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Why am I being so mean....

Lolly1220's picture

The conversation went something like this:
Me to DH-per our insurance broker we are liable for any accidents etc..that SD may have because we are paying her auto insurance on our group policy. Keep in mind that she got kicked out of our home for driving drunk etc....
SD needs to get her own policy--plus she's not going to school and that was one of the reasons we paid her auto ins.
DH--ok let her mother know that we are dropping her as of June 30th and that I will pay her back for her insurance costs.
Me--How is that different from us keeping her on our policy if you're going to pay for it.
DH--pissed off at me
Me--I send BM a nice email--short & sweet.
BM calls DH--Why are you guys being so mean to her and taking things away. She hasn't drank for two weeks. BM wants DH to text SD and let her know...AND I should not text her because she is so upset with me.
I would not text or call her anyway because I have nothing to say to her after being called a C via text to her father and she is accusing her father of being abusive...called him a liar and a POS too.

To get any information from my DH about his conversation with BM is like pulling hens teeth (as my mother would say).
I'm baffled why their both treating SD (20) as if she's a fragile little angel.
Why is my big strong DH such a wussy with a p when it comes to SD--who treats everyone like crap!


kathc's picture

I agree with this.

Drop her off your insurance. If he wants to pay for her, he can have his own policy with her and you'll just pay your own.

Also have to add, if SD doesnt live with you how is she even on your policy? Is your DH aware that if he's lying and saying she lives there when in fact she doesn't that the insurance won't be worth a thing when they refuse to cover an accident based on false information?

Lolly1220's picture

I know I should stop being the go between but he makes stupid decisions and just lays down with his butt up in the air for's embarrassing!

Lolly1220's picture

Even though SD lived with us for 6+ yrs--I never really was able to lay down the law because she would go running to DB and DH would hen be miserable. This last time when she was drunk with a naked boy in her bed I lost it--kicked her out--told my DH that if he let her back in the house I would move out...etc etc....
She's very spoiled and has limited life skills.

Daisymazy2's picture

I am assuming she didn't get in trouble with the law concerning the DUI because you didn't mention the expense of the auto insurance. Then again, the insurance rates will not increase right away it will increase at renewal if she was caught by the law.

I work for an auto insurance company. I have seen policies go from 100 a month to 800 dollars a month for 1 DUI. I have seen our insurance company drop policies because the insurance company did not want to take a huge risk on someone with a DUI. More than likely you will need to increase your liability coverage as well especially if you only carry state minimum coverage. Your insurance company is going to be the least of your expense. Lawyer fees court cost.

Tell your husband to think of how much he would need to pay someone for hospital visits, physical therapy, and home care because they are paralyzed due to the accident his daughter caused. Imagine if it was just more than one person that was injured. I have a client who injured a person during an accident. We paid out the maximum of his policy and he is still paying medical bills for the injured person. The accident happened over 10 years ago. The injured person can't walk now and needs all kind of therapy.

Even if SD does not live with you, SD can still be on your policy and should be if she is driving a vehicle that is on your policy. Now if she was driving a vehicle on your policy and she wasn't on the policy. You can be in more of a sticker situation.

I know your DH feels that he is helping SD. He isn't. He is taking a huge gamble.

Lolly1220's picture

She has her own car in her name--no car payment. I see no reason she needs to be on our policy--we did it because I've been with the same ins company for years and have good coverage and rates. I'm not willing to be liable for someone who drives drunk-period!

Teas83's picture

Why are you the one communicating with BM about this? Your husband should be doing it.

I don't blame you one bit for wanting SD off your insurance policy. I also don't blame you for not wanting your husband to still pay her premiums. She's not going to learn her lesson if her premiums go up but Daddy takes care of it for her. Plus, assuming you share finances with your husband, the increased cost will affect you.

Lolly1220's picture

I communicated with BM because June 30th is coming up quick and my agent knows to drop SD from the policy then. Soooo....I wanted to make sure to give them enough time to get SD her own policy so I don't have to hear OMG....she has no could you do that?!?!
And NO I do not want DH paying for anything for SD for that matter. She's accused her father of being abusive and hitting/choking her...She is unstable and lying.

NoOnesMomma's picture

It never ends. My DH is still paying for SD31 car insurance for the car he gave her 3 months ago after she totaled the last one, this was while she was living with the Drug Dealing Gang Member. BM is paying her Child Support & Cell Phone. Why? Only think I can come up with is because she has 2 kids not counting the one she lost custody of. Thankfully our finances are spilt.

notsobad's picture

In some cases I really do think that separate finances work but I'm always left with the question of what happens when you retire?

