I am so happy I found this site! Finally I feel like I have finally found "My People" to talk to!
Here is my situation... My apologies for this being such a novel, I had to get it out!!! All of it!
My BF’s 8 ½ year old daughter is coming to visit in July and my panic levels are sky high because of it. I really need to vent because I do not have the full support of my BF and I haven’t been able to vent to anyone so please forgive me if this seems a bit all over the place. So BF and I can’t even discuss his daughter without it turning into a screaming match. We are not married, and don’t plan on getting married anytime soon so I’ll never be an official “step parent”. But that’s ok, I don’t need the title, (I’m already divorced w/no kids) and neither one of us feel the need to run to the altar to have a long life together. We are just fine being ‘us’ so no legalities needed at this point in our relationship. I am not a bio-mom. I do not have kids of my own. My BF has one child, and he has practically little, to no experience when it comes to kids over the age of 4. I have plenty of experience with kids of every age due to helping my brother raise his 4 kids (2 girls/2 boys) when my SIL passed away back in 1991, in addition to the fact that I am a woman, and all my friends have had children. Anyway, BF divorced his heavily cheating wife back in 2014 when his daughter was only 4 years of age and he left to take a new job in a different state that would allow him to comfortable financially pay for his daughters child support. Daughter lives in Texas, we live in California.
Over the course of the years, we have had VERY little contact with his daughter. My BF only talks to her maybe once a month because when he left, her BM bought her a cell phone and gave a 4 year old the responsibility of keeping in contact with her father. This was all so BM would never have to talk to my BF again. His daughter has only visited us three times in California since 2014, the most recent visit was back in March. She’s a good kid, so whatever I say after this, please know that it comes from a lot of stress and just plain frustration as her BM isn’t really raising this child and when we see her, even though she’s almost 9 years old, we end up dealing with a child who acts no more than 5. She has all the behaviors of a latch key kid and it seems there are aspects in this child’s life that have prevented her from progressing past that age. Not a bad thing, but this child needs some adult guidance. So BM refuses to speak to BD & has openly practiced parental alienation by listening in on the one or two phone calls he may get with her a month & keeping her whole life in Texas a secret. We know nothing about this kid! For years this child has been asked to lie about her life and withhold information from her own father. If BF talks to her on a Monday night, and asks her what she did for the weekend, she answers with “I don’t remember”. What kid can’t remember what they did for the last two days on a weekend? We can’t say anything, because we know BM is on the other end standing over her making her lie and withhold all information. We have never seen a report card, BF gets her school picture as a Christmas gift or Father’s Day gift, instead of when BM receives it and gives it to everybody else. We have no idea when she is at the doctors or the dentist. She's flown out of Texas to other states and we have never been told when she is on a plane or that she even went somewhere. She supposedly in counseling but we have no idea when or where she goes. She has a mouth full of silver from eating nothing but sugar and Chick fil-a. Her diet is another story, but to give you an idea, this child has not eaten any other real foods since she was 3 years old, as the only thing she will eat is chicken nuggets from Chick-fil-a, Sprite, Dr. Pepper, French fries, and any candy/garbage filled with sugar. Her diet is incredibly unhealthy and absolutely disgusting! She’s not an overweight kid, yet. If an adult does not drive to Chick-fil-a for her dinner or lunch (lunch is delivered to her at her elementary school) she will only nibble on apples and peanut butter, or a bag of Doritos. She is very hyperactive and a demanding little girl who belts out orders to every adult around her. She cries when she doesn’t get her way, cries if she doesn’t WIN a board game or any game she’s playing for that matter, and if you hurt her feelings, HOLY SHIT it’s a shit storm of sympathy and coddling and crying for a half an hour until she feels better! She has zero coping skills.
