The Beast from the East....O/t
to all the posters dealing with the beast in UK,
hope you are safe and survive the cold cold week, will be thinking of you....
maybe you can send the skids out to get the bread and milk??
- Acratopotes's blog
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I think they are re-naming it
I think they are re-naming it the Least from the East! I've seen more snow in a snow globe lol!
Enjoying azaleas and lovely
Enjoying azaleas and lovely spring weather on the Gulf Coast.
Nice of you to think of us,
Nice of you to think of us, Acratopotes!
Admittedly, it has been pretty cold by UK standards - ie minus 5 + degrees celsius at night etc for the last week. But I think the "beast from the east" has been whipped up largely by the media. I think that our weather forecasters worry about being accused of not warning folk about severe weather, so they overdo it. A lot of our tabloid newspapers were pouring scorn on the country grinding to a halt, when in a lot of areas, not a single snowflake has fallen! Here in East Anglia we have had quite a few snow showers, but nothing has settled. They do have snow lying in quite a few parts of the country, but really, it is a lot of to-do about very little.
Some of the train companies were cancelling trains before there was even a problem, which annoyed my DH, as he has to commute into London.
I think it's the media
I think it's the media overdoing it again. There has hardly been any snow where my family is and where there has been is not out of the ordinary. It IS very cold. We have -7 C at the moment. My garden is not liking it at all. When we lived further inland it got to -15 I remember. Hopefully will be over soon.
Would much rather be where you are Acra
hahahahaha .... we dress like
hahahahaha .... we dress like eskimo's if it's 8C..... that's extremely gold.... heck I shiver with 15C..
I like my 25-40C allot better
We have woken up to a
We have woken up to a covering of snow and it is still falling - now 9am and forecast to be snowing most of today. I just worry about my seeds - I have started off a few tubs and trays in our unheated conservatory - so the poor little things are having a hard time. I keep putting the heater on for a few minutes to take the edge off.
Can I be very very evil
Can I be very very evil Kes......
If I can't have a nice garden the you can't have one either lol, found the twins this morning and they destroyed my Agapanthus bed, nature is destroying your seedlings....
I sincerely hope the papers are blowing this out of proportion
Well it started off being
Well it started off being blown out of proportion - but things got much worse yesterday and it is still -5 degrees and many schools are closed.
Sorry to hear about your agapanthus - I have 3 and they don't do well in snow and ice at all!
I just put on a jacket by
I just put on a jacket by simply reading the -5 lol...... I will crawl into a burning fire place and stay there like a bear, can't stand the cold...
but the wind is always the worse....
Ah your plants will survive, mine all got eaten, even my miniature aloe's, the ones I could safe is now high on a table, let's see if they like the cactus's......