Needing advice please!!!
Ok, I am really frusterated and actually sickned by all this B.S with SD lately!
In my last couple posts I posted how they were all mad that SS
(15) moved in with us and all that crap, SD(12) has text dad saying he was a hated man, how he lost a daughter over the SS moving in thing about a month ago, after the nice 2 text he received we heard nothing from any of them ok,
NOW...SD calls up this past weekend saying she wants to come over( This was Sunday), B.F said how about tuesday or wed( cause I do deep cleaning on catch up days to clean cuz of work), SD tell B.F " well.. I dont know..I have plans".
So..Tuesday comes( never heard back from her) she calls at 6 P.M saying: " Daddy come pick me up, my plans have canceled",
WHAT THE HELL!! I guess he was suppose to jump to the occasion,So he tells her how about tomorrow..she was like " I dont know..I have to think about it"...Believe this crap? SHE has to think about it.
Here we are tring to meet her half way and she wants it in her terms..her time..her way!
Like we just need to stop whatever we are doing and drive all the way out there because she canceled plans and were a last minute phone call.
I told B.F this is Bull crap, and there is a motive behind this,she was to wishy washy,
B.F is getting his rebate check this week and is using it for a divorce( yeeeeah), This is good being now C.P wont be cut but B.M wont be to thrilled I am sure because they had filed jointly this year( even though she does not believe in a full time job to support 5 kids all year long),
I think SD is wanting to come over to run back whatever it is B.M wants to know.
She has turned all his kids on him but the one that was smart enough to get the heck out of there,
They even go as far as calling him up about C.P when its not their place to do so, and B.M lets them do it, they take on the adult position " I CANT STAND THAT".
Anyways, SD never called back last night about comming over today( I am guessing it will happen when she is out of school..a last minute deal),
I hate to admitte this..but I cant stand them kids right now, all the hard work we have done and they had it so made to just be so hateful and demanding pisses me off.
If SD does come for two days I dont even want to be here.. I am so sick of this drama with these kids because of their mother,
I will lock myself up in my bedroom or go to my family til 9 to night, I mean....I am tired of us getting our teeth kicked in " period".
I told B.F I really dont want know part of this because its all drama and Bull crap, and I really cant see tring with them right now until this has gone through the courts and is structured and B.M cant say crap about anything because visitation will be court ordered and structured.... The way it should be.
I need advice PLEASE!!!!
I appreciate all the input I can get
The only advice I can give is to step down. You aren't the BM or the BF so let him deal with it. Sounds like he is still married to her so hes got a long way to go before he cuts her lose. You can walk away from this situation any time that you want to so that should make you feel better.
This is true, I am not B.M but I certainly am exspected to be apart in functions and playing a certain roll when they are here.
What gets me is how hateful they are,and its not just with me but with their father to.
The only reason they come over is when they want things or money, its not like their seeking quality time with dad here.
I been in this relationship for over 2 years,and I love the man obviously..But what kills me is the way they treat him and look for things to start problems, when all he does is try to accomadate any of them, and they like to put my name into things just to get a issue going out of know where.
" This is not the life I ordered".
Well, I have been reading this
book called Divorce Poison, get it and read it! It is great and gives tons of useful advice on how to combat the "brainwashing" going on. Sucks though, because right now there isn't anything you can do about it. As hard as it may be, just disengage. I have had to do that plenty, and I know what you mean about the drama. They are full of it. It will never stop.
. Just find something else to do during visitations if you can. Go see a movie with a friend, or rad a good book. Anything to stay away from the situation. 
For Robinson3433
Thats a good idea!
I clean and clean to stay busy(lol), But I can only scrub so much, I was thinking maybe like going to bingo one night or something( cause it ends
I will look for that book tomorrow,I am sure I could use it for my own good.
Its hard, and it makes it even harder because regaurdless these are his children, I have seen good sides to all of them..but unfortunately B.M seems to work her magic so it always goes back to the same thing.
I cant wait til Monday when he starts his divorce proceedings because this will be structured for everyone and wont have to deal with B.M as much unless regaurding kids.
Right now like always she does not tell him anything that goes on with them, She wants to be in control 24/7,
And she wants her children to be loyal to her and to her only.
It drives me mad cause I see his feelings hurt, and I see anger sometimes by just being so fed up with this game playing from kids.
Hopefully..hopefully something will give, I know its not always going to be peaches and cream..but I see where in some areas its going to be better " I hope".
" This is not the life I ordered".