HELP--Before I go postal on BM
Ok so I am so livid I am shaking. The crazy has hit a whole new level. I receive various angry texts from BM today where she is demanding to know my financial contributions of the household because somehow she got wind of how much money I make at my current job. Mind you I am not rolling in the dough by any stretch of the imagination, I am comfortable. She has it in her head that if I make all this money DH has to pay her more and threatening to take us both to court in order to accomplish this.
Any one know the legality portion of this? Please help!!
- danielsj2's blog
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Just say no unless you
Just say no unless you receive an order from the court compelling you to disclose your financial information. And if it gets to that, hire a lawyer to fight it. They're not your kids and you have no rights and therefore no responsibility for them. Actually just ignore her demands. You don't need to answer. Block her number from your phone.
Yes.. but I am so seething
Yes.. but I am so seething mad that I am having a hard time not shutting her down. Even though I know she can't touch my money and this is just a desperate attempt since she is a bartender who can't make her rent.
True. But in my head I am
True. But in my head I am giving a smack down of epic proportions with this woman.
She wants your engagement.
She wants your engagement. Ignoring her is the best method to shut her down. If she just wanted your money she would not have said a thing but filed for a child support adjustment based on your contribution to the household. She wants a fight, she wants to hurt you and to scare you that she will get your money. She wants you to leave your husband in an attempt to protect your income. Ignoring her is your best weapon.
The biggest smack down would
The biggest smack down would be to totally ignore her. It will drive her crazy. If you respond, she will have won. She will know she got under your skin.
^^^^THIS^^^^ If she is bat
If she is bat shi* crazy then ignoring her will get the best of her.
Block her immediately and
Block her immediately and zero contact with her....
Yea not sure what state you
Yea not sure what state you live in, but unless there is an extreme circumstance and the skids are living in extreme hardship, the courts won't consider the smoms income (even in a state like CA where it is pretty biased towards women). We are getting this also and hearing news of BMs belief that her "lawyer" is telling her that she can get 30% more in CS if she goes after my income or talks my commander (im in the military). It's all talk, absurd, and total BS. It is very unusual for a court to consider a step parents money since, as I'm sure BM will be first to tell you, you have no legal rights to skids, didn't make the decision to create skids, and weren't in their bed!
Yes DH is in the military as
Yes DH is in the military as well. he makes his CS on time every month even though we have the kids more than she does every week.
BAHAHHAHAHAHA OMG I needed that laugh.. and my keyboard got a nice coffee bath out of it. Thank you!
That's fabulous!!! Or better
That's fabulous!!!
Or better yet, send a photo...
Jeez, monkeyskids, those
Jeez, monkeyskids, those numbers are kinda low...
I could always add $534.00-
I could always add $534.00- structural reinforcements for the sex swing
Right right... soundproofing
Right right... soundproofing is key, we couldn't get another noise complaint from the neighbors
Gotta say, monkey, that's
Gotta say, monkey, that's some cheap oil...
One piece of lingerie a month??
I guess DH and I need to convert a barn. Sigh....
The oil? Or the lingerie? The
The oil? Or the lingerie? The expensive stuff is to wear for a loooong time. The cheap stuff is for tearing off. }:)
I blocked her cell phone
I blocked her cell phone awhile ago. She is apparently using a friends, i dont recognize the number the texts are coming from. Or she got a new one
WHY does she even have your
WHY does she even have your number??? Reject every phone number you do not recognize. Depending on your phone, you may be able to reject with a text message. IE: "Calls from unrecognized numbers are not accepted by the user."
If BioHo ever called me, I would seriously consider changing my number.
IGNORE THE WHORE. Block her number.. why does she even HAVE your number. Silence girl. Do not speak to her.
Ignore, ignore, ignore. If
Ignore, ignore, ignore. If you are tempted to reply back block her number. If and when she goes to court to try to get cs adjusted you can discuss this with a lawyer. Usually a step parents income is not relevant.
Yep.. Ignore. Put DH on
Yep.. Ignore.
Put DH on notice that he needs to deal with her.
Unless your DH has asked for
Unless your DH has asked for a hardship type modification to his CS, your income and how you contribute to the household bills is none of her business. If the court wants a breakdown , the appropriate steps will have to be gone through. Silly BMs on a text get nothing. Why does she even have your number?
