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ASS's plan.......LOL!

WalkOnBy's picture

Update on ASS’s “plan.”

So, Band Festival was on Saturday and DH had to drive ASS home from the high school where it was held. Said high school was about an hour away. Saturday night, I asked DH if any conversations had taken place – my way of gently reminding him that he has a Therapist assignment – and he said that yes, he and ASS had a little talk on the way home.

Me – oh, good, so you two are working on the exit plan?

DH – well, sort of.

Me – mmm hhhmmm, what does that mean?

DH – his plan is to go live with Medusa’s dad and SM. Says MedusaDad will get him a job that the restaurant he has recently invested in.

Me - hhhmmm, sounds like a plan. Wonder if MedusaSM knows about this plan. I have a hard time believing she would be on board for that.

DH – yeah, he says that MedusaDad will get him an apartment. Or let him live in one of their empty rentals.

Me – hmmm. So, is there a rental near the restaurant?

DH – nope.

Me – oh, so are they going to help ASS get his driver’s license?

DH – I don’t know. I asked ASS what kind of job he would be doing and if that was something he was looking forward to.

Me – and?

DH – yeah, he said that he would only work for MedusaDad if it didn’t get in the way of his company.

Me – oh, so no progress then?

So, that is ASS’s plan. To take his non-driving ass to live in a place that isn’t near the minimum wage job his grandfather will give him, but ONLY if that doesn’t interfere with his company.

And, so it goes.


robin333's picture

As long as he isn't living with you...

How long before graduation? I vote that STALKERS should have some champagne on thar date to celebrate with you.

WalkOnBy's picture

"As long as he isn't living with you..."


He turns 18 on Friday, and graduates on June 5.

WalkOnBy's picture

ASS's company - you know, the one that only exists in his head.

I actually take that back - he did start a "company." He has made a grand total of $200 doing affiliate marketing.

Wouldn't want a real job getting in the way of all that dough.

don't forget, a few weeks ago, his plan was to get a job at a digital agency doing SEO.

mmm hhmmmm, that's nice Smile

WalkOnBy's picture

He doesn't have a driver's license because he refuses to accept any help from DH.

He took segment 1 of driver's ed. But, when the time came for him to have to drive with DH to log his hours, he refused to do it. Said he would rather wait and get his license when he is 18.

Well, it doesn't work that way here in Michigan. Even if you are an adult getting your first license, you are given a permit for 30 days that you have to drive on with someone over the age of 21.

We don't live in a city with public transportation.

Best part is that Karate Kid gets his license next Monday - DH and I were talking this weekend about how ASS will feel when his younger brother is driving and he isn't.

WalkOnBy's picture

Interesting perspective, Fruit, EXCEPT that we don't drive him - unless it's a school mandated thing and even then, only if it's convenient. Take Band Festival - the kids took a bus out there, but parents were expected to transport back home, plus DH wanted to hear their performance. So, ASS got a ride home. This Friday, ASS has another band commitment, but this one has nothing to do with grades. DH will be out of town on a day trip, and there is no way in HELL that I am driving ASS, so he either finds a ride to the hotel where the Jazz Band is playing or he doesn't go. DH isn't busting his hump to find the kid rides.

ASS has no friends, so no need for a license.

Medusa's Dad is not going to haul his ASS around either. He is usually too busy going to the Casino, cheating on his wife, or both. He is a real piece of work. I won't be around him, either.

WalkOnBy's picture

lol! No, he is certainly not the new Steve Jobs.

he has apparently found some idiots to let him do their affiliate marketing, but he has only made $200 thus far.

His "company" will be a digital marketing company that does SEO - uh, okay kid. Like there aren't thousands of those where we live. He will be a kid with a high school education, no social skills, no bathing skills, and no way to get to an interview, let alone a job.

WalkOnBy's picture

I completely agree, Sweet T. So does our therapist.

DH feels that letting ASS fail means that he (DH) failed as a parent. We are diligently working on getting DH's head wrapped around the natural consequences theory.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

Does ASS have that Oppositional Defiance Disorder too? I read up on it after some Kaos blogs

WalkOnBy's picture

He hasn't been formally diagnosed, but it wouldn't surprise me. He certainly fits all the parameters.

WalkOnBy's picture

I think he has probably had a discussion about living there this summer and working at the restaurant. As for the rest of it? No, I don't think that those conversations have taken place.

The last time I saw MedusaSM, she told me that under no circumstances would she allow him to live there. They travel a lot, and she doesn't want an obnoxious, surly 18-year-old who cannot drive living in her house when she is not there.

I cannot stand MedusaDad so I will certainly not be getting involved in this conversation.

The only upside in all of this is that if Medusa ever found out that her son was living with her father, who she detests and who detests her right back, she would flip her ever loving shit. That makes me smile.

TwoOfUs's picture

Your ASS sounds just like mine. 18 at the end of April, graduating (fingers crossed) in June. Totally naive about the world. Terrible SAT scores and GPA. No plans for college. No plans for any kind of job training. Thinks he knows everything and will walk right into a high-paying job...when in reality he has no understanding of how the world works or how tough it is to make a decent living.

When we press him, he says that he'll "just" do what we do. Um...OK. We're in a highly-competitive industry (arts entrepreneurship) and we have 2 MAs and a PhD between us. Not to mention my DH's 15+ years in ad agencies and my 10-ish years in my dad's corporate law firm before we started this business. So...yeah. He'll totally just walk right in and start managing projects at 18...

DH is beside himself with frustration and worry right now.

WalkOnBy's picture

ASS has a 3.9 GPA, although he doesn't take the challenging courses that he should be taking, and he scored a 30 on his ACT. He is no idiot, except when it comes to life.

Like your stepson, he figures he will start his own business and be incredibly successful. Has absolutely no concept of where he will live or how he will pay for his food or his utilities. Hell, he doesn't even have a drivers license

TwoOfUs's picture

Oh Geez. My ASS has a driver's license, and he's actually quite charming. Fantastic leadership skills...does get things done. Just not school. Doesn't turn work in, doesn't try, doesn't think he needs it. I don't think he's dumb...just arrogant and (willfully?) ignorant.

DH blames himself completely. Says that poor ASS only comes over EOWE so all he sees are our weekend events...the glitzy results of all the planning and marketing, not the hard work itself. He also doesn't see the years of building up to this and the networking we've done. He just sees the end results and thinks it looks easy.

I do fear he's in for a very rude awakening. As my DH has said: "I do have good contacts for him in the industry. But how he is now...I wouldn't recommend him to friends or clients because it would damage MY reputation..."

WalkOnBy's picture

No one considers him dumb-quite the opposite, really. He is very smart, and wasting every ounce of his intelligence.

No, he doesn't have any hidden skills of which I am unaware. unless you count throwing granola bar wrappers into a garbage can. Can you make a living at that?

Tuff Noogies's picture

brilliant plan! just brilliant!!

oh this should be good..... }:) }:) }:)

paul_in_utah's picture

The driver's license comments remind of my my SS26, aka "Tubby." Tubby still doesn't have his driver's license. He tried to take the test one time, but it was too hard, which "hurt his feelings" (actual quote, provided by DW).