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I need somewhere to be completely honest...

rlock12's picture

Please be kind if you make a comment....

I think I'm done with the relationship. I really don't want to try anymore. I'm sick being the one doing everything. I just don't know how to do it. This relationship isn't benefiting any. All my husband and step does is take and they are so rude.

I mean it's so bad. The husband wouldn't get up to help me with my kids. I have huge infection on my leg. I can't hardly walk. I'm running fever with chills. All he does is sit in the bed and tells my 11,year old to take care of the two year old. My 11 year old helped with cooking dinner and getting bathes done because I can't stand because of the pain. Of course I'm with her giving her instruction s but I shouldn't if had to do that with another grown person in the house. I'm always doing things for him. He's son is at Mom's but I take care of Son 75% of time.

I'm just sick of him taking and not giving back to me.. I can't do this anymore really need encouragement I want to end the relationship.


meghuneyntyson's picture

I get it. I've been in this one for three years and every couple of months - hell, probably every couple of weeks - I'm right back to where you are.

It's a lot when you have your own things to handle and then haul the majority of someone else's weight. I get that a marriage/relationship is the blending of all of that, but is it fair for one person to handle the most of it? And its a very personal choice as to what kind of weight you can handle.

So I get it. Trust me. I do.

thinkthrice's picture

He's showing his true colours. Time to start planning your exit IMHO.

Monchichi's picture

Oh honey, call it a day and move on. Even if you have to plan and save. Make the decision, put your plans in place and move out. You deserve better.

rlock12's picture

I'm going to talk to DH because he will step up with the kids so I can work. I just live two hours away. I'm thinking about moving back and having him keep kids so I can work. We have always worked the other day off so we don't have to pay babysitting. We still have a decent relationship we work together for the kids sake.

Glassslipper's picture

Talk? Can you talk to him? Without fighting or raising voices or verbalizing frustration, can you talk?

I noticed when me and DH moved in together, I was doing 75% and him 25%, I told him he needs to do his half, and I can't do it all. He agreed and we split things more.
About 6 months later, he sat me down for the talk, he was right, he was doing about 80% and I was just covering here and there, but he was taking more of the load.

It fluctuates.
Now we actually have agreed on "jobs"
He gets home 30 minutes before me, he cooks dinner
He gets the mail and makes the coffee.
We split the laundry, I wash and fold, then I leave it on the bed.
He puts the laundry away.
When I say "the house needs to be cleaned, he gets out all the cleaners and starts wiping down the kitchen while I get out the vacuum"

It took a few talks but we agreed on how to help run the house.

If you can talk, that would be good Smile

rlock12's picture

Yes I have talk to him. He sees it as He worked all day and he doesn't think he needs to do anything when he gets home. There other things like he willnt interact with my kids or help with them when I work but I keep his kid when him ex wife work. He has impossible for me to hold a Job because he just willnt help with the kids but I'm expected to help with ss. Its nobody takes into consideration what I want just make plans I'm expected to go along with it. Him and his ex wife are always making decisions about where the sons going and doing. I'm doing the work of getting him there. I get left with ss a lot. It's like they dump him on me. A lot of times it happens when I'm not around to really defend myself.

Andie91801's picture

Agree with Sally. Get yourself healthy, get everything in order and kiss him good bye. You deserve better and your kids deserve better.

Take good care of yourself and your love ones.


rlock12's picture

I feel like a live in babysitter and maid. If I don't go along with everything I deal nasty attitude.

Tuff Noogies's picture


you are being emotionally and financially abused. find a therapist or take your kids w/ you to a women's shelter. you feel like the babysitter and maid because you ARE.

an anonymous internet board helps tremendously, but you need much more help than we can give.