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It's just a teenage thing

Cooooookies's picture

and there's nothing you can do about it.

DH's exact words when I told him I'm tired of SS13 giving me dirty looks. He was giving me a dirty look because I caught him sneaking screens when they were supposed to be done for the night. Oh yeah, he has screens back already. In the same week he was caught lying about eating fruit that he threw away.

Nothing to be done about that? Well, welcome to me being 100% disengaged, DH... what are you going to do about that?

DH's pitying and coddling instead of parenting has already led SS into being a pants pooping, screen addicted, porn addicted, disrespectful bumhole of a skid. Now there's nothing that can be done when he's being disrespectful? And the eating healthy thing has already gone right out the window.

Good gawd I just could not imagine parents on this Earth who are so clueless. Gonna be an interesting next 5 years to say the least...


I.hate.cats's picture

Ugh,I feel your pain! DH went out and stole (yes, you read that right) an ipod for SS14 who has refused to take his ADHD meds, do his chores, has truancy issues because he won't get up in the morning and just tanked on his report card because-he seemed sorry. FML.

Cooooookies's picture

:jawdrop: STOLE?! OMG! I can't even I mean what?!

That's really bad. I don't even know what I'd do with that. I feel your pain hun. Jeeeez!

Cooooookies's picture

Wow I had no idea about her back story. I hope for her son's sake, she's now packing her bags and getting the heck out of there. Why would you let anyone abuse your son?!

Cooooookies's picture

I took the screens away again but who knows when DH will give them back. That is my last parental activity. I need to disengage completely as I cannot care more than his parents. And yes I'm losing respect for him in regards to being a parent and it does feel like crap.

Cooooookies's picture

Well, he is. But I absolutely refuse for our marriage to have any troubles/drama/fights/fail due to anything to do with BM2 or BM2 by proxy...SS13. I married DH and I need to focus on that.

WTF...REALLY's picture

I am so much happier now that I disengaged. I just say Hi, goodnight, have a nice day.

Much more blissful.

And if I got stink eye from her, I'd just give it right back. }:)

Cooooookies's picture

Yes that sounds blissful and exactly what I've been doing this weekend. Actually I haven't even said hi or bye. It's been quite relaxing. And I've been practicing my stink eye look. }:)

Cooooookies's picture

Oh he's never getting a smartphone back as long as he lives under my roof. He was only sneaking tv and xbox. When he ever gets to use a mobile phone, Little Pervert gets a basic 10-key phone until he's on his own.

Cooooookies's picture

I've hid all the remotes and unplugged all of the electronics and zip-tied the cords together. Trust me, that's more than enough as SS doesn't have the brain power or basic coordination or knowledge of tool use to get around that. }:)