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Depressed/discomfort starting to get noticed? It sucks

Xero's picture

This is just a general bummed out rant. Normally I would be more funny but I just can't seem to be in the zone at the moment. Digital beer on me afterward if you read to the end. Ok so I am not sure where to begin about this one. I have looked all over the forum and there tends to be people in a lot worse situations than me, so mostly I am grateful. My soon to be wife (Sunny) and I are on the same page about probably 98% of parenting and step parenting issues. So that's the good part because I see a lot of people that do not have an ally in their partner. That is a very sad thing. But I am having to admit to myself and starting to admit to possibly others the relaly difficult thing: I think I like one kid way more than the other. And don't get me wrong, they both drive me nuts. But lately, I dunno what the deal is but I think I have been experiencing depression over being in such close quarters with Stench (15)? I consistently feel that this kid either can't do anything right or even if he is being neutral, he does not contribute in any meaningful way to our family /household. I literally can't stand anything about him. Just these thoughts make my blood boil and I've had a harde time contrOlling my temper lately. I take family contributions very seriously because that's just how I was raised by my dad who is a mans man and is very giving and noble to his family, and I have always known it would be the same of me to provide and contribute in the same manner, although I'm not as much of the "manly man" the ideals are hte same. I have tried to be a good influence in an indirect way just by being an adult in the house who shows how to contribute to the family, but this kid is just truly unmotivated and not humble and a sore loser and tries to manipulate his mother constantly. It's all lies and wasted potential and laziness and excuses and filthy slob brat mentality. I come from a very motivated and neat and organized family so this lack of boundaries and lack of respect for community space in our home REALLY tests my nerves. Maybe that makes me elitist or too high of expectations but it's just the way I am. I can't function in a mess. And it is through no fault of Sunny either. She is constantly on them about picking up after themselves and she gives them designated chores but the dirt and garbage seem to just magically appear. I try very hard to stay out to disciplinary matters and so far, there does not seem to be the "step dad tension" , EXCEPT when they get mouthy and disrespect and try to talk back to my wife, I get VERY upset and I will step in for her sake. And she has thanked me for it and has asked me to keep doing so if I feel the need to. It is my one ground rule that breaks the "disengage" code. I have worked so hard to avoid these feelings and I have needed to put my feelings aside for Sunny. But I don't know if something has snapped recently or what but I have major anxiety spiking whenever Stench is in the equatoin and I cannot seem to get a grip. Recently my job has transitioned and I've been working from home more, but I am looking into a higher position that just opened up that would allow me some more office time and possibly some travel. I don't like being away from Sunny but I feel maybe my being around more is my issue? I tend to be a very concrete person so it's been very difficult to put words to how I am feeling, but Sunny has had to point how that my frustration has become much more visible lately, for example heavy sighing and snapping and "silent treatment" type things. Not on purpose, I haven't realize I was doing these things but she has pointed it out and expressed that it's painful to watch me be disappointed just by the kids mere existence when they're not doing anything wrong. It's true though. I have finally realized that I can handle one kid way more/better than the other and it's consuming my thoughts. I do not use the word Hate because I frankly hate the word hate. But as close as you can get to that without it being actual Hate is basically how I feel about this kid and just thinking about this makes my blood boil. I am very concerned that I will snap sometime in the near future , and if it were only about this bratty lazy zit faced sloth , that would be fine but it would hurt Sunny so much. .... Time for a drink. >:-(


Olivias Hell's picture

Yours is the first post I have read on this forrum that I just joined NOW & I am so relating already!! It is like being of a puzxle that you can't solve! Logical people do not make good step parents. Personally I think having children is completely illogical if you are the kind of person who enjoys life & what hard work has to offer. So many folks have kids to put in their emotional bank, hopeful that their kids will return the favor of dealing with them when they need help in old age, or to never "feel alone". So a non-bio parent is that much more behind the ball. And it truly sucks. Trying family therapy as a good faith effort & 14yr old leaves session to lock self in bathroom & announced that she was puking due to anxiety. A super awkward drive home in silence. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. We'll get another fruitless bill we can't afford now. Where's that cyber beer again?

Xero's picture

Yikes! I'm tracking with you on the "logic" thing. You've got A for effort with the "trying" part.. I can't imagine family therapy going real smooth here either. Good luck and welcome to the trenches!

Xero's picture

Lmao. Yes, I couldn't wait for my first entitled, know-it-all response.