No clue what you do for a living, but as a public state employee, my husband's state pay was online for years (he's retired now). It simply reported his state pay. No details, no other type of income, just yep, the Comptroller issued him this amount on this day and a year to date. Unless your salary is public knowledge , how does BM even know what she found out is accurate?
Ignore her. Don't waste your day boiling at greedy bar tenders who can't afford their rent. Perhaps if she up scaled her tending environment she'd make more money. Plenty of servers make very decent wages/tips, just obviously, not where BM works.
I honestly have no clue why
I honestly have no clue why she thinks I am a millionaire because no it isn't public knowledge unless she found my company bio online and figure with the title of Vice President that must mean I bring in a million an hour.
You have no legal obligations
You have no legal obligations to step children, financially or otherwise.
Thank you everyone for the
Thank you everyone for the advice and comments- you have prevented the loss of sanity!
I am all for being annoying!
I am all for being annoying!
Oh burn! Thank you!
Oh burn! Thank you!
Nope... it is very unlikely
Nope... it is very unlikely that your income as the SParent will be considered for CS. Let her go crazy with it... the Judge will likely deliver her her own ass in court.
I know when this happens,
I know when this happens, it's so hard not to feel incredibly angry. You've just gotta remember that she's clearly a loser and a crazy one at that. Whenever BM asks or implies anything to do with my income I get furious because NO WAY IN HELL will another woman have ANY access to my money or think she has ANY rights to it, especially a woman who refuses to work while i've worked my ass off since 18.
We have full-time custody and she barely sees SD AND doesn't pay child support, yet whenever my husband would ask for her to split on the cost of something SD needed, she'd say it's my problem, not hers.
I get so angry whenever BM implies "sunshinex should pay for that because she has more money than me" or "you married someone who makes good money SD is her obligation now!" I actually end up ranting for hours to my husband about what a crazy biatch he slept with lol. Before we were married and we didn't even share money she'd make comments like that!
Yes exactly!!! I worked a
Yes exactly!!! I worked a full time job through both of my degrees to get where I am today--no way I am going to let some slacker BM who had years o opportunity for FREE college education cause of her husband's military dictate what I owe her. And I didn't reply because I don't negotiate with terrorists... but if she does try and take me to court she will see a level of pettiness that puts the history of crazy woman to shame. I have kept ever text, threatening VM, and videos of her showing up to our house so intoxicated she couldn't stand up.
I have no desire to have the Skids full time but keep threatening to take what I have BLED to achieve and I will go full force just to see watch her world burn
Ok end rant.. that felt good tho.
Hahaha I feel ya, rant
Hahaha I feel ya, rant away... It's healthy
And yeah that's my thought exactly... BM has every chance in the world to better herself, especially considering she lives with her parents and never sees her child and doesn't pay child support. If she wants to go to school or get a good full-time job, the world is her oyster as they say... she has literally NOTHING holding her back. Yet I manage to raise her kid WHILE working a full-time job and making a good income.
It really does drive ya crazy. Like how dare they have the audacity to think they haven't gotten by mooching enough? When does it end? Get off your butt and earn more money if you want more money. You know what I do when I start thinking "hey, it'd be nice to have more money?" I work 10-12 hours a day instead of 8 and blow my bosses mind with my dedication than get a raise.
I hate lazy people.
I guess I needed to rant, too
I love that people here understand these things. Until you've dealt with an insane, lazy woman who wants nothing more than to take everything you have while YOU'RE helping to raise her kid, you don't know anger! haha
Ha yes I agree. I am a huge
Ha yes I agree. I am a huge advocate of "If you don't like your situation then change it" but I will nail my tongue to a table before I give free handouts to lazy unmotivated people! And yes this site has been a blessing--knowing there are others that are going through the same thing and can add their life experiences to help others.
The only time your income
The only time your income will matter to BM is when/if skids apply for financial aid under the FAFSA.
And the FAFSA income is based
And the FAFSA income is based on the income of the custodial parent. If that's DH, then they will want your financial info as well. But if it's her, then they only want her financials.
Don't reply at all. She has
Don't reply at all. She has no way to get ANY of your money. Our BM tried to do the same thing and it was thrown out. Don't worry.
Wow these women want to live
Wow these women want to live off everyone else indefinitely wow
Even in NJ, which is
Even in NJ, which is absolutely the worst state you could imagine when it comes to CS and alimony....a new spouse's income does not come into play, with the exception (in NJ) of college and even then, only to the point that it frees up the NCP income.
