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DH got the offer!!!!!!!!

CBCharlotte's picture

I could just melt with relief. I still won't 100% believe it until it is accepted and signed on paper and he starts work lol.

The offer is pretty decent. It's less than half of what he was making before getting laid off, but he wasn't expecting to make what he used to make.

The real shock is they threw inn a very nice and completely unexpected CASH bonus, as well as an even bigger vesting over 3 years bonus to make up for the lower base salary. We were so thrilled, as we've been eating through our savings these last years and this will greatly help.

Thank you all for your support. He is still trying to see if the bank will push things along and also make him an offer so he has a choice, but he said he feels good about the offer and about our life here.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Great news!! Congratulations!!

BethAnne's picture

Party tonight at your's! Congratulations! I am really pleased things have turned a corner for you two.

Exjuliemccoy's picture
