Opting out of child support
Has anyone read this?
The writer says NY laws have changed but wouldn't this be nice if all dads had this opportunity? Maybe they have if BM is fair. The writer also states that there were lots of "inconsistencies" in his ex's reasoning for divorce before it was no fault.
I'm not saying fathers aren't responsible for financially supporting their children, but as the writer says, actually raising them equally with mom was the only support that made sense to him. I don't think dads (or NCP moms) are really raising their kids by only seeing them EOWE. Yeah, yeah, kids need stability but don't they also deserve an equal relationship with the NCP?
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I've read something similar.
I've read something similar. I agree that the default should be 50/50 with no support changing hands and then negotiations can happen to move away from that default, if necessary.
Regardless of whether or not the custodial parent is mom or dad, that parent holds all the power in a primary custody situation.
Also, child support makes parenting about money. There's no incentive to cooperate or work together when you are divorced and the non-custodial parent being required to pay on exacerbates that situation, especially since the parent receiving the money is not required to account for where that money goes.
My DH pays his child support - which was determined using the state required formula - but still gets constant demands for money from BM because she thinks the amount he pays is "too low". Before I met him, she never provided any documentation about what that money was for. DH is happy to provide for his children, but he'd much rather pay for services for the kids directly than pay BM. He also wants to be part of the decision-making process for any expenses that are incurred.
I agree that children need to be provided for and I understand that some parents will not provide unless they are forced, but the current system of requiring one parent to pay - even to pay for expenses for the other parent, not the children - and throwing them in jail if they don't, only serves to perpetuate post-divorce conflict.
Very good point. Why coparent
Very good point. Why coparent when the court still keeps the kids with mom unless she's a proven drug addict? Make mom's life easier because she doesn't want dad to be apart of it.
Kind of off topic but please
Kind of off topic but please remember that there are many reasons why a ncp may do only every other weekend.
In our case BM was literally jeprodizing my partners ability to work due to her bahvior. There was also risk of him losing his home.
He move in with me about an hour away to stop the craziness that was negatively impacting his children. No it's not optimal at all but my partner did what he felt was best.
This distance means BM can't interfere directly with his life OR his time with the children. It's stop alot of her bullshit.
So because of this distance SO currently gets only every other weekend which is sad because he's tried to get then every weekend. She refuses and instead leaves them with her sick mother who has been on deaths door multiple times this year. I'm not exaggerating on that. She ends up going to the ER by ambulance atleast every other month but still BM won't let him have the extra time while she works all weekend.
Now my partner wants full custody of the children but the courts still don't respect that he could be the better parent. They ignore all of her negative behavior and feel things are just fine only allowing him to have every other weekend.
Does he get to support the kids fully with this arrangement no but it's the best he can do for the time being.
He does the best he can with what he has.
I just want to include this. Again I know it's off topic but my partner struggled knowing he can't do what he feels he should because our system is broken and BM wpuld rather he be dead then allow him to have a GOOD relationship with his children.
If he still lived there she'd be causing more problems and 50/50 would not be going smoothly. The only hope my partner has in helping to support them better is to become the primary parent.
I don't think this is unusual. I feel many parents struggle with this.
Thank you.
I understand this completely.
I understand this completely. This is what I'm talking about. Abused men? No such thing! They left for their own sanity which was the first mistake. Mom is a hero for keeping the kid(s) and shouldn't be expected to share custody time equally. Dad get custody when narcissictic, psycho mom is "stable"? Nope. She carried the kid(s) for 9 months, she deserves everything she asks for!
She literally just turned him
She literally just turned him down from taking his kids for a few hours. She's at work the kids are with her brother. We came to town to see some friends and she said no. Of course family is afaird to give up the kids without her ok.
What's he suppose to do?
Why would dad deserve to see
Why would dad deserve to see his kids on BM's time? The nerve of these women.. I hope your guy gets at least every weekend since BM works all weekend. The messed up court systems just really get under my skin.
Nope because that's not
Nope because that's not "standard". He'd have an easier chance getting 50 / 50.
I've heard of dads getting
I've heard of dads getting every weekend. Stranger things have happened. Is he fighting for primary custody?
I don't think dads(or
I don't think dads(or NCPs)should be "stuck" with every weekend, all summer and/or holiday breaks.
I think that creates the illusion that mom is the real parent while dad is the fun parent.
In an ideal situation, both parents would be tasked with his/her share of the heavy lifting. Both parents would have a fair share of fun, relaxing time with the kids.
In DFTT's case, dad wouldn't
In DFTT's case, dad wouldn't "stuck" being the fun parent. It would be the same as ROFR since mom has to find a babysitter every weekend and is denying time with dad to be a witch. It's pretty hard for the NCP to do the heavy lifting when they only see their kid(s) 10% of the time. I do agree with your last paragraph otherwise.
My DH went thru this. When SS
My DH went thru this. When SS was 12, he could speak for himself in the custody court, and ONLY THEN did DH get primary custody (BM has EOWE). Until that day, BM's lies in court prevailed ("DS is afraaaaid to tell his dad he doesn't want to live with him" and other lies). Sucks until the BM's lies can be countered... then STILL sucks because of course BM aint gonna go changing her nefarious ways. Ever.
We think that's what's going
We think that's what's going to happen here unless BM returns to her old ways and beats the crap out of his son since he looks so much like his dad.
It's sad that were waiting for that to happen because yep men can't be abused.
Nope. BMs don't just
Nope. BMs don't just "change". Well maybe temporarily to get what they want. I'm surprised DH never got supervised visitation because same thing: "SD was scaaaared of being with DH without BM".
I LOVE DOGS Really, sd was
Really, sd was scaaaaared of being with DH without BM?...
