Acts of Love…
In light of sky22’s post…I just wanted to do kind of a mini poll…what is the best thing that you’ve done for your husband (or that he’s done for you) or just name some of the “little things” that you do for each other on a regular basis that make him yours and you his….
Well..last week my husband went fishing for the entire weekend with his Dad. So the mother in law and I decided to have a girls day. We got a facial, and pedicure. I had never done either and thought it was great. My husbands family owns a concrete business and he works out in the hot sun all day, in boots. So his feet are always sore and dry. I ususally give him message and put a good lather of lotion on him at least once a week. He never asks I just do it to show I appreciate how hard he works. So anyways, I decided to buy a home pedicure kit. When he got back from fishing on Sunday I told him I had a big surprise...but he had to wait until our baby went to sleep. I could tell he was really excited and kept asking me for clues. Well eight oclock came and dylan went down for the night. I turned the lights down low (which of course made him think the surprise was sex) and I handed him some herbal sleepytime tea. He was really looking at me funnny at that point. And I brought out a pale of hot water and soaked his feet. And I applyied all the lotions and stuff. He was really enjoying himself. The next few days everyone that we talked to he bragged to about my surprise. It really made him feel special..I highly reccomend trying it
Sounds like a GREAT IDEA…
I bet he felt like a KING…that is our job as wives, to make our husbands feel on top of the world….b/c lets face it…they are the #1 in our worlds and they should know so!! And in turn, when and if we make a conscious effort to do that, they treat us like the Queens we are!!!!!!!
Hey nise, you forgot to post
Hey nise, you forgot to post your own story
Were waiting
Yeah I guess I did huh….LOL…
The sweetest thing was when my grandfather got sick…my husband works for the veterans hospital where we live...well my granddad got sick and was checked into the VA hospital closest to where he lives (in another state) and they had started him on dialysis…it was two days before Christmas and we did not want my granddad to be alone, in the hospital, during the holidays….they VA where granddad was basically told my mom and aunt that there would be no what that they could transfer him (and get him a chair in dialysis) that quickly…my husband WENT TO WORK making calls, checking schedules, etc…well he made it happen, got my granddad a chair so that he wouldn’t have to miss a session (they go on a three day schedule MWF or TTHSat). So me and my mom drove to pick granddad up and his doctors and nurses all said, I’ve never seen the VA move that fast, you guys must really have some connections! When I told my husband that they were amazed that he was able to pull it off, all he said was “you said that you didn’t want granddad to be alone for the holidays, so I did what I could to make it happen for you…” to me…THAT IS LOVE! Then there are the everyday little things like, I get up a few minutes early to make his coffee every morning and bring it to him (I don’t drink coffee) and I also bring him what I am going to wear that day and he irons my clothes for work EVERY DAY (he was in the Navy and is much better with an iron than I am) so every day when I get out of the shower he has my clothes all pressed and ready to go…might not be much to some but to me it means a lot!
It does mean a lot!!!! I
It does mean a lot!!!! Sometimes its easy to take the other for granted. Especially when there are kids to take care of. It's VERY important to keep the marriage a top priority!