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I don't care! My kid just puked all over me!

mommadukes2015's picture

So SO went to drop CS off with BM2 who is really starting to get on my last nerve lately.

It's no secret I'm a social worker. December in this feild has been described as riding a bike. Except the ground is on fire, the bike is on fire and you're on fire because you're in holiday hell. I have worked well over 60 hours this week. Which has left SO and my mother both rather reluctantly helping me with the kids.

Today SO tells me he's going to go hunting with his dad for a few hours and then bring BM2 child support because he forgot to last night. SO's dad is old, like 76, and we never know when his "lasts" might start. So despite my rant two weeks ago about needing more me time-I told him I'd suck it up this one last weekend so they could get the last two days of the season in together-but that was IT.

BM2 texts me this AM "can't get a hold of SO"

He's hunting with his dad.

"He told me he was bringing me money"

I'm sure he will when he's done hunting. Mentioned it to me this AM. You can always feel free to come get it yourself.


SO comes home, leaves to bring BM2 money.

2 hours later....

*BD pukes all over me completely out of the blue*

Text from BM2: he never got a hold of me.

Hmm well I just asked him and he said he gave the money to your mom. Try her. (BM2 lives with her parents)

"Well he never texted me"

Funny story-he just showed me the time stamped text saying he was coming do you want a copy?"


Didn't think so. Please don't contact me about this again.

What the hell is it with these women? I didn't make the baby with you leave me alone! Pretty sure if SO contacted BM's boyfriend she'd have a bird.


mommadukes2015's picture

He does give a check.

I wished I took it like a champ. I puked too-I just made it to the toilet.. Puke, boogers and worms-I can't handle.

Acratopotes's picture

block BM from contacting you.....

but then if I was you here's BM's replies.....

" "can't get a hold of SO" " - we are busy having sex, he can't answer the phone now....
""He told me he was bringing me money" " - yes and for that he needs to keep it up for 4 hours, cause I'm not paying for anything less... did he do that funny thing with his tongue on you as well...

"he never got a hold of me. " - he's sleeping, I made him pass out - do you think I should call 911?

mommadukes2015's picture


You win at life.this made me LOL

SO asked what was so funny.....nothin bub but you're about to be realllll busy. Hypothetically of course.

Acratopotes's picture

glad you can laugh about it ...... but seriously start giving BM stupid answers...

eventually she will stop bugging you and you can have so much fun with it