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Update from Demon stealing my money

Journey Perez's picture

By the time I got home yesterday, Demon SS15 was ready to fess up.
He admitted to stealing my money out of my wallet.

His reason/excuse was that he was mad at his dad for letting my bio son do his chores the next day and not letting SS do his chores the next day. So demon felt the urge to steal from me for something I had nothing to do with! typical. he's always taken his aggression out on me since day 1.

Demon slept in on Sunday til 2pm. He wakes up and tells his dad he's going to the park. DH tells him the hell you are, you sleep in til 2 and now you expect to just hang out at the park without doing your chores? Demon asks if he can do them later. DH says no, vacuum now before you go and you can clean the bathroom later when you get back.

My bio son comes home in the afternoon after being gone for 2 days at his aunts house. My son asks DH (his step dad) if he can do his chores tomorrow and DH says sure. Demon was furious about this and felt the need to be vindictive towards me directly.

DH explained to SS that if he has a problem he needs to come to him and talk about it not act out. DH also explained to him that he doesn't trust him, he's lost all trust and needs to earn it back. He doesn't trust him or have faith in him to complete his chores at a later time without being hounded and forced to. He told him that my bio son always does his chores without being asked and he had enough trust and faith in him that he would complete his chores the next day with no problems and without being asked and sure enough he woke up the next morning first thing and completed all his chores before 10am. He said that Demon needs to earn trust back and do the work to have privileges and he's not going to just be handed special privileges because his step brother gets them, he's earned the trust and done the work!

Best part was that I took the opportunity to talk to SS. Told him that I understand he's feeling angry about whatever but DON'T FK WITH ME. THis is the 2nd time you have violated me, disrespected me the fullest and had no regard for my property, there will not be a 3rd. If you ever decide to steal from me again, I will call the cops, have you arrested and press charges because that's how serious I am about you NOT FKING WITH ME! I'm not the ONE! he looked at me crazy like he wanted to shank me. I also told him that I know he doesn't want to live with us or be here and that he doesn't have to act out and burn bridges to make a point, he's free to go! I don't need an unruly teen stealing from me and disrespecting me and my house.

This morning I woke up early to work out and noticed SS backpack by the door. I went through it and found his pipe, grinder, lighter and empty mj container. I took it and gave it to his dad. DH locked it up and will now wait for his son to come to him about his missing drug paraphernalia that he is not allowed to have in our house!!!!!!!! LMAO! I dare this brat to retaliate to, I got something for his lil a$$!


DarkStar's picture


Both you AND your DH!

Rude, obnoxious pot-heads get NO trust or privileges. Think your DH would be down with drug-testing the little jerk on a regular basis?

Journey Perez's picture

I totally agree with you. I'm a "friendly" and have no problem with adults using mj, but minors that live under my roof and are in my care and live off my dime, HELL NO! When they become adults, move out of my house and live independently and off my dime, then they can do as they please. But until then, its unacceptable! PERIOD! I stopped paying SS allowance for doing his chores because he's always on drugs and I will be damned if my money is being used to finance them!

WalkOnBy's picture

The summer before Thing1 and Thing2 went to college, I was in Thing1's room putting away some laundry. I literally tripped over his backpack, which promptly spilled its contents.

Lighter. Grinder. Adorable little case in which I found his stash.

I took it all.

In its place, I left a note - "fuck no, dude. While you live in MY house and live off of YOUR FATHER'S MONEY AND MY MONEY, you will NOT bring this shit in my house. This is not Colorado and it's illegal."

I didn't say a word to him about it. The next day when I got home from work, Thing1 left me a little note "sorry, Mom. don't tell Dad."

I left him a little note on his pillow - "too late. Good luck."

iluvcheese's picture

Glad you made the cop threat. You should've seen my SDs face, she cried. It worked though, well that & 200 of consequences.

Journey Perez's picture

Trust me if there was anything in that container, I would have smoked it too! LOL! I'm definitely keeping the pipe and grinder for myself, after I soak it in boiling water and clean it out with alcohol and rice! I don't want that brats cooties on it! LOL. fkn kids! UGHHHH.

uofarkchick's picture

I'm a little confused.... You just told him that if he steals from you then you are calling the cops. But then you just found out that he is keeping illegal things in your home and you're going to do what? Give him another warning? I say call the police. You warned him you would call the police if he did not respect your property. Well, keeping illegal drugs on your property is disrespectful, right? I don't expect too many people to agree but pot is a gateway drug. He's 15! How long before he's using X or coke? He has screwed with you by bringing illegal drugs into the same house your son lives in. Time to drop the hammer.

Journey Perez's picture

Trust me this situation gives me a headache. Yes I will call the cops if he steals my property ever again. I'm offended and appalled that he is doing drugs and has paraphernalia at our house. I wanted to confront him and make him destroy his own pipe just like the cops make you do when they bust you with paraphernalia. Unfortunately DH wants to handle this situation with the drugs in his own way because he doesn't agree with my suggestions. I asked him if he even reprimanded him about it and he wont tell me anything. He always gets defensive and shuts down when I challenge his parenting. He said he doesn't question me and my parenting with my son so he doesn't want me doing it to him. WTF? He doesn't have to question me about how I deal with my kid because I actually parent my child and discipline him accordingly. DH never has to punish or handle my kid because I DO IT on the spot and I don't hesitate. I just don't feel the support from him when I want to parent or discipline his kid. He undermines my authority. DH even hid the paraphernalia and I don't even know where it is. I've been telling DH for a year now that his kid is on drugs and does everything under the sun, he's already doing coke, drinking alcohol and even taking prescription pills. DH doesn't seem to care because he's in total denial about. I guess the paraphernalia and failed drug tests aren't convincing enough. I just want the kid out of my house. He's leaving Saturday for good to live with his mom permanently. BOY BYE! Im positive he will end up in prison.

uofarkchick's picture

You are 100% right. He's got convict written all over him. I hope he likes khaki scrubs and fighting for his virginity. Daddy knows he's committing felonies and he's afraid to say something? My mom is like that with my alcoholic brother. I told her that she is literally loving him to death. He's heading to prison in a month. Maybe he and SS can be bunkies!

Journey Perez's picture

Yes they can be bunkies for sure!!!!!!!!!!!! My SS is small for his age too, perfect prime bate for horny a$$es in jail! I always tell my son that if he values his butthole he better stay his a$$ out of trouble because it WILL get taken and tampered with when your behind bars! TRUE STORY!