I want someone to travel with, eat out with, golf with. All those things cost money. So you either end up doing it alone or with friends because he has no money or he's still working.

hereiam's picture

Yep, separate finances only work up to a point.

My DH and I have separate finances and I don't care about the nickels and dimes but I certainly care (and have a say) when it's going to affect our bottom line and retirement. Any enabling/supporting of his adult kids (or other family members) is NOT going to happen.

Stepped in what momma's picture

Not to hijack the post but this is exactly what I worry about all the time. How do you disengage without totally screwing yourself in the end?

Stepped in what momma's picture

Echo- I just posted a blog on this question. Please tell me how to correct my situation.

iluvcheese's picture

You need to get that girl off your policy & get your DH to an ALANON meeting. It's not mean, it's understandable. She behaved recklessly & endangered other people's lives. She had to stop drinking? As in she has a problem with it? Do not enable things like drinking & driving, treat it like the crime it is, treat it like the disgusting selfish act it is. Someone that's reckless with other people's lives & messes with your ability to function financially for the rest of your life doesn't deserve to be on your policy. It seems like you know that. What if she seriously hurt someone (you guys pay?). Enabling hinders SDs X development, it does not help. At 20 she should be working FT living on her own paying for her life & mistakes, with help when she falls or needs it (as in only dire situations), or she should be in college living on her own & working to pay for whatever she wants (car, insurance, etc.). If she cannot afford a car or the insurance, she shouldn't have either.

Ask your DH to go to a meeting, ALANON meetings, to just try 2 with you, that you're frustrated with this & you want to find out how to best help SD. Whether SD is or isn't an addict, it's for problem drinkers too, & DUI=problem, your DH will learn all about enabling there & the antics of addicts. I think the meeting is 100% necessary, as it may open his eyes to how much he's hurting his daughters development. If he refuses to go with you, go by yourself. Explain to whoever is heading the meeting, everything that has been going on. They'll help you and tell you how to help your DH & his SD. They all know, because they've been there too. It's also a fantastic place to learn that you aren't alone & addicts all pull the same BS & the people in their lives nearly all enable at some point. You'll be shocked how similar the behaviors & stories are. A meeting will help your DH come to his senses.

Lolly1220's picture

I dropped SD from our policy and oh boy I am all kinds of things I can't say here!!
She did fine for years....then fell in with the wrong crowd and is becoming the ring leader. Her father still sees her as "strong willed" go to jail for drinking and driving...God forbid she hurt someone. bring a stranger in our house and sneak him into your bed...GET OUT!! I am so done.
I will look into the ALANON meetings. I think it would be good for both of us. Just being on this forum and knowing that I'm not the only step mother trying to navigate this crap! I'm going to counseling BY MYSELF..because I am SO pissed at DH.
On top of all of it I have BM calling me and trying to explain why I shouldn't have been so hard on SD and that maybe I should apologize....What?? Are you insane Captain Save-a-Ho?? Then she goes on to try to piss me off by telling me all the things SD is calling me and saying about me. I'm too old to give a rats ass what a 20yr old or anyone else thinks of me--and Puck you I've been called worse by better!!
On a pleasant note...I love love love coming home to a clean counters aren't sticky and piled with dirty dishes...I don't have to lock my bedroom door anymore..The yard doesn't look like a tornado hit it. Ahhhhhhhhh.....

Lolly1220's picture

My DH texted SD yesterday "Happy 4th of July. How are you?" She texted back "Why would you even text me like you care". Bam! And off he goes...OMG she hates me...and so on. I let him go on for a bit then I told him--Look this is how she manipulates you--guilt. Have you forgotten that she was telling lies to her friends that you were an abusive father (hitting/choking-not true) long long before the night she got kicked out. What have you done to deserve being treated like that by anyone and I have to say that it's kind of a turn off that you would let anyone manipulate you and talk crap about you.
I get it--this is his daughter and only child. She is mean and a bully.
He's worried that she's going to hurt herself because she's sad....First she's staying with her mother who can't keep anything juicy to if anything was going on we'd know it. She's mad because she went from living in a nice house in the hills...that she had to herself all day while we're at living with her mother in the ghetto part of town where she runs an in home day care. Maybe someone should have followed some rules--showed some respect AND NOT DROVE DRUNK or had some naked stranger in her bed. I would have been willing to work through this in counseling if she would have just apologized to her father..but nope she's a 20yr old spoiled brat and is used to walking on people. Well she met her match here.
I told my DH if you're so worried about her being "sad"check out her FB page or call your ex wife for F's sake.....she's playing you!