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Phantom Concussions

strugglingSM's picture

This afternoon, DH comes up to me to ask if we have any chargers that work with SSs phones, because despite the fact that he texted them on his way over to pick them up and said "bring your chargers and phones" neither one brought a charger. I said, "why do you need a charger?" DH says, "SS11 misses his mom and wants to call her." I replied, "he's going to see her in less than three hours."

Well, SS wanted to call his mother because he is convinced he has a concussion. He played in a football game yesterday, but did not take any hard hits...didn't really take any hits. He says he's had a headache since the game, but a) he did not complain of a headache last night; b) he woke up this morning with a sore throat and cough; c) he's the same SS who started wearing contacts this week, so could easily have a headache from those.

Despite all this, and despite the fact that DH told him, "I don't think you have a concussion, I think you're getting a cold," SS calls BM crying to say he's sure he has a concussion. BM then texts DH "I can't believe you aren't taking this seriously. SS was crying. You need to take him to urgent care right now!" DH replies to her "he's fine. he's getting a cold. I had a concussion in high school and he's not showing any signs of a concussion. I gave him cold medicine and that made him drowsy, which is a normal response." BM replies "I can't believe you aren't taking this seriously. This is a serious issue!" DH repeats to her "I am taking this seriously. He is not showing signs of a concussion. He told me this morning that he had a sore throat and a cough, so I think he's getting a cold."

Meanwhile, after calling his mother, SS is smiling, laughing, eating snacks, and going outside to throw the frisbee around with his brother. No more complaints of a headache before he went home. I seriously think that this kid needs someone to give him a big histrionic response to whatever is bothering him. DH is very even-keeled, but BM isn't, so he always gets his frantic response from her, then he's fine.


I love dogs's picture

We must have the same BM but our BM has to take care of all of the doctor visits to be mother of the year and prove DH is incompetent. The contacts probably are giving him a headache. My SD knows not to tell DH she's sick or whatever unless she really is because he'll call her out. She's learned with BM that she can have a tummy ache or headache and be babied. That ish doesn't fly here.

strugglingSM's picture

My BM loves to pretend she's MOTT, but she would prefer if she didn't have to do the work, like taking them to the doctor. I swear she uses things like child injuries just to get attention from DH and attention for her kids.

This same kid regularly has a cough and was complaining about a cough and sore throats yesterday, but she'd never take him to the doctor to find out what was going on with that, especially if it was something mild.

We get medical claim notices when the kids go to the doctor and I think they only go for a check-up when something is required for school.

notsobad's picture

There is nothing that you can do about a concussion other than take something to midigate the pain and rest. My SD has had two serious concussions and participated in a concussion awareness program at her Uni.

If it ever happens again, ask SS if he's lost consciousness or vomited. If he has, watch him very closely. If you can not rouse him, he isn't cognitive, or he continues to vomit take him to the emerg

Bed rest, no TV or devices, dark quiet room, check them every 1/2 hour is the protocol to follow. If he doesn't have a concussion he'll get tired of it pretty quickly.

My ex MIL was a victim narcissist. She always had something or other wrong with her to get attention. At my BILs wedding rehearsal dinner, which was at my house, she had terrible stomach pains.
She whined and complained, ruining the evening for everyone.
I finally said get your coat we're going to emerg. Well, she didn't want to leave so she said no, I'm fine. So I said then go lay down. No, I'll just sit here and drink some hot lemon water.
Nope, you are either going to,the hospital or you are going to lay down.
She laid down for 5 mins, came back and sat quietly for the rest of the evening.

strugglingSM's picture

He had no vomiting, dizziness, or incoherence. In the morning, he was complaining of a sore throat and cough, so I think he just has a cold. He told his grandmother that someone else in the game hit him with their head...hit him on his body with their head. He didn't actually hit his head on anything. I'm not sure if he knows how you get a concussion. DH had at least one - and likely more - when he played football, so he was familiar with the symptoms.

I told DH that maybe he should consider telling SS that if he thinks he has a concussion, he'll have to give up football for the rest of the season. I think that would have changed his tune.

This is the same SS who swore up and down that his hand was broken after he smashed into his brother while chasing after him, leading BM to send DH a series of frantic texts about how she was in the emergency room with SS and they were sending him for an X-ray. If he had a fracture it was undetectable on the X-ray. They gave him a brace, anyway, which he wore for one day, and then went back to playing sports. By the time we saw him three days later, no brace, no bruising, no pain, and he went off to his flag football game. He also screamed and cried that his arm was broken when he fell while skiing and another time, posted a video that he was sure his arm was broken (again, we saw him two days later and he was perfectly fine).

From what DH told me, BM is the same way. He told me all these stories of crazy "health problems" she supposedly had (including a couple of pregnancies that I'm pretty sure she faked).

notsobad's picture

Yep, attention, attention, attention.

You need to take all the attention away.

No matter what the problem may be, concussion, broken bone, upset stomach make him lie down, no TV or phone or electronics.
He won't take it for long and suddenly the symptoms will disappear.

BM would get migraines whenever she wasn't the centre of attention and DH was having more fun than her. Once they'd get home she'd be fine. DH started putting her in a cab and staying at the gathering, lol.

Simpleton21's picture

I can relate to almost all your blogs, lol! Ugh, the BM I deal with also always gives dramatic/frantic responses with any of SD's "injuries". She takes her to the dr or ER for every little bruise/cut/scrap/feeling/etc. and most of the time they don't find anything actually broken or severely injured and come up with some diagnosis to charge her with "deep bruise", "muscle strain"...yada yada yada. One time she had a headache at our place and in the custody agreement BM gets SD if she is sick so she came to get her and wrapped her up in a blanket and carried her to the car as if she was dying! It was such a big production by GUBM! LOL! I agree with notsobad start treating SS like he has a concussion and do everything notsobad said. My SD came over once with some sort of injury -sprained something or bruise - can't remember because it happens so often. Well all it took for her to be magically healed was being told she couldn't jump on the trampoline with my son and the neighborhood kids but she could watch since she was hurt. Just like that and she was healed! LOL

strugglingSM's picture

I told DH he should have told SS that he'd have to miss the rest of the football season if he had a concussion. I think SS would have changed his tune really quickly.

Simpleton21's picture

Exactly! I agree or at least made him lay in bed the rest of the day and relax and no games/etc. I'm sure that SS would have recovered very quickly at that point!

classyNJ's picture

When SS15 was 8 he would come from BM at least once a week with the same "ailment" that someone else had such as headache, knee pain, broken arm - SO told him the only way to treat it was an enema and explained to him what it was. Stopped the inner hypochondriac in him.

strugglingSM's picture

Haha - that's hilarious. I wish DH had done that when this SS was younger, might have stopped some of the drama.