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Cyber Happy Hour

BlueberrysBaby's picture

Happy Friday everybody!

Running with a GREAT idea here...

Yes, I am two, count 'em TWO, martinis deep right now. I'm a big gal so I'm not as tanked as you think, but still comfortably numb.

I really wish sometimes I could get together with everybody here for a little "mixer" on a Friday night just to let our hair down (or go unshaven, for the gents here).

So if we were all bellied up to the bar together I'd buy a round and raise my Bombay Sapphire martini, extra dry, shaken HARD with three olives (no pimentos) and wish everyone a fan-fu*king-tastic Memorial Day weekend!

Blueberry's Baby

P.S. For my American friends - When the colorguard goes by on Monday, please stand - regardless of how you feel about our current affairs, these dear men & women, young and old, defended our right to feel however we do and our freedom to voice our opinions.
P.P.S. For my Celtic friends I say "Slainte!" as I raise my glass!

BlueberrysBaby's picture

Oh, I'm sure I'll be on again before then, but will definitely be back for Dawn's I-Bar (I like that Smile next Friday!

DH is home tonight and I'm not going to spend one more delicious minute not soaking him up. I wish everyone a GREAT night!

Hasta la pasta!

Blueberry's Baby (Having now switched to Cruzan Banana Rummmmmmm...)

Dawn-Moderator's picture

Count me in for Fridays!!! That sounds like a great idea!!!


Georgie Girl's picture

Skipped martinis tonight. Just had a few *burp* glasses of chardonnay. feel much more relaxed now!! Love this idea. Boy wouldn't it be fun to do a mixer. Love that idea blu. Well I guess we will just have to toast each other for now. Hope all is well with everyone!!

Georgie Smile

1wits_end's picture

I've had a hard here.....2 mic ultras 4 me!

OldTimer's picture

That's because I was raising a few homemade brew over a bbq at a friends. MMM mmm good! Bratwursts and chocolate mocha stout.... homemade brew... mmmmm. (He is a brew mister...)

Of course, now, I'm settling back recovering from good eats and of course a few hiccups later... Have a good one everyone!

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

Anne 8102's picture

But I'll be here next week!

~ Anne ~

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

proud mom's picture

Missed happy hour sitting at the little league field but sure could have used a drink it was way toooo hot to be sitting out in the sun!!! See ya next friday and have a great Memorial day weekend

Live for today,you may not have a tommorow

evilsm's picture

Sorry guys, I had to deal with Baby Mama Drama on Friday night and was not able to get on and join the fun. I made up for it on Sunday and recovered all day monday. NO KIDS! Was almost as good as a vacation.
I'll try this Friday. We do our exchanges on Friday so I never know. Fun times!


Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

marika's picture

I will try to be here on Friday this week with my new favorite drink, a Long Island Iced Tea. Hey, I deserve something strong after my 9 months with SD and I should be celebrating her departure from my house!

Dawn-Moderator's picture

Darn! I missed it too. I'm making a note for this Fri. See ya then.


Lauren973's picture

I'm a whiskey/scotch girl myself though I've never been known to say no to a fine mezcal margarita. I'll try and make it this week, sounds like a blast.

Georgie Girl's picture

Missed last one. We actually had a night without children!! Imagine that!! I'll be there, martini in hand.

proud mom's picture

sitting at work at 7 on Friday night not knowing for sure what time I am getting off. So much for any happy hour for me.

So girls drink a nice strong one for me!!!!

Live for today,you may not have a tommorow

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I'm here! I have the house all to myself tonight. Dh is still at the golf course and ss is at his mom's house.

I guess I'm drinking alone! (don't worry it's just Pepsi!)


Georgie Girl's picture

Quittin' time is in 42 minutes (and counting), then it is a great big martini for me!! It has been a stressful week. Oh, by the way, my mom'r surgery date is 6/14. Please keep her in prayer.

Georgie Smile

marika's picture

the little pain in the ass had to work til 10 so we are babysitting. She showed up at 10:30 to say she wanted to go out. DH said that we wanted to go to bed early. She said "I don't ask to go out that often." He said,"And we don't say no that often." She then proceeded to ask for (and get) directions to a local bowling alley and left. Maybe if I get enough virtual alcohol in me, I will finally be able to tell off the little bi...brat and not let DH back down. After all, I can't really have a real drink while I am babysitting!

OldTimer's picture

with my peppermint tea in tow... but I'd rather have a margarita, especially after taking care of an ornery patient...

Hello? Anyone there?

Damn freakin time zone...

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

Lauren973's picture

I have to drink fast, then bake a pie Wink
Happy cyber happy hour all. (drink more then say THAT three times fast!)

Cruella's picture

Lauren you crack me up!!!!

marika's picture

count 'em...2 Bailey's on the rocks and boy did they taste good! DH and SD are at Wal-Mart so I am also enjoying a bit of quiet time. Life is good!