She is also very expensive! And by expensive, I mean her we actually cannot afford this little girl! BM is a total lazy asshole on state aid, no job but her family is very wealthy! BM is a complete Dependapotomus and has no problem living off her family or anyone else and neither does her new husband. BM is on her 3rd marriage. BM married a man and said nothing to us, and had his daughter lie to us about it. It’s a very bad situation in Texas all the way aournd and that’s a whole other baby momma drama entirely! Anyway, BM’s family buys BF’s daughter everything she’s ever wanted and not wanted. This child has 8 American girl dolls and every accessory in the store!(Ask me about the $15,000.00 in presents this ONLY child received for Christmas in 2015 and even higher in 2016) BM has to give her old toys away when she’s not home or she will scream and cry and pitch a fit about her giving away her “Stuff”. I sent this child two gifts after she left in March and thanked her for her visit, and I never got a phone call, text, nothing. It was if I never bought them and she never received them. They were wrapped in pretty paper and I took the time to make them special and wrote a nice note, and I never once heard from her even tho I did bring this to my BF's attention. That’s BM’s fault for accepting them in the mail and allowing her kid to be ungrateful and not teaching her proper etiquette when it comes to receiving gifts. It's also my BF's fault for acting as a best friends instead of her father out of guilt and not calling her and telling her to thank people for presents. They both suck as parents!! When she was here back in March, I was appalled at her behavior as she acted like a pissed off teenager the entire visit and had absolutely no respect for me, my BF, our house and our things. She was very unhappy because she wanted to go to the American girl doll store and that store is 2 hours away from us! So we gave in and took her, but with no intentions of buying her another doll because we knew she had 7 of them and they are SO DAMN EXPENSIVE! The look on her face was pissy and pouty when were there until my BF gave in and pulled out his credit card. The second her father gave into an AG doll was only time she showed absolute excitement to be with us, and she wasn’t happy with us, she was happy about the doll and the money we spent. She is only happy when shopping and spending lots of money. So, $350.00 later and me about to throw up and two hours away from home, she got her way. I have never yelled at this little girl for anything, or raised my voice for that matter. I have always asked her nicely to do things, or not to do things, in which she outright chooses to ignore. For instance, some of the things I was correcting her for: She NEVER says “Please”, or “Thank you”. You have to talk to her like a toddler and tell her “what do you say?” She walks and jumps all over my furniture and couch with her shoes on and does gymnastics on them. I’ve asked her politely “Can you please not walk on my couch or do gymnastics off the couch?” My couch was very expensive! The last thing I need is anyone’s kid, even if it were my own, walking, jumping, and doing gymnastics on it. She did it anyway every god damn day for 10 days! I cringed every day she was here because I was afraid she would run off the couch and crack her head open! We don’t have a kitchen table yet…so we eat in the living room with TV trays. I don’t like the eating arrangements when she’s here, but at this time I have no other choice and I’ll be sure to have a real kitchen table when she comes in July! She cannot concentrate on dinner because she’s playing around, lying down on the couch, kicking up her feet, watching TV, playing with our dog, all inappropriate behavior for dinner time. I’ve asked her to sit up straight when she eats. This little girl looks me directly in the eyes, shoves a chicken nugget in her mouth, lies down, and starts kicking her feet in the air! I’m afraid she is going to choke on her food! BF sees nothing wrong with any of this. Our bedroom door was closed, and she crawled through the dog door to get in while I was in there. She opens up every cabinet and drawer that is none of her business including the medicine cabinet! She likes to feed herself whatever and whenever she feels like it by going into my kitchen and taking anything she wants! And because she thinks Chick-fil-a is the only good food on this planet, I get to hear her complain about other people’s food. She’ll look at someone’s plate and say “YUCK!! THAT’S GROSS!” I want to tell her no one cares to hear how “YUCK” she thinks their food is. When BF asks her to try another food like a mac-n-cheese, she will hysterically cry and the tiny little noodle hasn’t even touched her lip yet! No lie! Then she makes this puking gaging sound very dramatically as if the noodle is going to kill her. All this BEFORE the noodle hits her lip! She does this on purpose as I’ve seen her try other small things and not act like this at all. I find that so rude, especially when out to eat in public. No one will let her go hungry and feed her real food. Every adult in this child’s life is slowly killing her and now she has an eating disorder at the ripe old age of 8!
