Is she kidding me???!!!!
Ok, so anyone who's read my previous posts know what a psycho the ex is, and I should, too, but still she still never fails to blow my mind. We're in the middle of this court battle (1 1/2 yrs now) and she's trying to prevent my husband from getting visitation and didn't even want him talking on the phone with the kids- in fact, prevented it until she was ordered to allow it by the court and she has the GALL to send my husband an email this morning asking him to send them copies of the old home movies and THEN signs the email with her nickname, which he hasn't used since they were married. (He's come up with a much more appropriate one since then LOL)
This after she refused during the divorce to even give him the DOUBLES of the pictures of the kids- most of which he took with his camera. In fact, she refused to give up anything from the house that he hadn't been able to lay his hands on when he first left, saying that she didn't want to start HER life over, so he could get new stuff. The only pictures he has of the kids were ones he took after he moved out and those videos. Am I overreacting here? I want to scratch her eyes out. You don't want him to see his kids, but you want him to do you the favor of paying to send you copies of videos that he took?
Somebody tell my I'm not nuts for feeling like this!!!
You are no where near being
You are no where near being nuts! It's like these women are bi-polar or something! We just had a similar husband e-mails me and says that the 5 year old needs black pants and black i call him and say "why?"...he says that her mom said she needs them for school (he knew that he won't he told me...) I said "well, if I see some I'm not gonna buy them, let her get them with the child support!!" Now normally that would not have been my reaction b/c in the past we've picke up tights or put in on her uniforms or went half on an activity and things like that that were need for school but 6-8 months ago she took him back to court to have the child support increased b/c she didn't think he was doing enough "extras" ($ outside of child support....) and in cursing him out about this she proceeded to tell him to tell his wife to mind her own business! So I was like, okay...I got your "minding my own business"....little does she know that I AM THE ONE who reminds my husband to be polite to her, call her if we are running late, pick up xyz that she said she needed...half the time he didn't want to do it b/c she constantly denies visitation and always rants and raves about extra $ b/c she is VERY materialistic... and i tried to keep the peace, not for him or her but for the 5 year now, per her request, i'm minding my own business...we'll she how she likes that!!!! I'd tell her if she wants the videos, no problem...i'll send them to you AFTER you send me copies of all the kids pictures...when will they understand that the world doesn't start spin when they open their eyes in the morning!!!
That's what I said
That's what I told my husband. Tell her to send the photos first. It's been like that from the first- she wouldn't give him stuff that was his unless he had something she wanted to trade. I'm not even talking about stuff having to do with the kids. I'm talking about stuff that was his and he couldn't get out of the house after she had her Uncle change the locks on the house.
His ex is very materialistic as well. She's been on welfare and living at her mother's house for 3 years (she just got off) so that she could get her degree in nursing for free. Meanwhile, my husband has been paying so much in child support that we live paycheck to paycheck and are limited as to what we can provide our kids, but she goes shopping at Gap, Victoria's secret, etc. All the time, of course, the ex is telling everyone (sk, husband's family, people she works with) that my husband hasn't been paying child support. Hello! If he hadn't been paying child support for 3 years, he'd be in jail. But people buy into the garbage she feeds them. My sd spends her summers at basketball camp, dance camp, at her grandparent's camp, etc because her mother has no bills and can pay to send her so that she doesn't have to deal with the kids all summer, but I'm still trying to scrape together the money to get my daughter the horseback riding lessons she's been wanting for forever. It's gross. And this is going to sound petty, God forgive me, but I've never seen a pair of more unappreciative kids than my sd and ss. They look right through you unless you're doing something for them. I feel horrible for my husband as we don't have enough contact with the kids to combat the horrible influence she has on them. Thanks for listening. I was trying to talk to my best friend about the email today. She sympathizes, but can't really understand why it's such a big deal or how frustrating it is.
heres one for you..
ive had the same deal with pics in our situation.. what i did was scan every single one for my bf to get the shit done and over with and stuffed the originals in an envelope and sent them home with the kids.. but heres a funny one.. she wants all the wedding pics and wedding stuff he may have from 115-16yrs ago when they were married.. im like wtf.. are you even real? If i find that stuff first.. im going to the lake where i can be insane in private while i burn each picture.
And i guarantee.. they dont care if they have pictures or anything else back ! They just have nothing better to in thier angry little lives except to cause drama. its what keeps them alive.
she's so materialistic
I think it's probably been killing her since the divorce that she didn't take his video camera and the videos he had because in her eyes, everything that was in that house was all "hers".
What next? I think these
What next? I think these women wake up in the morning and while making coffee start thinking ways to scew up their ex's lives. I know my ex husband did, each day brought a new suprise with it. Its all they live off, thrive on.... If you water weeds, they take over, let them dry out and wither away, concentrate on the flowers. Ignore her, who does she think she is. If she contacts you and if it has nothing directly to do with the kids, IGNORE her. If you keep talking to her you are giving her importance - is she?
we ignore her, all right
Oh, trust me- we ignore her. My husband has not responded to ANY of the emails she has sent. She only has his email address because the courts ordered her to allow him to email and talk to the kids. It was not supposed to be a venue for her to contact him. We went that route and it's now at a place where he does not say anything to her as we had to have her served with harassment orders so that she couldn't call our house at all hours and blame it on the six yr old. Everything goes through his attorney. That's why I came to vent here.
Better to do that than let her know she gets under my skin!