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I'm back - and thanks for the messages :-)

WalkOnBy's picture

Been out of touch for a bit. My beloved grandmother passed away last week, as some of you know. To those who sent messages, thank you so much for your support. I am sorry that I couldn't respond to them, but I was up to my ass in cleaning out 94 years of a life in record time in order to get my grandmother's condo ready to be sold. Haven't even processed much of her passing just yet, haven't really had the time.

I see I didn't miss much while I was gone - lol!!

The good news - DH is out of town for the next three days so I get to check in to a hotel Smile I am very thankful for that, because a little bit of solitude is just what I need. That and a little retail therapy disguised as Christmas shopping.

The better news? Only 10 days until the skids leave for California with DH's parents!! They won't be home until New Year's Eve day!! Wah hoo!!! Merry Christmas to me!!!!

Oh and Medusa has yet to respond to the Discovery surprise there. Awesome Attorney will be filing a motion to compel sometime this week.

And, so it goes.


WalkOnBy's picture

I did, Lady, and thank you so much.....she was 94 and in great health until about 6 months or so ago. She had a great run - I hope I am that lucky!!

WalkOnBy's picture

Oh, there was ugliness. I think tonight while I am at the hotel I will post about my ASSHOLE cousin/sister (I have blogged about her here before) and the PITA neighbor named Jerry.

My grandmother's court in the condo complex could certainly give Peyton Place or Melrose Place a run for their money.

WalkOnBy's picture

I commented on someone's blog post, though I can't remember whose it was right now. Sally chimed in, saying something like she was glad I was still alive and that's where I mentioned my Grandma's death.

I kept meaning to get back here to post, but there was/is sooooo much to get done Sad

WalkOnBy's picture

I am trying to find the time to squeeze that in. My husband's well timed trip out of town will certainly help that, as I can lock myself in my hotel room tonight and eat pizza and watch tv and just veg out.

Who am I kidding? I will be stopping to pick up a bottle of wine and will surf STalk all night long - lol!!!

BettyRay's picture

Sorry for your loss.

I was executor for my Uncle; settling his affairs, cleaning out his house and selling it was like having a second full-time job. Although I don't know what you're going through I can totally relate - I really didn't have time to think and that whole period is a blur for me. Your post brought back a lot of memories.

Take care of yourself and retail therapy always does wonders for me. Wink


WalkOnBy's picture

my mom is the executrix, but she was in no shape to go through the house and handle all the phone calls, so that fell to me.

It is totally like having a full time job - thankfully, my boss was very good about letting me be home and not here at work.

The Realtor is a friend of mine, and I totally trust her. It will be a big load off my mind when it sells, but then we have to take everything that we took out for showing the condo back in to do the estate sale.

Ugh - so much stuff to deal with.

BettyRay's picture

Oh the memories - I went through that too. I staged the house and took a bunch of furniture and stored it in my garage. Then had to put everything back for the family to pick out what they wanted.

I ended up calling a local furniture resale shop - they came out to the house bought a bunch of stuff and took it with them when they left it was awesome.

I had to get appraisals on some items that were willed to certain individuals. It was a total education for me.


WalkOnBy's picture

We have already picked out (and removed) the items that we want. Thankfully, the furniture that I needed to remove was limited and crappy, so it made just dismantling it and tossing in the garbage really simple Smile

The estate sale company will come in the second that the house sells and inventory for the estate sale, which will take place as soon as practical.

I like your method, too. I might have to rethink my plan for the estate sale.

hereiam's picture

I am so sorry for your loss, WOB. It is so hard, no matter the age.

Unfortunately, I just got the call yesterday about my own dear grandmother.

hereiam's picture

Thank you.

My paternal grandmother died in May of this year. As hard as that was, this is bringing up a lot of emotions, as this is my mom's mom and I lost my mom when I was a teenager. It just feels like my mother dying all over again, if that makes any sense.