Sigh…. I’ve told her numerous times on her last visit that she is not allowed to answer our front door for any reason. We live in a big city. I don’t even answer my door if I don’t recognize the visitor. Apparently her BM must let her answer the door all the time because every single time our doorbell rang, she bolted towards the door at full speed like a dog resulting in my snapping at her not to touch the door!! She was upset and complained to my BF that she’s not used to all these “rules”. Then he tells this child that it’s because I was raised differently. WTF is that? No, I was raised with respect.
I’m sorry, but I’m not into the “free range parenting” style like my BF and her BM. Especially when it’s my house and my belongings. I’ve tried on so many occasions to talk to my BF about all of this, but of course, he immediately goes on the defense telling me she’s just a kid and she doesn’t need any rules in the house. I’ve tried to explain to him these “rules”, are to keep her safe because SHE IS A KID and to teach her to act like a polite little girl. When she is here, she is my responsibility when he is at work. If she falls off my couch and breaks her leg, or splits her head open, or permanently fucks up her face with an injury, it will be MY FAULT and I guarantee CPS will be in the Emergency room questioning ME! If she chokes on her food because she’s lying on her back while eating, it will be MY FAULT if I don’t save her life! On top of all of this, at the age of 8 ½, she still cannot wipe her ass, as my BF is still doing that too and none too happy about it. She smelled like a dirty diaper several times on her last visit and I had to bring it to his attention. She is unable to wash her own hair, or properly bathe her body. She cannot shower, bathe, brush her teeth or comb her hair independently. I was doing all this at her age, and so were my nieces, nephews, and friends kids. She is going to be 9 years old in a few months. I think she is getting way too old to have her daddy wash her in the shower or bath and help her wipe shit off her ass! She visits in July for a month. My BF doesn’t believe in rules, and his daughter claims she has none at home. I was planning on having her help me around the house while she was here but when I said something, I received a dirty look from BF like I’m a horrible person for even suggesting his daughter help out while she’s here.
When did visitation become a VACATION? We cannot afford this child, and I’ve recently lost my job. When she visits, we have to plan something special every day! We can't even live or act like a normal household because her visiting is just another vacation for her, that she thinks is all about her! And what I don’t understand is how anyone, as a step parent, can be expected to accept a child as their own, but yet sit back and shut the fuck up when it comes to raising them and disciplining them because it’s not their kid? That doesn’t seem right. If I’m babysitting or watching someone's kids in my house & I’m responsible for them, and one of those kids walks on my couch, runs through my house, goes into my medicine cabinet, rummages through my bedroom drawers, you can bet your fucking ass I’m going to discipline them and I really don’t give a fuck if I hurt their feelings. They are in MY HOUSE! And quite honestly, she isn’t my child. I wouldn’t let my own children act so rude and impolite and entitled. This kid doesn’t have to like me or love me but I do expect her to listen to me and respect my home, my personal belongings, and my privacy. Unfortunately, I have to walk on eggshells every time we see her because god forbid she might have an unhappy thought and have to follow a “RULE!” I have become an outsider in my own house with no voice. Inside, I’m screaming at the top of my lungs!
- crustycrunchieme's blog
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Visitation often becomes a
Visitation often becomes a 24/7 three ring circus and competition to see who can spoil the kids the most (TM)
Sad but true.
I think you may be confusing
I think you may be confusing "free range parenting" with NO
In my mind, free range means you give the kids freedoms to explore their surroundings like walking to the park to play without parents tagging along at ages that the parents feel like the kids can handle it.
What you are describing is a child with no limits, boundaries, rules, manners, supervision etc..
