It has been at least a week since my last blog...from feeling angry and hurt and just completely drained emotinally since my break-up. I haven't been able to write until today and now I'm feeling angry and upset again. I've been going through the motions of everyday life just trying to get through each day. Since my last post, I've spoken to my DBF whom I broke up with last week about how I feel and how I've been treated disrepectfully by him over his choices and "lack of boundaries" with his daughter. He is still living here while we try and figure how to proceed financially and otherwise. He wants me to not give up on the relationship completely telling me he wants to "make everyone happy". But he is just not willing to acknowledge what he has done or how it has effected me and continues to not make changes for that to happen.
So just last night, we went over to a neighbor's home to have dinner to say good-bye because they were moving out. They were good neighbors and friends. We didn't tell them what has taken place between. I didn't see any point telling them since we more than likely may never see them again and I did want to see them one last time. Right in the middle of dinner, he starts receiving LOUD text message alerts from his daughter! By the second one, I told him to either excuse himself and call her back and tell her we are in the middle of dinner and that he will call her back or to turn it off. What does he do??? He turns the phone on vibrate with it sitting between his legs on the chair the entire dinner...texting back and forth with her the ENTIRE TIME right in front of everyone! Not one but FIVE TEXTS in a row back and forth. Right in front of 7 others. It was soooo inconsiderate and embarrassing for me to be sitting beside him looking down at his phone texting back and forth like some love-sick teenager. They text each other instead of calling. Like it is some big secret what they are texting. Also, I found out through his texting that he and his 17 yr old daughter will be going today to get matching ear piercings! He had spoken to me about doing this with me in the past and now I find out that he has been talking to his daughter about the same thing and they are going to do it today together! IIIIIICCCCKKKKKKK! I know there is nothing sexual going on between them but it feels like she is his girlfriend. I told him it was completely inappropriate to be treating her more like a girlfriend than a daughter. Of course, he sees NO PROBLEM with his thinking. Telling me it will be a bonding experience and that all I want is to keep him from spending time with her! HE IS COMPLETELY WARPED WITH HIS THINKING! There is no way, I would get back with him as long as he continues to act this way!!! I'm still looking for more work so I can fully financially support myself and my son. It would take a miracle for my D-nowEXBF to wake up and change the way he rationalizes everything. Has anyone ever gone through anything like this and can give me some understanding to what he is thinking?
I agree w/Cruella
He knows how you feel about this but continues to act like a teenager???? Maybe it's his maturity level that is the problem in the first place.
If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. ~Abigail Van Buren
he wants his daughter to think he is cool...
but like any spoiled person there will never be enough...
she is going to suck the life out of him and you!
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”
He's grasping. I don't think
He's grasping. I don't think he know's how to relate to her.
Unless it is an emergency, the texting thing is just plain rude.
I did not know he was living there. OOhh, that must be tough. How are you holding up?
I would have to agree that
I would have to agree that he probably wants his D to think he is cool. My DH does the same thing with his D. It drives me nuts! Grow-up is what I tell him, but he tells me I need to loosen up! That was really rude and childish on his part. Good luck!