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Halloween - I don't get it

BettyRay's picture

BM wants SS13 for trick-or-treating on Halloween. It's our weekend with SS13. So DH told BM "you can pick him at our house at 3 on Halloween. BettyRay and I will pick him up at your house at 8"

What I don't get:

1. SS13 is 13 - why make a big deal out of trick-or-treating NOW, at this age?
2. Why make it easy for him to load up on candy? SS13 is a sugar hound and has the cavities to prove it.
3. Why waste all this time planning (DH and BM) when the kid can't bother to take care of his teeth? SS13 isn't brushing his teeth and the orthodontist called him out on it this week. He's getting white spots and has to go for extra, brushing check-ups.

I just don't get it.....

BTW - What DH didn't tell BM or SS13 is that DH took this opportunity to plan a date night for he and I. Dinner out at our favorite restaurant. Dirol Bonus points for DH! I don't mind schedule changes when DH does things like this.



ChiefGrownup's picture

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Enjoy date night!

That said, I love Halloween.

DaizyDuke's picture

I don't know... as I got older trick or treating wasn't really about the candy for me, it was about the dressing up and being silly or scary. I trick or treated right through my Sr. year in high school when a whole bunch of us cheerleaders and football players swapped uniforms and went as each other. Yes, we were probably annoying to the adults handing out candy, but we didn't care, we had fun.

I'm actually seriously considering dressing up to take BS5 trick or treating this year. He is going to be a police officer, so I thought it would be fun to dress up as his prisoner. Maybe BM is a Halloween lover? Or is this some new found interest for her 13 years later??

Disneyfan's picture

What a bunch of meanies Smile

I give everyone candy. I'd rather have the teens around here out trick or treating than running around throwing eggs at people.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

I'll give anyone candy, even adults. With one caveat: you must be in costume. Make an effort. If I see any teens in my neighborhood being assholes, I call their parents. Everybody knows everybody around here.

DPW's picture

This is my rule as well - regardless of age, must be in a costume or no candy for your belly.

Disneyfan's picture

Same here

Most aren't in costumes. Hell, most of them use plastic grocery bags from the corner Bodega to tote their loot.LOL

CBCharlotte's picture

I think I trick or treated until senior year of HS! SD15 is going with her friends, I forget what she is being. SD12 is going with her friends as Alice in Wonderland (she is Alice since she is blonde, one girl is the cheshire cat, one girl the mad hatter, etc).

As long as they are staying out of trouble, I say let them have fun. SDs even offered to give me their Almond Joys (my favorite) since they don't like almonds!!!

It is our weekend, but we are letting them go home to BMs neighborhood and trick or treat, since that is where all their friends are. I can't wait to see their costumes!