One thing that you may find helpful is the mantra - You can't care more than the parent does.
That being said, her being in your home means that her behavior (or lake thereof) impacts YOU. If your BF isn't interested in parenting his child, your choices are stay and deal with the kid as is.. or be gone..either permanently or when she is around.
This is only going to get worse with parents like hers.
THIS You can't care more than
You can't care more than the parent does.
Ever since adapting this mind frame with SD I have been less stressed out. You're intentions may be great and come from a good place but if the parents don't see it that way or are lazy then you are just spinning your wheels.
For me, when SD comes into my home, she follows the rules of the house. SO knows if she doesn't and he doesn't enforce then/parents her, then she is no longer welcomed in my home, meaning they both go. I will not put up with disrespect in my place of sanctuary.
Ok ...first is
Ok ...first is not your job to fix this child. And it sounds like you have taken it upon yourself to "fix" your SOs kid. It also sounds like SO does not agree with your style of parenting HIS child. So just stop.
Put a lock on your door. Don't watch her. Don't try to change her diet. And just act like a friendly Aunt. Be polite but not parental. Split finances asap.
I don't want to fix this
I don't want to fix this child, but it's my house, and if I'm going to be responsible for her, I would like her to at the very least, have some respect for my personal belongings while she's here. I would love NOT to watch her, but he goes to work, and I'm home. I can leave her all alone like her mother has been doing since she was 6, but that's child neglect in my eyes. NO?
I have no idea. I've never
I have no idea. I've never NOT been around since he's moved to California. We, him or I, cannot afford day care, or a baby sitter. More than half his paycheck goes to his ex for child support. One child gets $1700.00 a month! So without me here, she wouldn't be able to come. Me and my job make it possible to fly her here so he can see her.
I think the question is
I think the question is valid. What would he do if you weren't around? Refuse visitation?
This really bothers me. he
This really bothers me. he should NOT be dependent on you and YOUR income and YOUR availability to babysit HIS child. What if you took off tomorrow? He'd have to figure something else out. Of course part of this is your fault for allowing him to be dependent on you.
I also wanted to address the complaints about what is going on at BM's house and how you are not being told things. What happens at BMs house is really none of your business unless the SD is being abused. If she eats shitty food? Oh well, you can't change that, so no sense worrying about it. If SD flies out of her state to destinations unknown to you and it's not in any kind of legal document that your BF be notified, then oh well, not your business. Frankly I'd be pissed if BM thought it necessary to "inform" DH of every stupid little detail of what happens in her home.
Your SD behavior is simply the nature of the beast. You can't take a kid for a couple of weeks or months every year or so and expect to bend them overnight into conforming to your way of life (i.e. diet, responsibility, respect etc) It's just not going to happen. I'm not saying you have to be happy with the situation, because I get that it truly sucks! But what you have to do is simply learn to cope in the best way possible for YOU when she is there for the short time that she is. If that means getting out of the house and visiting friends or family? Then do that. If that means getting a PT job so you are home less? Then do it. If that means locking yourself in your room? Then do it.
His place is my place. We
His place is my place. We have a house, car, dog...all the amenities that come with being married, without the legal piece of paper. I would love to NOT be involved in the visitation, but that's a bit unavoidable since I'm currently not working, and when I do work, I work from home and travel out when necessary. I'm a consultant.
I am the babysitter during the day, all day, every day when she is here. How do I avoid that??
find somewhere else to be...
find somewhere else to be... lol
You tell your BF that he
You tell your BF that he needs to arrange for a babysitter.. and especially since he does not agree with the way you want to "parent" his child, you are not it.
Nothing worse than being responsible for a kid when you are given NO authority over them.