"Most step parents feel the same way, say the same things, and do the same things as you are, so venting and being able to disparage them/him so opening is probably a cathartic experience, but that doesn't make it okay."

LOL. You made a profile on a site entitled ", where stepparents come to vent."
A) if you can't handle that, then leave and
Dirol if reading my vent was so painful, why waste your time?
Oh, right...
If you have daddy issues, men issues, or "i was an unloved step child issues" it's really not my problem. Since you know everything already... Bye! Biggrin

Xero's picture

Haha well since the drinks are free around here I'll serve up whatever you like as long as it is alcohol. Thanks for the sage opinion. Sounds like you have basically been able to let Time work its own magic or whatever. That's great. Another thing you mention is therapy which...been there done that for couples counseling, not ina family context though. Can NOT picture that appointment.....i think I might get hit by a car that day... right before our scheduled time. xD

Acratopotes's picture

I read the whole thing and I have my own beer.... passing you one, now young man... listen and listen carefully (fine fine read... to the end)

1. Disengage from Stench.... it's alright to like one person and not another, it's human... you treat people the way they treat you.
2. Stay out of Sunny and Stenches business... not your monkey not your zoo, take the other kid and do something fun
3. Try and get a office job, and traveling, yes distance makes the heart grow fonder....and Sunny will have to deal with her brat and not pass it on to you
4. You have to look into the future ... Stench is 15 - make sure he gets out after high school graduation, thus you have tops 4 years left with the idiot

Now ... boys age 15-19 are terrible terrible little m'effers, and if they live the next day, you as adult did good not by killing them, I went through this with my own kid.

Xero's picture

Now this is helpful. I think I feel better about talking to Sunny about what our expectations are. And I thought I was disengaged... but yonow what, I realize I am disengaged according to sunny's expectations and not exactly my own. I think more boundary setting is a good place to start. Hopefully she will be open to that and hopefully I will get some peace of mind!

Acratopotes's picture

You have to think of yourself Xero..... if you are not happy within, you can not make Sunny happy, that's the whole story.

Simply tell her, that you will do for skids when and what you feel, you are not the father and you are not stepping into that shoes. If Stench treats you with respect, you will include him, if he disrespects you, he's excluded,
Make it clear Sunny can cry on your shoulder, but you will only give advice and do nothing else, then make sure the lady gets date nights etc, without the skids. Focus on your relationship...

oneoffour's picture

As the survivor of 4 boys (2 bios and 2 steps)it is tough. They smell, they are focused on themselves and what they do and everything else is dumb and stupid. When my youngest went off to Afghanistan I was crying at the airport - as mothers tend to do - my son gave me a rare hug and whispered in my ear "If you hear Beatles music coming from *s/brothers* room, do NOT go in without knocking!" Ew gross! But it made me smile.

Ask your own parents what you were REALLY like at 15. My mother will tell you I was not very nice at all and led her a merry dance and nearly drove her to 'daughtercide'. I cannot remember a thing that I did that was so bad. I really can't. So maybe a discussion with your parents asking for examples of the worst things you did that drove them insane would be a place to start. You cannot have been a golden child who never put a foot wrong and whose work ethic was inbred.

This boy has a s/father in his life. Where is his own father? If he hasn't been in the picture often or at all this child has had no positive male role model for 15 yrs. You turn up all gung-ho about being clean and tidy and engaging and helpful and a high achiever when all he has learned is how to dress himself and feed himself and how x-box figures into his schedule. Imagine if you mother had brought a step father into your life who was lazy and slothful and had encouraged such behavior and got annoyed when you cleaned up and got As. How would your adjustment have gone?

He has a lot of catching up to do and his mother needs to be the leader there. It is great she backs you up but she should be leading, not you. You: Excuse me? Do not speak to your mother like that..... Your mother asked you to put out the trash. Please do it now or the x-box gets locked in my trunk overnight.... Bob, your room smells like a science experiment. Please sort it out, thanks. Here is your own laundry basket.

As Sue said, he is not your son. One of my friends married a man w/out children and she has 3 of her own. He criticized them at every turn. He wanted a perfect clean house all the time. They were kids and left their shoes lying around or a book or their bed wasn't made my 10am Saturday he would flip his lid. He demanded they behave better than they were brought up and my friend is a neat freak. She ended up divorcing him and his behavior towards her children was one of the reasons. Your s/son-to-be needs guidance and direction. 15 is a pretty crappy age. Hormones are being awful to you.

