do t think he will. He is turning into a lazy ass like his mother.

Every fricken time ss "forgets" his homework it turns my house into a drama text war. Ss is so selfish because he knows they fight when he pulls this shit. Bm fills his ears as soon as drop off, telling ss dh is a deadbeat.

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

She's insane. Any normal person can just pass on the information needed for their child without crying over CPS and going into character assassination.

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

Definitely keep that text! CPS and family courts aren't too impressed with these kinds of games.

MidwestStepmom's picture

After dealing with CPS over 8 years I've come to learn that they don't give a shit about this petty stuff. They will only get involved if the skid has been physically harmed, maybe. Bm doggie shamed ss a few years ago and sent the video to dh. We had actual proof and called CPS , the case was shut as fast as it was open.

MidwestStepmom's picture

We also just found out that ss13 missed school on Friday, only because Bm had an appointment with her youngest child and she didn't want to do all the extra driving. Ss struggles in school, this is not a smart move on her end.

Monchichi's picture

Much as we all may not like it, our SK schooling success or failure has a huge impact on us. BM expects SS to launch at 18 with no tertiary education. She has literally stated CS stop in matric and SS must go get a job. It's completely unrealistic and we all know. SS will not launch when he is being enabled to be disabled. SO and I recently discussed this. SS is not coming to live with us on his failure to launch. SO must be a grown up and plan in the next 10 years for SS to either go in to a community/ centre for disabled children or SO must ensure SS can go to technikon and live there. This is truly where I believe SEP!

Disneyfan's picture

This boy is 13 years old. He should be able to tell his dad exactly what the teacher wants. I'm sure the teacher has explained what to do several times. More than likely, the class went over the instructions as a group when the project was first assigned. Mommy and daddy should not be the ones trying to figure out what a 13 year old has for homework. :? Kind of strange he knows that coloring and labeling maps isn't the assignment, yet he can't tell dad 2hat he is suppose to do.

My family and I wen't to disney world last week. On the flight down, I had my nieces start their homework. (Nieces were I the back of plane with my son and I. Nephew was upfront with my sister and BIL). My niece had not problem telling me all about the science project she had to do. After she was done yapping about it, I looked at the packet it was was exactly what she said it was.

Racking up a bunch of zeros and failing the class might be what this kid needs.