This again! I like you ESMOD
This again! I like you ESMOD lol
I am a childfree SM as well. I can work from home if I want. There are 2 to 4 weeks in the summer when SD is with us straight 2 weeks. SO has to figure that out himself. If he wants his kid to spend those 2 to 4 weeks with us then he figures out the babysitting arrangements during our work hours. I don't care if he sends her to his moms or sisters as long as she isn't home while I am home working. If I am not working if I decide I want to help I do and keep her, but only if I choose to.
You need to get your BF to understand you didn't make this child. She is not your responsibility its his, especially if his parenting style is different from yours. ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that has to do with her is his responsibility only.
My brother works from home
My brother works from home and they have had a nanny since the boy was born because when he says he works from home.. that means he doesn't have time to care for a child.
I remember I used to work with a co-worker that would use the airquotes when he said he had to work from home because a kid was home for some reason. He wasn't working at all... just checking in on email occasionally.
If OP really has consulting work then she can't be babysitting without it impacting her money job.
And all of this is your
And all of this is your boyfriend's fault, not BM's or the kid's
ding ding ding!!
Get another job before she
Get another job before she comes. And of course she should not tear up you personal belongings but this really sounds like the kid can do nothing right in your eyes and it makes your SO mad because you choose to force your way of parenting on him. right? You do not NEED to make sure she eats healthy, you do not NEED to make her learn how to say thank you ect. You do not NEED to pay for anything to do with her.
I still say get a job before she gets here and leave it all up to your SO. If you are not working then I could see where it would be hard to tell him no to watching her. Heck...Deliver pizza for however long she is here. This is not your job to make this kid eat right or talk right or pay for her.
I guess part of the problem
I guess part of the problem is he is dumping his child on her to watch while he is at work on these visitations. So, she has to take care of a child that is not required to follow rules she feels are pretty normal for a kid that age.
I think it's time to come up with her Hill to Die on list of things she cannot allow and let the rest of it go. So the kid subsists entirely on chick fil A? Fine.. makes it easier to feed her right? I go there on Mondays and stock up on nuggets and fries and heat and serve them to her all week. If dad doesn't care that she doesn't eat better.. why should OP?
So the kid doesn't sit up straight? Oh well.. don't take her anywhere by yourself where this behavior embarrasses you.
Drawing the line at not destroying your property.. that sounds reasonable. An expectation of privacy ie knocking.. good.
All the rest I would just ask Dad what he wants and if he doesn't care.. why should you?
I do think it sucks that her BF has dumped the kid on her yet resents any attempt to help the child behave better.
I just figure in this case
I just figure in this case that it would be easier... I would make her BF go make the initial purchase. He obviously doesn't care to "force" her to eat other foods.
Yeah.. I know that the child would eat eventually.. but I'm not sure that it should be the OP that has to deal with the histrionics since she apparently is being given a lot of grief for any consequences or rules she tries to impose on the girl.
My YSD told me I had to wipe
My YSD told me I had to wipe her butt the first time we went somewhere together. She was 5 and I had no idea if this was something I should have to do.. so I did it. Her dad rebuked her when I told him what I had to
A kid having a melt down over a piece of macaroni and cheese.. that's a pretty low bar when we are talking about
Will you please adopt me as
Will you please adopt me as Fuzzy's crusty sister?
Mr. P would snuggle with
Mr. P would snuggle with Fuzzy Umpkins. He likes kitties. Will you adopt me, too?
Mr. P and Fuzzy Umpkins can
Mr. P and Fuzzy Umpkins can share some salmon.
~rushes to pack new helmet~
I realize that that was just
I realize that that was just an example, but I would choose to go hungry rather than eat pork. It's disgusting and I don't understand how anyone can eat it. I don't even really consider pork to be food.
I wouldn't allow my future kids to eat it for the same reasons that I wouldn't allow them to eat rat poison.
Cured meats like salami and bacon seem a bit safer due to all the processing, but they're still bad for you.
Not sure what you mean...why
Not sure what you mean...why is pork any dirtier than other meats or seafood?