Ease up on the boy. Offer to take him to a movie. You can both sit in silence and not talk a bit. Buy him good man care products. Not top line but not dollar store. Tell him when he runs out you will replace them. It sounds like his is a lost sheep with no one expect this grouchy boyfriend of his mother to deal with not to mention whatever crap is going on at school. I am not saying to go easy on him but be a role model instead of a disciplinarian all the time. If his room is craptastic nasty, tell his mother... Sunny, can you do something about ss15s room? It is pretty potent and I am sure alien lifeforms will set up as squatters pretty soon....

Xero's picture

Thank you for your comments. The great news is, a lot of what you have suggested is actually already in place.
The BD is around. He sees them at various times throughout the week and sometimes has them on weekends. There is not a set schedule as it depends on his work from month to month. He can be relatively engaged but not fully. Sunny has asked BD to show Stench the manly rite of passage things and half of the time is blown off. But it's there sometimes.
For 95% of issues I tell sunny , I do not go directly to the kids with discipline and I try to actively avoid that. There is a LOT I don't say because of exactly what you said, not wanting to be random dude calling out all the faults as I see them. It just eeks out time to time when they are just mouthing back with her round and round instead of shutting up and listening . But perhaps encouraging her to find ways to make the discussion succinct and not engage their whining is a better way for me to not feel like I must step in to "protect" her?
I think where it breaks down is that she is busy too and often gets overwhelmed if I bring issues to her, and I also don't want to feel like my main role is to tattle on the children. It feels childish. But she has conveyed that she appreciates my observations and encourages me to make them. It can be stressful to do so all the same because she wants to spend quality time and communication with her kids and not just be harping on them all the time for things. How might I be a Better ally to her so that I don't feel the need to step in so much?
Another issue we are sorting out is that these kids are both special needs in some way and so just Sunny ,"growing a backbone" literally is not the answer. It is more complex because their brains are not developed in a way that is conducive to general parenting logic. We are very suspect of autism spectrum and we are seeking testing for that.
Otherwise, do you think I should stop listening to sunnys requests for me to keep backing her up in front of the kids? I thought it might reinforce to the kids that our relationship is good but maybe all that is being conveyed is that I am now ganging up on them with their mother.
Oh and to answer the question we have lived together for 3 years. We are tying the knot in a few weeks. I've known sunny for quite a bit longer but we weren't dating until 5 years ago, and even then we tried to not expose our dating life to the kids too much.

Tuff Noogies's picture

dude, backing your woman up is one thing. what you are doing when you pipe in like that is parenting *for* her. you can totally support her without stepping in. you have to let it go.

it drives me INSANE how the kids often speak to my dh. well, it used to. i finally got to a point where i realized "MEH. if he allows them to treat him that way, that's up to him." i applied that principle to a lot of things. and in direct correlation, my stress/anxiety/irritation decreased. not completely, h3ll they're not my kids and teens in general suck, but it made life a WHOLE lot easier. yes, i do mention things to dh in private just between us, but i voice my concern then just let him handle things how he sees fit, without getting my undies in a was.

Xero's picture

Tuff noogies that is one of the best comments I have ever read. Hot damn. Parenting *for* her. Oh god. For real? That's what I been doing?! "That's not how this works! That's not how any of this works!" Lol! Well bust my kneecaps and call me Wilber, I know exactly what I am not going to be doing from this point forward! 88 points for hufflepuff!

DaizyDuke's picture

how long have you and Sunny been married (i.e. how long have you been in Stench's life?) Is his annoying behavior something new, or has he always been a bit of a butt?

Is there anything in the world that you could bond with this kid over? Like I couldn't stand my SD (filthy slob, manipulative, liar etc).. but I have horses and she liked horses, so we could "bond" over that. She was into outdoorsy things (running, kayaking etc) and so am I, so we could "bond" doing or talking about those things. Granted we didn't do this "bonding" often, because she was at that age (16) where she would much rather be off with her friends or her BM than "bonding" with her evil step mother. But at least I was making an effort.. if that makes any sense.

