So DH's case was dismissed...if there isn't any physical proof and the kids don't speak up he's out of luck. I'm happy cause I didnt want them living with us anyways. DH is taking it hard, but he understands he has to come with evidence next time (he insists it's not over). He talked to SD5 over the phone and she treated him like SH*T!! I was so angry for DH because he's constantly trying to make me feel like she's not that bad. I don't like her...she's a liar and a manipulator. I hate the fact that he kills myself (with stress) trying to do all for children who have no respect. He's fighting for them and they treat him like if he's not buying he's not trying. Ugh!!!!
- MamaSunFlora365's blog
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That's a damn early Christmas
That's a damn early Christmas present for you mama!!! Celebrate (secretly)...toast to life (and no FT skids)
Feign interest in his disappointment }:)
The girl is 5..... She's not
The girl is 5..... She's not a lier and manipulator she's a child. She's a pawn of her mothers and his child.
I know this is a place to
I know this is a place to vent and let it out. I am so happy for you that DH did not get full custody as that is very hard, especially if you have to live with and watch the disrespect. However SD is 5. Yes 5 yr olds can play a game, but at a 5 yr old level. They also believe in santa and the tooth fairy. Now if you said SD is 10,15, 25 onward I totally get the liar and manipulator part, and its awful to watch. However she is 5 and as another poster said she is a product of the games of her parents.
Her Mom plays those
Her Mom plays those games...but you would have to see it to believe it. It's like she's possessed by a demon.
Oh I believe it. The BM of
Oh I believe it. The BM of SS17 is totally dark-sided. He & my hubby have horror stories about her face contorting in otherworldly ways, plus she's all into occult, vampires, etc.
Meh, likely influence and
Meh, likely influence and 'nurture' -but I've met some bad seeds from infancy I tell ya....some kids are just jerks that turn into jerk adults. Call it faulty genetics. Just as much as can happen w/physical disabilities, bad disposition, tempers, tantrums, intensity...yep, they are some inborn traits.
I'm not saying that's the case w/this girl, but it very well could be. Regardless...I always laugh at the 'be mad at the parents' line on a STEPPARENT VENT BOARD lol- I can dislike a demon child all I want thank you very much...even if it was ill raised.
Yes and No, it doesn't change
Yes and No, it doesn't change the reality. The 5yr old terror becomes the 15yr old bitch, even w/shitty parents lol
Sadly pretty typical.
Sadly pretty typical. Before they have language skills, they are so sweet. You can almost pin point when the PAS takes hold just as language comprehension begins to blossom. SD5 already knows which side of the bread is buttered on via the GUBM's brainwashing.
Yea I believe she was born
Yea I believe she was born evil...she has a spine chilling face she makes whenever she chooses to...we could be having fun then all of a sudden she makes this demon face. Anytime we are alone (without DH) she's horrible!!! Then goes to her mom and tells her I screamed at her or made her go to her room. BM tells DH that I hate their child, BUT it's the Big demon and Little demon who have issues with me. I'm not her mom and I plan on raising kids that grow up to make our world better and that does mean being firm but fair. She wants me to let her disrespect her Dad and NOT say anything! Tuh not in my house! DH is a sweet man but it's like he's too busy feeling sorry like his kids are the only children in the world whose parents aren't together. To top this cake BM is more concerned with living the ghetto life (as in moving kids from great schools and pushing education and individuality to now living in the hood where her only concern is having her kids dress, talk, and act like kids who unfortunately don't have the best upbringing) the kids education is lacking!!!! The kids now talk like illiterate fools!