Just ignore her. If it somehow managed to be taken seriously by the court- get your own lawyer to block, limit the scope of disclosure or at least have the info only for the judge's eyes...not BM's. Then, go after BM for your legal fees.
You should ignore her but
You should ignore her but being the person I am, I would respond even though it's not the high road or the best. I would send back" "Lol" because her request is ridiculous.
In some states, if you can
In some states, if you can prove the NCP is in a supportive relationship, they can say their share of household bills is smaller and that frees up more money for CS. It's sucks, but I've seen it happen in my state, PA. Look into it to be sure.
It's one of the reasons SO
It's one of the reasons SO and I aren't married. I don't know if BM would go after my income, but I'm not making it easy for her to do so.
Do you know if Virginia is a
Do you know if Virginia is a shared income model by any chance?
Ugh.. thanks
Ugh.. thanks
As it stands we are only
As it stands we are only supposed to get them 2 overnights (weekends) but we have the youngest % days a week AND we pay for daycare Thursday and Friday. I don't feel we should pay her what we are currently if we have one almost 5 days a week
Does shared income apply only
Does shared income apply only to a spouse - or would it apply to a couple who is living together? If a couple is living together and keeping separate finances would that change things?
I live in PA. BM asked for
I live in PA. BM asked for my income to be taken into account at DH's last support hearing. The support master wouldn't even consider it.
Now, maybe there are circumstances where it would be considered, like if DH was claiming hardship or something, but at least in our case it wasn't.
OMG Granny Goose that
OMG Granny Goose that response was so epic I want to send you an Alcohol Gift Basket lol. I never responded to her. An hour later I got a text apologizing that she blew up my phone and she is just frustrated... Even though I still didn't respond, I really wanted to send her a link to a mental care facility saying they have made tremendous strides in the treatment of bipolar disorder.
But yes I think she forgets that if we go to court her character assessment will not work in her favor with her legal transgressions.
Apparently, here in
Apparently, here in California, Child Support cannot be increased when a new mate comes into the picture:
There were numerous sites that mentioned this. This is a concern that SO and I have, if something should happen and BM gets wild hair to go after him for more money.
You are under NO obligation
You are under NO obligation for talking her texts, calls and emails. You are not obligated to talk to, text with, answer texts, answers calls, take calls or make any of the above to BM. Nor any of her family.
You are not obligated TO give her your phone number or email address, work number etc.
Most certainly you are not obligated to answer this question.
The only person your obligated to answer this is a Judge.
Time to block her. I never understood why new wives gave out their private contact info to the ex anyway.
You can un-ring this bell right now IF you want to.
Best bet is to ignore. Have u
Best bet is to ignore. Have u tried kick boxing?? It's great for stress relief and u can picture BMs face on the punching bag and have at it.
"Either ignore her or screw
"Either ignore her or screw with her."
Or, you could do both.
Lawyer up and drag her back to court to revise support and tighten up the custody agreement. (Hopefully you've been documenting her shenanigans and any extra time you've had the kids). Find a vicious attorney who knows how to knitpick and bury the opposition in minutia. Label her high conflict and insist on only written communication between her and DH.
I'd never speak another single word to that crazy bitch - but I'd give her a jaunty wave while bankrupting her in court.
Granny, my OSD is a GU and a
Granny, my OSD is a GU and a narcissist MOTY. Her first husband left her, and even years later he is one of the few people she doesn't mess with because he completely pounded her in their divorce.
With narcs, the best option is to remove them from your life. If this isn't possible, then scorching the earth around them can work. Make them want to avoid YOU.
Too right!
Too right!
Just take pictures of
Just take pictures of yourself smiling and respond with those. Be extra annoying back.
Every one already said it -
Every one already said it - block BM and then ignore her...
see a lawyer and find out if your income will count towards CS... then make plans accordinly
Interesting.. We are in VA.
Interesting.. We are in VA. I will have to look up the details
I want to take her back to
I want to take her back to court to lower payment. We pay her every month because the CO states we get them for two overnights a week... however we have the 1 year old 5 days a week AND we pay for daycare those two days cause she cannot afford daycare. I want it lowered
HAHAH yes I am confident it
HAHAH yes I am confident it will be lowered drastically when we show the courts how much we have the youngest.
Well there you go. Time for a
Well there you go. Time for a trip back to court. Currently, you're subsidizing the very person who texts you abuse.