Was she scared since infancy? or is this just something new that 'popped up' since the divorce.\ OR ending of the relationship. IT IS HOG WASH.
If you have not read or watched anything from Dr. Craig Childress I HIGHLY suggest you take a look at his Videos. You can find them on YOUTUBE.
Just type Dr. CraigChildress
SD was not scared of DH or
SD was not scared of DH or our home at all. Well, not as she got older. Before there was a CO, BM had SD, 6 at the time, convinced that it was scary to stay with dad over night after he and I got a townhome. That it wasn't "home" and not her real room with all of her toys from BM's dump. We knew BM was behind it and SD eventually preferred to be with DH (me really since I did all the girly stuff with her).
I will also watch some videos. Thank you!
I agree that not all parents
I agree that not all parents can make 50/50 work, but still think the system of giving one parent all the control allows the BM in your case to essentially nickel and dime the other for things like time.
The child is essentially treated like a piece of property, something to be hoarded by one parent, or given out piecemeal when they feel like it. It's almost as if an impartial person should be appointed to monitor all parenting interactions, just to keep people honest and fair, especially when there is an NCP and a CP.
I'm in a similar situation to you, in that BM would rather have control than allow DH to build a good relationship with his kids. She'll complain that he wants to pick them up a little early or a little late (or drop off a little early or a little late) and that's disruptive for her, but then she'll come back and expect him to accommodate her time changes. He ends up bending over backwards and trying to entice her to give him more time, which is stupid, because he's a parent, too. If he wants to take them for Halloween this year, he shouldn't have to offer incentives and extra favors just to do that because it's a weekday. She really doesn't want Halloween any year, because she doesn't like to take the kids out trick or treating, but god forbid she let DH take the kids when it's "her time".
Dontfeedthetrolls. A court
A court order for visitation is to be used as a guideline....guideline only. Custodial parent 'should' be flexible and provide more time when non custodial asks for it.
Document this last situation and if you can think of others document them too inside a calendar. BM should watch her p's and q's because more and more judges are removing moms from the gate keeper role and handing kids over to dad.
Keep asking...and document. Then go back into court and request more time SINCE mom is refusing.
Judges do not like this stuff.
I agree to document but we
I agree to document but we had proof that BM was not facilitating COed phone calls and the court did nothing. We didn't have "proof" that she was refusing extra time because BM learned not to leave a paper/ electronic trail to incriminate herself. She could always say she never received a phone call. Our family wizard would've been perfect for us.
We are and yes just the same
We are and yes just the same she is careful to give "written" responses at times. Other times she's a complete idiot.
It takes so documentation though to get a court to step in.
The court never did anything
The court never did anything but slap BM on the wrist here. She's stable as in she can keep a job and I researched after the fact that courts are more likely to award the parent who petitioned for full custody than the one who wants 50/50. Well that was true for us- BM wanted 100% and DH only wanted his fair share of 50/50. At least it pissed BM off that DH got more than she wanted him to have.
For some reason this topic
For some reason this topic reminded me of a case of my friend's friend.
We are in NJ, and the BM was mostly a SAHM. I don't remember her job before the kids, but I believe she was well paid and worked possibly in the medical field. One of her children was high-functioning autistic, so I think that was the reasoning for her to stay home with the kids. The BF worked in NYC, was very involved with the kids and didn't want to divorce. The BM met up with an old boyfriend and just announced she wanted a divorce. In their CO, since the bio dad was the main earner, they included a clause that BM would have to live within a certain distance of bio dad, no matter where his job was. He took a job in San Francisco, so they all moved. Oddly too, he was also CP and the kids lived with him, while the BM lived in an apartment with her boyfriend a few miles away. I remember thinking the whole thing was so odd, that she agreed to live within a short distance even though she only had the kids EOWe.
Being that NJ is such a pro BM state, this case sticks out in my memory. I'm guessing this was only able to happen because BM was obsessed with her old/new boyfriend and was willing to mostly let go of the kids. It was so out of character after having met her a number of times, but I was glad the biodad got exactly what he wanted in it since he was so hurt by BM. (He was very sweet, and he showed amazing backbone going through this divorce. He had already forgiven BM years earlier for another affair and begged her to come back.)
That is very interesting that
That is very interesting that BM was required to move across the country just to be a NCP. I am also shocked that a SAHM didn't automatically get custody when dad was the only earner. She must've really declined a lot of parenting time.
My Dh has SS majority of the
My Dh has SS majority of the time and opted out of child support. There’s an unwritten agreement that if Bm wants a say in an activity then she has to pay her half. If she doesn’t pay half (like preschool) then she doesn’t get any of the tickets/jerseys/trophies.
That's me and ex-h. 50/50, no
That's me and ex-h.
50/50, no child support.
That's a great idea for the
That's a great idea for the men (and women) who actually parent 50/50. My ex-H and the ex-BM are ordered to pay support, but don't. Ex-H hasn't seen his kids in almost 2 years due him not wanting to be involved, he is $16,000 behind in support, and has disappeared. BM only sees SD15 during the summer and alternating Christmas/Spring Break. She hasn't paid support since May.
Honestly if it's been that
Honestly if it's been that long AND he's that far behind with no payments in an excessive time I'd see about terminating his parental rights.
SO's CO states that if he goes so long without contact or paying she can start the process. I'm sure it's not quick or easy but it's a nice options honestly if you have a partner who would like to become a legal parent.
We've talked about if BM ever screws up and he gets the kids he's leaving in that bit because he would do it the instant he could to ensure she can't show up later with some sob story and screw up what's going right.
Kids need stability and right now theoretically if he has any CO parenting time he could show up tomorrow and demand it. I feel that would be harmful to children who've gone through adjustment of dad being gone.
Then again I do understand that I am not a biological parent and it's not a black and white issue.