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This made me LOL

zerostepdrama's picture

Okay I'm really trying hard to be disengaged and I am going to keep working on that. But this made me LOL. Like really :? :? .

OSD text DH the following yesterday. I was sitting right beside him so that is why I saw it. And my nosy ass couldn't look away.

OSD: What is Grandma Millie's husband's name. (This is DH's grandma, Millie's 2nd husband)

DH: Robert

OSD: I'm naming my baby John Joseph Robert

DH: That's a good name

OSD: Thanks

:O You are naming your baby after someone's name you didn't even know :?

This is their first "conversation" since her text on Father's Day ("maybe you can spend some time with your blood children).


zerostepdrama's picture

Yes pregnant with #3. She's due in July but I'm really hoping she gives birth soon. We have a ton of family birthdays in July and I really hope she doesn't give birth on any of them. }:)

Plus she has court on 7/12 for her 2nd theft charge and her DH has court on 7/11 and will most likely go to jail.

And yes... you knew their names... makes a difference.

Her daughter is named after Grandma Millie (first name middle name Millie) so I'm guessing that is why they are going with Robert for the 2nd middle name????

hereiam's picture

Does she even know the guy, whose name she doesn't know? Why would she name her kid after him? Do any of her kids' names include your DH's name? If not, I'd say this is just a dig to your DH.

zerostepdrama's picture

No kids named after DH.

She has probably seen this guy maybe 4 times and definitely not since she was young.

ETexasMom's picture

That explains the text! She probably already knew the name and was trying to find a way to stick it to daddy that she wasn't naming the baby after him.

zerostepdrama's picture

Ha ha ha

zerostepdrama's picture

Can one of you tell me the name of your DH??? That way I can suggest it as an alternative name.

Association not needed.

zerostepdrama's picture

I probably should ETA to add that isn't the real name...LOL... sorry Joe you are not the random family baby name!

SacrificialLamb's picture

Step great grandpa is family but SM is not. Typical. I remember shopping with YSD and she was buying presents for her boyfriend's stepsister. Even she is her family, but not me!! Lol

zerostepdrama's picture

Too bad I couldn't reply "Why are you naming your son after a NON BLOOD relative???" Or "he's not your real grandpa!"

Just like she says about me and my BS... LOL

fakemommy's picture

That's exactly what she wants your DH to say, just so she can say, "See! Now you know how it feels!!"

zerostepdrama's picture

Funny thing she is always going on and on about how much she loves her step daughters (who she hasn't seen in over a year and has been around maybe 5 times) and how they are "her girls" but when it comes to my DH and BS, BS isn't his "real" kid even though they see each other every single day. Makes no sense.

WalkOnBy's picture

"Plus she has court on 7/12 for her 2nd theft charge and her DH has court on 7/11 and will most likely go to jail."

Um - wait, SHE has a pending charge and her husband will be off to jail?

Maybe she should worry about those two things more and less about naming a child?

I just. I can't even with her.

zerostepdrama's picture


I'm guessing her DH is going to go to jail. I could be wrong but it looks that way.

Now for her... her 1st theft charge she got probation. I believe she was off (barely) probation when she got her 2nd theft charge for which she is just now going to court for. My guess they won't put her in jail.. but they should to teach her a lesson. I mean she basically did the same exact thing that she just got in trouble for.

zerostepdrama's picture

WOB- No I don't think so.

She received her 1st sentence 1/2016 and they gave her suspended jail time and put her on probation. I am assuming for a full year. She was indicted on the second charge in 12/2016 so it's possibly she wasn't off probation yet. The 1st theft charge is from another state but I think they transferred her probation to our state.

WalkOnBy's picture

Yes, her probation would have been transferred. If she was still on probation, she could be facing jail time. Or, she should be, but I am sure a pregnant woman will be given yet another chance.

this could get interesting. how nice for them that their court appearances are on consecutive days Smile

zerostepdrama's picture

Yeah I'm guessing the fact that she is pregnant or will have just given birth, the fact that she already has 2 young kids and that her DH is also in trouble (for something different) that she will be let off with probation again. (sadly... because it's not like she learned her lesson the first time.)

zerostepdrama's picture

No I do not think so... But that would be very bold of her if that is her thinking... she's just stupid.

danielsj2's picture

I would make it a super ridiculous name.. just to see if she goes through with it. like "oh his name is Bigbsy or Horatio.. it's a family name"

danielsj2's picture

Ha.. I feel that's the equivalent of me texted my older sister "Hey what's the name of that guy you dated your senior year? Ok, thanks Im going to name my baby after him."