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Would this bother you?

zerostepdrama's picture

DH has a friend (I'll call him Jim) that lives in the area. DH and Jim used to hang out a lot- help each other with side work, work around the house, but they don't hang out as much now.

They only really became friends once DH and I got together- over 6 years ago. So Jim didn't know the skids prior to me and DH being together.

Jim does know SS but doesn't really know girl skids because they are never around and when they were coming around Jim was never really around.

So when Potato Gate happened, DH and the skids did run to Jim's house and it did cause some damage about how friend and his wife felt about me. (I was the bitch to DH's precious snowflakes) I don't think we ever fully recovered from that. I do like Jim more then his wife as the wife kind of has an attitude and just all around scowl face, etc. Like she just seems miserable. Also around the time that DH and I got married I felt like she tried to cause some issues with me and the wife of DH's best friend. So we just have this mutual understanding, if we see each other- cool but if not we are fine too. I just get the impression wife doesn't care for me that much and that's fine but I feel the same way. But I think it stems from the skids.

So graduation weekend- Jim calls DH and DH tells him he is at home and Jim asks where YSD is. I thought it was kind of odd because Jim should know that YSD does not come over to the house. But I just brushed it off. Then next evening around 7:30 DH invited friend, his best friend and I invited my friend over to the house for drinks. So Jim texts DH "I'll stop by. Where is YSD." (phone was sitting right where I could read the text).

So I ask DH "Why does Jim keep asking about YSD?" and DH tells me "I think he has a card for her". So I'm thinking- he has probably only been around YSD 5 times in 3-4 years. This "friend" and wife didn't even get me and DH a WEDDING card, but he has a card for someone he hardly knows?????

So I tell DH I think it's really weird "Does Jim even know YSD like that???"

DH tells me "Well YSD stopped over to his house like 2 weeks ago with her BF to say hi."

So now I'm really annoyed...

Why is YSD stopping by his house? DH tells me all snotty "Well she lives in the neighborhood now." (Okay, well what is a 18 year old doing just dropping by her father's friends house that she hardly knows.)

So I ask how she even knows where Jim lives and DH said "She came over a few times when I have been there."

Hmmm okay... so now you are secretly meeting up with YSD at your friends house?

YSD stopped coming to our house in 2012. Once a month (sometimes more, sometimes less) DH will take her to dinner/lunch/movies, etc. That is the extent of their relationship as far as I know.

So I'm like- are you like having visits with YSD over at Jim's house??? He's like No- if I have been over there and she called and I told her to stop by. But it was really only a few times and it's been awhile since that happened.

I honestly can't see DH just hanging with YSD at friend's house and he really hasn't been over there that much recently. And yes I look at DH's phone and I rarely see phone calls from YSD- just texts demanding money. So I'm not sure if DH is making it seem like YSD has been over to Jim's house more then she has, because he's trying to not make it look so bad that she just stopped over at friends house????

Either way... I was bothered by it. I'm like can't I have ANYTHING with you DH that the skids don't have to be involved in??????

Can't have a "normal" relationship with DH because of the skids. Can't have a "normal" relationship with DH's family because of the skids and now I have to worry about his friends????

I don't like YSD at all. So pretty much anyone being involved with her (not family) just rubs me the wrong way because I'm like why do people want to be around her???

I find it weird, her just stopping be Jim's house though she is totally the type that she thinks very highly of herself so she would think that everyone wants to see her and that they appreciate her randomly stopping by.


Acratopotes's picture

blow it off Zero - I would be bothered for about 10 seconds and well I will be on guard with Jim and his wife, you are already on guard with her, ....

this is not a second thought worth, just be yourself and enjoy life, Jim and wife will soon find out who the real SD is and it will be to late for them.....

zerostepdrama's picture

Agree. I was really pissed about it on Sunday night because I had literally spent all day Sunday reflecting on skid stuff and how I was going to make improvements, etc and then of course they come creeping back in my life in some way... never giving me a break. LOL! But today I feel much better about it.

DaizyDuke's picture

I swear this happens to me every time! I have a moment where I feel bad, I feel like I should extend an olive branch, or try my very hardest with skids to make things work and then like clockwork some stupid ass shit happens that just solidifies why I am disengaged and probably always will be.

zerostepdrama's picture

That is why I was so mad! Like can't I have ANYTHING without these kids inserting themselves into my life???? And right when I think... okay I am doing good... I am going to try to do X,Y, Z better then BAM!

Does an 18 year old need to develop a friendship with Jim and his wife- NO! Overall I do like Jim but I do think he gets a little "weird" when it comes to the skids and the kids of our other friend/wife. Not like creep weird... I can't put my finger on it... but he's a little too friendly with the girls...for not really knowing them...

WalkOnBy's picture

Yes, it is weird.

But, then again, so is the whole situation.

It would bother me too, but I would encourage you to let it go. No good ever comes from YSD, right?

zerostepdrama's picture


I can't control what Jim chooses to do when it comes to YSD. It's all odd and let them all be odd together!

Salems Lot's picture

If she is over at Jim's house while your DH is there, forget about it.
But I would find it weird it if she was actually visiting Jim when his wife and your DH both weren't there....

zerostepdrama's picture

Prior times DH has been there but DH made it sound like it happened quite awhile ago. This last time was 2 weeks ago and it's because they just moved into the area that Jim (and us) live in. But she did come with her BF this past visit.

zerostepdrama's picture

If you get weary reading my blogs then I suggest you don't read them. While I do agree with somewhat of what you say and how I feel about the skids and I do take it into consideration I am dealing with 3 adult girl skids and a MIL and 4 sisters. All of whom use DH and me and are entitled and take what they can get. So it's exhausting on my end.

But I do find it weird that DH hardly has a relationship with his own daughter but now she is stopping over at his friend's house.

zerostepdrama's picture

Yes I can see Jim being one of those people sticking his nose where it doesn't belong because he thinks he is doing the "right thing".

Knowing my DH... DH isn't going to be comfortable with YSD having some relationship with his friend and he's not trying to go over to his friend's house and spend time with YSD there. He's at his friend's house to get away from family. LOL.

DaizyDuke's picture

Agree.. sounds like good ol Jim is trying to be the noble super hero and "help" facilitate a relationship between DH and SD, since he has heard what a terrible, evil SM you are. Not to mention, I've run across my share of weirdos (both male and female) who think it's cool that teenagers like to "chill" with them.

Did you flip shit on DH? or just flip shit in your head?

zerostepdrama's picture

On DH... But more I'm like WTF!!! Why do these kids have to be involved in everything? Like since when is YSD and Jim friends???

As I see it (and I can be wrong) is that DH rarely sees YSD. And I'm sure the rare times he sees YSD, it's even rarer that Jim is around. So I did find it all odd and I guess more of a shock???

zerostepdrama's picture

I 100% think that is what it was. Even though she hardly knows him I can totally see her doing that.

She had posted on FB to DH's family and friends (that she doesn't really know) "You have to come to my graduation- it's your duty." :O

She just thinks she is more important then she is.

zerostepdrama's picture

I don't need my kids or his kids putting their fingers on everything we have together.


That sentence describes perfectly how I feel about it.