I'm with you. Lol
I'm with you. Lol
Pork and shellfish are
Pork and shellfish are scavengers. Some won't eat pork shellfishfor religious reason.
Some won't eat pork, but will pig out on shrimp or crabs. :? :?
I'm having a Homer Simpson moment after reading all these bacon posts.
I understand the religious
I understand the religious angle but it seemed like disgust not religion lol. Farm raised pigs aren't any more dirty that poultry or cattle raised the same way
And, as a consultant there's
And, as a consultant there's nothing to say you can't work from Starbucks or the library or?
If you are expected (and
If you are expected (and agree) to babysit this child, you get to make the rules. period. If your boyfriend doesn't like how you handle his daughter then he can find another form of child care. You should not have to compromise yourself and how you expect to be treated (by anyone), if your boyfriend wants you to "compromise" and give in to his daughter treating you terribly (by not listening, having tantrums, destroying your stuff) then you need to put your foot down and tell him no, he will need to find other arrangements.
While your boyfriend is there and "caring" for his child you need to be disengaged and let him deal with her. If it's too stressful for you to deal with that, find something to do away from them. Go hang out alone in your room, go out with friends, go for a walk, anything.
Your boyfriend has a daughter, you can't change that, the only thing you can change is how YOU handle it.
ETA: Basically stand your ground and "parent" how you see fit when you are forced into the parent role (when you are expected to babysit), this will force your boyfriend to make a choice, either give in to your "parenting" or find another babysitter
Free range is not the same as
Free range is not the same as NO parenting.
As others have pointed out.
Read my blogs - I've gone through almost the exact same thing:
food issues, using the house as a giant play area and destroying furnishings, personal hygiene, no rules for anything, spending my $ on SDs, lack of manners everywhere, no sense of danger or responsibilities...
Disengage. Just stop. It's a process but it works.
You can still care but you don't parent.
You'll drive yourself insane.
Just to be clear, I really do
Just to be clear, I really do not want to parent this child. I've raised my nieces and nephews. However, when she is here, under my care, her safety becomes an issue when she jumps around and lies down when she eats, and jumping on the furniture. I've witnessed this myself first hand, a kid running and jumping on the couch, then BLAM!!! WAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! Head cut, screaming child, rush to the emergency room. Our house is not child proof. There is no need to do that for a girl who is going to be 9 years old that doesn't live with us. That's pre-pubescent age. Hell, I got my period when I was 9! She can't clean her own butt by now, that's just...ewww...not my problem. I change diapers and help toddlers. Not a 9 year old big kid. I really don't care if she doesn't say please and thank you to me, that's my lesson learned for buying her anything and it won't happen again. Ungrateful children do not continue to be showered with gifts from me. But we are with friends, or out in public, a big girl should be polite to adults.
And it's not that my DH doesn't want to raise her, he would LOVE to have full custody of her! But that's not how any of this works and we know that. If there is no signs of physical abuse or drug use, he has no case. The fact is, he doesn't want to hurt her feelings. Her feelings are very hurt if she is told she cannot do something, or cannot have something, or is corrected in her behavior. So the lack of parenting comes more out of guilt on his part. He knows she has no manners. He knows she is severely behind in her personal hygiene. He knows her BM ignores her.He knows she is ungrateful and demanding. The screaming comes in when he complains about her diet, and everything else, but when she gets here, it all goes out the window, which is what I typically expect.
The nearest Chick-fil-a is 30 minutes away. She will settle for McDonald's nuggets, or Burger King, but she refuses to eat frozen chicken nuggets we buy her.
if you have to watch her
if you have to watch her during the day due to financial or other reasons, then just act as if you are the hired babysitter for a few weeks. Make sure she doesn't injure herself, do fun things if it seems like she is down with it, let her do her own thing if she isn't. Don't let yourself get crazed about all the things you can't control regarding BM's choice of lifestyle and parenting, the child's relationship or lack thereof with your SO, the child's diet and manners, etc. The child isn't around long enough to counter BM's programming, SO doesn't want to spend his limited time with her constantly correcting her behavior, and you can't disengage due to life circumstances. The only option is acceptance that a few weeks a year your life will be upended. Might as well stop stressing so much so far in advance!