I get where you are coming from with the "not how you were raised" I was raised to be respectful, to do my part, to pick up after myself, to not lie etc. SD, who lived with BM/GBM from 0-14 was raised in a filthy slob hole, was raised to manipulate anyone that you can get something from, was raised to lie whenever it was self serving, and was raised thinking that the world owed her something. When she moved in with us from ages 14-16 it was hell. Clash of the fecking Titans. I finally had to start letting things go. Like her room was always a sty. This drove me bonkers because the rest of my 3000 sq ft home is clean and because our BS was not allowed to be a slob. But I had to channel my inner Elsa and let it go. I would just close her door. If her shit was laying around the house, I would just open her door and toss it in her room, or throw it in the trash. The bathroom that she used was a sty, but I had to let it go. BS had to start taking showers in our bathroom because he refused to use the tub because it was always full of hair and empty shampoo bottles and I refused to clean up after a 15 year old. DH understood and would get on her ass to clean up her holes.. but it never lasted. But again, once I let that small area of my home go to the demilitarized zone... my frustration level went way down.

Xero's picture

Thanks for your comment. We are tying the knot soon. The kid has been the same the whole time I have known him. Just progressively smelling worse and worse while being it lol.
In regard to "how I was raised," people seem to be having a field day with that one lol. Yes I was raised in a particularly neat home but I was by no means a straight A and neat kid, not for a long time. My folks have a pretty dysfunctional relationship themselves and I and my siblings turned out in our own different ways in response.
I eventually did neaten up and get As, but it took s lot of hard work to get there. I was not a perfect child by any means. I had my share of family therapy as a child and some helped some didn't. I got perspective by moving out of my house at 18 and never looking back,and that's when I really put it together that I got my fathers work ethic and neatness preferences lol.
I honestly don't care too much if his room is a bomb crater, as long as it doesn't creep into my space and as long as it doesn't stink up the rest of the house. The latter tends to be the problem though. Gah.
Anywho, all that aside, I'm trying to not put all of it out there as an expectation, I think it's just a process of learning how to sort the roles. And I continue to learn how to disengage. Even though we have lived together for 3 years it hasn't always been peachy. Stench will be 16 next month and like we say about the oldest kid with every new age, "I've never had a ____ year old before." So who knows.

Pecanflower's picture

Xero, I read your blog this morning at 1:30 and promised myself I would comment when I was more fully awake and at at decent keyboard.

I have been co-parenting my SS14 since he was 7. Recently, since his hormones have started raging, I have wanted to take him and his messy, stinky, smelly, surly, disrespectful, immature little bottom by the throat and hang him. There are days when I look at him and think "I seriously hate your face right now." And I love the kid.

So, Don't beat yourself up too much. Part of it is the "teenage boy" thing; I think they are programmed to be as disgusting as possible. It is some sort of rite of passage for them and for us.

See if you and Sunny can seek counseling together. You may find tools there to help you cope.

Xero's picture

Thanks for your thoughtful reply Pecan. Just when I thought I was done with counseling, lol! Honestly I'm really just starting to dig the actual, legitimate rules of disengagement at this point. I thought I had it down but some of these comments have made me realize there is more (less?) to do. I'm already a bit more hopeful. If I take shelter maybe the lumbering, stinking storm will blow over. In 5 or so years lol.

Tuff Noogies's picture

xero - that disengagement link that was posted earlier - you need to make sure you have it bookmarked, and read it many times.

i will caution you, tho', on two things, and please please please heed my advice. 1.) do *not* have a family meeting to announce your disengagement. just do it gradually, letting go of one thing at a time. and 2.) disengagement is different for everyone. it should always be in a state of flux (unless they're on their own and dead to you). and it can be different for how you handle each kid.

i'll share my personal disengagement journey. i went full-stop. big mistake. i re-engaged fully, and started to drop one thing at a time that i was doing previously that caused discord. the first thing was laundry, i taught them how to use the machines, how to sort clothes, etc. the next time they needed clothes, i said "the washer's empty, have at it!" they did good for a while, then started bugging dh. so dh does their laundry, but i dont care as long as it doesnt interfere w/ me.

i quit picking up after them. i quit house-cleaning, cuz i simply will not clean around an obstacle course. i quit cooking for them, cuz i'd make dinner and then dh would play short-order chef to the kids, sometimes even cooking up to three additional meal besides the one i had already cooked. i quit talking to kaos unless he addresses me first in a nice manner. i also refuse to drive him anywhere unless i feel like it (which is not often).

dh did NOT like it. he was very unhappy and took it as that i quit caring about our home and family, but that's because his "love language" is "acts of service". i explained to him "our home and family is my world. but i've gotten really resentful because of..... and i need to stop doing what's making me resentful for me, my health, and our marriage." he has stepped up and either made the kids do xyz or he'll do it himself.

just remember to keep it flexible and reevaluate yourself from time to time. you can re-engage in certain aspects depending on the kid and the circumstance.