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Canceled v cancelled

LochnessStepMonster's picture

Y'all. It happened. The most passive aggressive note happened.

We had to cancel a meeting due to people not showing up. This is a frequent issue at my job. I put up this sign:

Meeting canceled. Will not be rescheduled. Please see forthcoming email.

And some @$$hat writes in an "L" trying to correct me. So I wrote back on the note:

One "L" is perfectly acceptable. The difference comes from difference in American and British culture.

It has stayed up. I will take it down at the end of the day.


moeilijk's picture

Ha! Next time, add another 'l' in rescheduled. So whoever it is will get the blame for being overly 'l'-happy and W.R.O.N.G.!

Reschedulled. Just laughing a bit already.

CANYOUHELP's picture

Ughhhh, both are perfectly fine and correct spellings.

Whomever did this, looks like an everybody by doing that to you!

LochnessStepMonster's picture

I should hope so. While I can't point fingers as to who it was, there is this one guy at work who makes it a point to say something about everything I do. I have already talked to my supervisor about it and the behavior has stopped.

But I work with a lot of know it all jerks that would do this kind of thing.

CANYOUHELP's picture

This is one miserable person, most likely jealous of your position too.... Educated people of character do not insult others publicly.

Consider the source and keep doing an excellent job!

blueorblackink's picture

I worked in the hospitality industry for years. We spelled cancelled like this; Xelled. And everyone knew what that meant and no one corrected it.