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Parenting bull...

Ladystark's picture

I hate that we have different parenting styles!! Hate it!!

I feel like with all the stuff that happened, dh is trying to pick on my kid.

Like ss is here all day everyday, my kid is weekends. Dh is trying really hard to find my faults in parenting.

This weekend bs was only here saturday night and sunday. He spent the night at a friends friday. We picked him up saturday afternoon, got back home around 630pm.

So sunday we ran to a book store, got home for football game.. then my son was playing in his room byhimself for awhile. He leaves at 430pm, about 3pm he came down getting bored, so he starts playing with little lady. She loves it. Laughing like a crazy kid. Well at one moment bs puts this mega blocks bag(it has a window to see the blocks on it) he is making faces, dancing, some crazy noises too. Little lady cracking up! Well dh goes "you know he is going to put the bag on her head."

In my brain, uhhh duh, he is a kid im sure he will try, but we are right here. So of course after a few more minutes, bs goes aww she likes it, and goes to put the lego bag on her, but he looks at me first, i shake my head so he throws the bag and looks for something else.

Little lady grabs the bag and puts it on her own head.

Dh scares her by yelling "NO, seee i knew it, you do not even care. Now she will thinknits ok to put bags on her head."

Of course little lady gets,scared starts crying. Bs runs to his room. Im looking at him like really?!? Are you kidding me. We were right here. I was dealing with it in a non-scary way!!

All this because after all ss drama, dh made an announcement that ss needs to spend more time with us, we all need to try to do more things together.

Well ss has been home alone since friday. We were running to the book store, it was a fast trip. Dh asked ss if he wanted to go, ss said no, but 10 mintues later he brings money to dh and asks dh to pick him up a game card if they have them.

Im like what?
Because it happened right next to me and the "what?" Came out of me before i could stop it.

Dh was like problem?
I tried to wiggle out of my "what" but it was to late, now dh is on me to tell him what HE did wrong, and what my problem is.

I just said well that could have been a good moment to tell ss no. If he wants to join us he can buy it, if not then no.

We were not going to be gone long. Ss has been video gaming and by himself ALL weekend. This would have been a good moment to get lazy bones up and moving who knows maybe he would find an awesome book enjoy getting away from gaming.

Well this put a whole damper on the day.

Im just a black cloud.

A horrible person.

Then after my son left we argued again.

Him telling me that he ALWAYS gets complments on how his son is a great kid, how he is doing a great job, can i say the same?

Well those people do not live with you 24/7 and if you were being honest they would tell your grandmother what a great job SHEdid since he lived there basically!!!!

Im sorry i follow through on things i say. I might not be super organized, i might not be the best duster, or serious person all the time, but geezus, im a good mom. I can read kids well.

Ss13 has been falling asleep in class, sohis cellphone has to stay downstairs on school nights now. Well today and tomorrow school, then holiday break.

We are all in the kitchen and i remind ss to bring his cellphone down, him why? Me school night, him soooo its holiday break. Well tomorrow you have school, so it needs to be down here.

Him all huffy, why? Im not sleeping in school anymore, whats the big deal.

Me laughing its only been a week ss, you have not slept in school for one week.

Him yeah a whole week, (now he is looking at dh) well? When do i get it back in my room? Huh? When?

Dh looks at me. Then says, if you are not on it why does it matter?

Ss- huffs-tries to think- says well i can get ready for school faster in the morning with it right there.

Lmao. Ok

I know where this is going baddger daddy until i get my way, by any means.

So i say "ok we want to see how you do for a couple of weeks, you also have the science fair coming up. We will talk about it after that.

Ss thats in dec!! I have to wait till dec!! (Starts repeating he is NOT on phone after 8:32pm)

I let it go, i completely ignore ss, i start making dh lunch, and asking him about lunch and work. Ss keeps saying things. Finally he gets it, stomps upstairs and gets his phone.

Plugs it in, mummbles more stuff.

I mean our parenting is just different. I never would have let him go on like that, or i would have been well now you do not have a phone!!

To me if you keep repeating "im not on it, im never on it" i feel its a lie.

Or tells us "can you tell im on it?, do you have proof im on it after 830??"

What 13 yearold gets to say that to an adult?

Dh is all lets talk it out but take away nothing. He keeps saying taking away stuff will screw up ss mind. Or give ss a complex and he does not want to mess up his kid.

I just feel like im ready for a therapist. Its nice to type on here but its hard to describe everything.

The main thing we fight about is parenting and me going out!

My family is,work to earn it. Help out around house because you live there too.

Dhs family is like kids rule, do not make kids upset, if you want it you get it.

Whos family has the addicts? Not mine.

Dhs mother is a pill popper, dh was caught selling coke after high school so he is a felon. Most of his family and friends are involved in NA

My family nope. There are some drinkers, but noone is hooked on drugs.

I mean he really thought oh no sleeping for a week ill get my phone back in my room.

Ss shows signs of an addic behavior, when i used to cut him off from gaming, omg, the tantrums, the bulling us to get back would not believe. And your talking no gaming for like 2 nights! Could you imagine a week!!

Wow thats alot. My mind is just racing with parenting situations! Ugh.


Willow2010's picture

I feel like you are both picking on each others kids. It happens, you both just need to back off.

You need to sit him down and tell him that from now on, you will raise your kid and he will keep his opinions to himself. And he will raise his kid and you will keep your opinion to yourself.
Then follow through!

You need to not care about how much SS plays his game. Don’t care about if SS does not get up and do enough physically for your opinion. Don’t worry about where SS phone is or how he is doing in school. I know it is hard but it can happen and you can feel better about it. Focus on your kid and marriage. NOT your husbands kid.

Focusing on a skid and their problems can take over your life. BTDT. And it is easy to fall into that trap. But easy to get out of once you actually give up caring more than the parents.

And your DH gets mad at you for going out?! Like to the store or shopping or what? That is a red flag to me.

Acratopotes's picture

Lady - are going to drive yourself crazy....simply sit down with DH and both disengage from each others kid, you are solely responsible for yours and DH for SS, no interference what so ever from the step parent.

Simply tell DH, you have different parenting styles, thus each to their own, and together with DD...

then you disengage from SS< you never say anything and you never discipline him, DH will do the same with BS...

life will be so much easier for you and DH and your marriage, also for DD..... then one day in 20 years time, you brag and boost about your son and his good career.... and DH can wonder, why did I not listen to her, my kid is useless...
or it good be the other way around....

Ladystark's picture

Thanks. Thats what i needed. A disengage reminder!! What a ramble uh just in that place, must be getting close to that time of month. I swear i get stuck/sucked in to their stuff around that time!!