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dazed's picture

I tried to post a blog but my server may have blocked it.
Anyone else feel frustrated with thier situation.Me and long-term BF don't live t ther (we have-circumstances) but not now.Every Sat-Sun we have SS (used to be EOW), I also see BF Tue 3 hrs a night and Fri 3 hrs. BF makes little effort in our relationship.Sometimes we have dinner (OK but read on pse),because he wants but he won't accomodate my family and friends,but I must accomodate his.
BF allows me no flexibility.
He also doesn't want me seeing friends at the weekend/very rarely as he just wants me with him and SS.SS then runs the show, hogs the TV control and is allowed to go to bed at 11 pm (aged 10).It makes me feel resentful.

need2vent's picture

to worry about. Your BF is a dick ,get a new one!!!!Control freak seems an understatement here.
Sorry if I seem insensitive, I am actually feeling for you.I put up with all kinds of crap before I had enough and still love the SOB, but we deserve more and better.
"We don't understand life anymore at 40 then at 20, but we know it and admit it" Jules Renard

stepwitch's picture

I would also feel resentful. Start a diary, if it is written down, it becomes a legal document and may help you out in the future. He can't make you accomodate him always, he will mess up eventually and shoot himself in the foot. Be Strong, You do deserve better !

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

_Jess_'s picture

Your situation is tough. You don't live with your boyfriend, so I don't know that you can really exert any type of control while his daughter is around (such as taking the remote away).

I guess I partly don't understand how he can prevent you from seeing your friends and doing other things on weekends? You don't live there...get in your car and go!

dazed's picture

I haven't got a car and to travel takes 3.5 hours.He insists I go every weekend or he feels I think I am letting them down.I feel if he wants me to do nothing else but be with them all wknd he should accomodate me e.g. let me watch some programmes instead of kid film after kid film.Me and SS do get on OK but still.Instead BF argues if I try to make my points known.ty for these replies.
Sorry this was all meant just as a comment and appears as a post as well, bear with me :).