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SD Drama rerun

DaizyDuke's picture

Act 1: SD18 was working at girl scout camp near us. She called DH and 42 other people crying a couple of weeks ago about how horrible it was there. She was just emotionally and physically drained and could not possibly do it any more. Everyone told her to stick it out, it's a girl scout camp, not a concentration camp, she only had 3 weeks to go.

Act II: Her boyfriend (of about 8 months) was supposed to be driving up from VA to get SD on the 13th. Well her BF broke up with her on Thursday and all hell broke loose. She called Aunt J bawling, she was just devastated, there was no way she could continue working etc. Aunt J did feel bad for her and booked a flight for her out of nearby town on the 13th to get her back to VA. SD only had 7 more days of girl scout camp to do. Well low and behold on Saturday, she got one of her friends that she ran around with when she was living with us, to drive 10 hours (round trip) to go get her and she quit her job. She claimed she was just too distraught and devastated to continue working. Funny thing is though, friend happened to post a picture on Facebook in which she tagged SD18, at the races with a huge ole smile on her face having a grand old time! What a miraculous recovery!! Aunt J saw the picture and is done. Cancelled SD's flight, said if she doesn't get her money back she will be taking it out of SD account.

Act III: SD18 (BM) Aunt called Aunt J and said that the cheapest flight SD can get is now $700.00. Aunt J said she told (BM)Aunt, Oh well... it's called consequences and she's not rewarding bad behavior. MIL is actually for once, in agreement that SD18 behavior is beyond ridiculous and it's time for her to learn that her actions have consequences and has not been answering GBM or BM1 calls. Oh and I forgot to add, that BM1 had called MIL and asked her to lie to Aunt J about SD18 quitting. Trust me, MIL might be a PITA, but her Christian butt don't play that way.

Act IV: The (ex)boyfriend's parents are now driving up from VA to pick SD up. I guess they are doing so as a lesson to their son, that he made a commitment to pick her up, so he needs to follow through with that. There is apparently no possibility of a reconciliation... especially after Aunt J and (ex)BF mom had a nice little chat and Aunt J came clean about the "real" SD18. (Aunt J has always just kept her mouth shut when it came to (ex)BF family)

ActV: Aunt J sent SD18 an email yesterday letting her know that when she gets back to VA that she should contact Aunt J and she will meet her at the back and she can withdraw her money (that Aunt J has been in charge of) and do with it as she pleases since she is an adult and making her own decisions now. Loser, addicted to porn and internet gambling, uncle that lives with BM1 and her BF and Lord knows who else, responded to the email that SD18 did nothing wrong, and why was Aunt J being mean to someone who is so depressed and is now crying? Aunt J did not respond.

I wish these people would figure out that this rerun is stale. They really need to get some new material. Hell the reason SD18 needed to move in with us 4 years ago was because she was soooo depressed. She lived with us for 2 years and I never seen, even one second of "depressed" behavior. I've never seen that girl shed a tear, never did the proverbial hole up in her room etc., nope in fact she was always quite jovial, always running off with friends or BM every weekend etc. And the pictures I saw from this weekend are not of a "depressed" girl. Nobody is falling for that crap any more.... including DH! Yes people, DH is on board with NOT caving into this nonsense and giving her consequences.

So stay tuned, y'all I'm sure there will be MUCH more drama to come when she drops out of college, moves back with BM, gets knocked up, gets arrested or whatever nonsense is next! The girl sure is predictable!


DaizyDuke's picture

Oh she has, she's made it clear she wants nothing to do with the whole lot of them. She is frustrated and sad. 18 months SD lived with her and Aunt J tried her very hardest (just like DH did when she lived with us) to teach her how to be a responsible, honorable human being. But 6 weeks back in the general vicinity of BM1 clan and all is lost. Nothing has changed. But that's the thing, SD18 has to WANT to change.. but she sees nothing wrong with her actions and does not care about anyone but herself.

SD and BM1 clan need to stop confusing being a sociopath with being depressed.

iluvcheese's picture

Is this the one that had to clean up pee? Maybe she has PTSD from that horrific event as well as depression. Well I'm glad your DH is on board. Eventually SD will run out of people to manipulate & she'll have to take responsibility for her actions. Sounds like the aunt has reached her limit. I wonder who will be next!

DaizyDuke's picture

Yes, that's her! DH wanted me to call the camp today and find out what exactly her job duties would have been. I talked to the HR director who told me that it could happen that a girl in her charge wet the bed and since it is a camp and not the Hilton, they do not have a custodial crew and it would be the counselor's responsibility... but that it would be a shared responsibility in that SD18 wouldn't be doing it all the time.. and the girls are only there for a week, then a new group comes in for a week etc. So the odds of her having to clean up poop and pee 42 times a week, every week like she was making it sound are ridiculous.

The director also told me that sure, while the job may not be for everyone (what job is??) that there are many girls who actually come back year after year to work there. Including this year there were 5 girls from the UK who were returning from last year (I live in US) so it can't be THAT bad. HR director also did not know that SD18 quit, which means that she most likely left on Saturday(her day off) and just didn't come back on Sunday, which is typical SD behavior.

But SD and the scumbag BM1 clan are saying she "did nothing wrong" Funny, if you don't think her quitting her job was wrong, why did BM1 call MIL and ask her to lie to Aunt J about SD quitting? Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm

misSTEP's picture

So, she is all upset and "depressed" because Aunt J is making her take her own money? I've had many years of dealing with our looney tune BM and I cannot for the life of me wrap my head around that attempt at manipulation...

DaizyDuke's picture

No I think she is more upset and freaking out, because Aunt J cut her off. Remember SD is going to college in Aunt J state. she has no car, no driver's license and therefore without her (ex) boyfriend and Aunt J, nobody to cart her ass around. Nobody to hold her hand and do everything for her.. she will be literally on her own.... well until she can con the next person.