OMFG With the Cell Phone
SO bought SD another cell phone about a month ago. (She lost the first one last year)
It has been nothing but drama since then.
I got upset because they were calling 4-5-6x's a night and texting that's not counting the times they were calling in the morning before school and after school before I picked SO up from work. Ridiculous. When I mentioned it to SO, he got mad and said he'll talk to his kids as much as he wants.
Well, I'm not the only one that got sick of it. The phone is now banned from BM's house. But she didn't bother to tell us. This is what happened.
Over the weekend, SD told SO that new SF is getting mad because every time he tells SS to do something or SS gets in trouble he runs to the phone and calls SO (SO never told me this). SS was told to stop doing that because he was going to cause SD to lose her phone privileges at BM's house.
Monday, SO is freaking out because Skids haven't called him...Now this is less than 24hrs after we dropped them off at BM's house. Yesterday, Tuesday, SO asked me to email SD's teacher to have her call him during lunch on the school's phone. Teacher didn't read the email until after school was out.
We get home Tuesday night, SO is in an uproar. He knows SF took the phone and they are just trying to control SO. Then this morning SO contacted BM. Apparently BM told him that she wasn't giving the phone back to SD and he was out the money. I told him to call the cops and report it. She can say the phone doesn't come back to her house but she can't steal it. She concedes and the phone is coming back to our house Friday.
For Two days and this morning on the ride to work, all I hear about is this damn phone. IT"S FOUR DAYS A WEEK. I think he can go 4 days without talking to Skids. It's causing more drama than it's worth.
I understand his point, he want's SD to have a phone because BM works nights. They have only known SF for a year and SO worries. Also, when BM does allow Skids to talk to SO she puts her phone on speaker and listens the entire time.
I can also undertand SF. SS is a huge pain the ass and SS does NOT respect SF. Lies to us about the guy all the time.
I think SO should just suck it up. He sees his kids three days a week. A lot more than some divorced fathers. Is it idea, no. He wants to be a part of their lives every day, but that's what happens when you impregnate a woman you have only known for two months. You don't know she's a shitty mom (even though she already had to kids she was being a shitty mom too) and she's a REALLY shitty EX.
I wish this was the 80's with NO CELL PHONES!!!
- Ninji's blog
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I agree that BM can take the
I agree that BM can take the phone when from SD at her house, but when we pick up Kids this Friday, she needs to give it back to SO. He paid for it.
SD had a phone last year and there was no problem with it, but she lost it. BM has every right to say no cell phone in my house but she has to give the phone SO bought back to him.
I told him the phone was a
I told him the phone was a bad idea before he bought it. He doesn't listen to me. Now he's out $160, even if BM gives him the phone back. I guess he can try to sell it but it's just a cheap Metro PCS phone. Oh well, maybe this will teach him a lesson.
Can I suggest going to your
Can I suggest going to your nearest ladies granny panties stockists. Buying a pair of big pink floral bloomers, giving them to your H and telling him I say "Suck it up buttercup, you do not need to speak to your children every day 5 times a day".
I agree that SO is teaching
I agree that SO is teaching Skids to disrespect SF and BM. He says all the time the guy is wimp and he'll kick the guys ass. Then he gets upset that when he hears that SS is not listening to SF. The kid is getting mixed signals.
Emailing the teacher to have
Emailing the teacher to have SD use the school phone is not a great idea. The teacher has no desire to get in between BD and BM in the phone war. And it is most likely against school policy for the teacher to facilitate this type of call.
Most schools have policies about student phone use as the school phone is for school business. Most schools have a limited number of lines that a multitude of school personnel is trying to use for school business. School phones are not for parents to have how are you conversations with their child.
SO survived without constant contact before and he will now. Do not feed his need to be a Velcro parent.
It felt awkward doing it but
It felt awkward doing it but that school lets Skids call SO all the time.
SO needs to let go. He's worse now than when they were 4 and 6 and BM was in the bar everynight leaving them alone with their 14yr old sister and 11yr old brother. They are 9 & 11 now and SF and 16yr old brother is home with them now.
tell dh to knock it off w/
tell dh to knock it off w/ the damn drama or he'll find the phone shoved right up his ass.

"It felt awkward doing it but
"It felt awkward doing it but that school lets Skids call SO all the time"
Why in the world do the kids need to call their dad during the day from school and "all the time"? Wouldn't something like that be reserved for an emergency?
SS's teacher lets him call
SS's teacher lets him call when he has melt down's, which is just about every day but SO gets called 2-3x's a month. SD calls because she panics. She forgot something at home, is she supposed to get on the bus, she started her period (this call is getting old). Calls that should go to BM because she is 10minutes from the school and we are 1hr away at work. I think it's too much, but I have no control over what the school allows....FYI each teacher has a phone in their class room.
I guess I'm considering 2-4 calls a month a lot. Maybe to other people it wouldn't be. SO is also friends with one of the teachers on FB and has her pass on messages to the kids too. Again, I think it's way over board.
Sorry but he sounds like some
Sorry but he sounds like some of the BMs on here who try to run everything.
Just imagine If this was the other way around and it was BM calling, BM giving them phone, BM calling SM names, BM friends with a teacher!