Drive her out of town and go
Drive her out of town and go for a long walk every morning. Then you have her trapped. You tell her that in CA you do not jump on furniture and you say please and thank you. This is so people will think her mother is the best in the world and taking care of her and raising her to be a lady. ( :sick:
Put a lock on your bedroom door. And tell her the AG store is gone/ burnt down/ was destroyed in a riot/ dolls abducted by aliens/ whatever. Food? Lay out what you are eating and give her what she wants. If she is allowed to throw her body around like she is having a stroke ALL HER LIFE then how can you expect her to do otherwise?
Put away anything valuable. Buy her her own plate set from Target. Better yet let her choose it. Then she can take it back with her. And buy wine. Lots of wine.
I would get her moving every single day and tire her out. Can you take her to a water park?
If you manage to get her back onto the plane/mode of transport without losing your cool you get a prize of your choice. I know when I anticipated bad behavior from my SSons they without fail seemed to KNOW and performed appropriately. Sigh!
Chic fil a is the lord's
Chic fil a is the lord's calories... they don't count.
As everyone else has
As everyone else has said...this post is crazy long. But anyway...I agree with all the comments so far.
It is NOT your job to watch this child. If I were you, I would be getting a job ASAP! I don't care if it is a job scraping gum off the bottom of tables, I would get a job. There is no way I would stay home with my SS's all day every day. Ummm NO!!
Secondly, Why in the world would you take a child to the American Girl store and NOT get them a doll? Your BF thought it was a good idea to take a Bratty child on a two hour car ride to go LOOK at the dolls but then tell her she can't have one. I'm not saying the kid deserved to have a doll. I'm saying you don't take a kid to a store like that just to "look". You are asking for a major melt down.
Honestly Your issue is pretty easily resolved. Get a JOB!!! Stop agreeing to stay home and watch the child.
I didn't want to drive to the
I didn't want to drive to the AG store knowing we didn't want to buy a doll, but DH insisted, and she wouldn't shut up about it. I tried to explain to him that we really shouldn't take her there just for the trip. She doesn't comprehend that. She may have a better understanding of it if it were explained to her that we really couldn't afford it and just not go instead of take her so she can "window shop". No 8 year old wants to "Window Shop". This is where his inexperience with kids, especially little girls comes in. He's been exposed to two kids, his two nieces, that he is very distant from and not close with at all so he's not really good with 'kids'.....including his own.
For instance, he feels so guilty about her situation that he told her he'd look into sky diving lessons when she's here. Uh, #1. She's 8 1/2. #2. It's very expensive and not even a rational idea for her, she is afraid to even ride a bicycle and....#3. It's illegal for anyone under the age of 18 in the United States to sky dive. But hey, if he wants to throw his 8 year old kid out of a plane, who am I to say NO? LOL! I just want it to be free! HAHA!
Oh yes, been through things
Oh yes, been through things like this too.
Don't get in the car.
If your DH throws a tantrum about it, treat him like the toddler he's acting like.
Ignore him, go do your own thing. Don't witness the situation - it's his alone.
You've got to learn to disengage.
THAT'S where you will get your freedom.
As I've said a million times before, find those things you CANNOT disengage from. Yours may be furniture jumping (it was one of mine too). I came down HARD on SDs each and every time. I made it clear to them and DH, each and every time, that furniture was not gym equipment and if anything was broken (and it was) I was not paying for it. I still catch them (11 and 13) standing or playing on the furniture (but not often) and all it takes is me to say "OFF!" SD11 ripped a handle off her closet door (within 2 weeks of me putting them on). I just told her, "Well, guess you have no handle on this one then if you can't use handles properly."