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CCH's picture

A b c s w f g g shah is snake


Powerfamily's picture

Sorry your dh is going through this, but from what you have written about what he has said sounds like he has reached then end of his tether with the abuse from BM and his DD.

Do you know what will happen when he goes to court on the 12th, is it likely that the court order will be granted. Get him to take her school bag to court with him and for him to ask the court to return the bag to his dd, that way it will be all documented.

If the order is granted then follow it to the letter, if BM tries to dump his dd off at yours in 4 months time, then phone the police explain the situation and get them to have BM return and collect their dd. Do not allow your dh to be put in a situation where he will be seen as breaking the court order.

CCH's picture

Sorry sue, of course There is more, they were the two 'big' things,

Talks about him using drugs after they broke up, about him messaging her a few months ago calling her a sl*t and a cockhead.
How she was fearful to make a complaint earlier because he would use her mental health against her, how sd displays violent behaviors but she has her in counseling. That he makes it difficult for her to get a job/got to school regarding access.

CCH's picture

I was waiting for you!!!

Court is tomorrow, he is going to get it adjourned.

We have been talking, I'm really adamant she never comes back here again. I want him to go to my original plan, he sees the kid at his mothers. Helps to safe guard from false accusations Etc

If the avo sticks, lol dude and lilmonseter will not see each other for the length of the avo. I can't have her or her mum making shit up dad punched lil dude or some shit. Not worth it.

He spoke to a lawyer who said he has a good chance of fighting the avo.

Will let you know how it goes, I'm having a can before bed, worked. 14hrs today, still racking in the money, paying off the bills and being all together, bad ass.

How are you Sally?