Death of a 16 y/o - testicular cancer
Sorry, this is not a vent topic. I just want to put this out so all you mothers will be aware of a hidden killer amongst our teenage boys. You don't hear about this very often, so.. here it is:
15y/o boy had a swollen testicle and back pain for months before he finally confided to his girlfriend. Girlfriend told boy if you don't tell your mother, then I'm going to. Problem: teenage boys do not like to talk to parents about their private areas because of the mental stages there in or whatever. By the time mother found out and taken son to doctor he had full blown Stage IV testicular cancer. Was treated with surgery, chemo and radiation treatments. Docs were able to put his cancer in remission only for a few months, then it came back. This time the cancer was chemo resistant and had spread throughout his body. He had fought this battle for a year and 1/2.
Yesterday, he passed. I was there when he stopped breathing along with his mother, father and grandmother. I cannot express in words the atmosphere yesterday. Maybe a combination of sadness, guilt, and relief all combined together. He was in so much pain physical and emotional up until the doctors started palliative care for this child.
Ladies, oh my god, please have a conversation with your teenage boys and make them understand that regular checks are necessary and to tell if they find any abnormalties, especially swollen testicals or any small cysts painful/or not. Just like we teach our young girls about breast exams, testicular exams are just as important for the boys. Early detection can and will save lives.
thats so sad
chin up xxx
life is a box of choclates you never know what your going to get (i always pick the coffe of the box what about you )
thanks for reading.......
I am hoping others are reading this and just not posting.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
my kids are pretty open
I feel fortunate that my kids come to me with stuff regarding their "parts". My mother was not so open so I made it a point to let my kids know they can come to me about everything.
I am sorry that a young man passed away like this.
Thank you. Stepwitch Thank
Thank you.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I'm sorry for the topic, but thank you for posting. We have 3 boys and 2 girls. I know what to talk about and watch for with girls but hadn't thought about the boys.
your welcome. I can
your welcome. I can understand how most moms aren't familiar with these things. By the time young men go to have regular check-ups, usually the md, will ask mom to step out while they check the testicle sac. I'm sure the doctors talk to the boys about things to check, but in reality and in my experience, my son don't talk about things like that. Such a sad day. His funeral will be monday, and I'm not looking forward to that.
My son will arrive home today from boyscout camp, I can't wait just to hug him. Know what I mean?
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
Thank you for posting this
This is important for every parent and step parent to know. I'm gonna spread the word so that my other friends will know to have this conversation with their kids also.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
As a mother of two young boys...
Thank you.
I have been bugging my ex to have a talk with the boys about their bodies and sex. He keeps putting it off. I told my oldest son, turning 14 this week, that if his dad won't do it, I'm going to. You just reminded me that it's time for that chat (my sons will be cursing you silently since they don't know you.)
I am so sorry for your loss. All of these diseases in young people are the worst.
My thoughts are with you and the young man's family.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
We placed him in his tomb yesterday
The funeral service was beautiful. There were so many young people there. The minister did a wonderful job, he touched everyone heart. I had made a picture of his mom sleeping next to him that afternoon before he had passed and printed it b/w with a frame and gave to her the other night, along with a song from mark schultz, He's my Son. They played that song during the service omg, I thought I was going to really loose it.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
Just wanted you to know and share with your friend
When she's ready to hear it.
Last night, around 11pm I got off the computer from reading your post and walked into the living room where my sons were watching TV. I said, "I have something very serious to tell you."
BS 11 turned off the gameboy. BS 13 turned off the TV. They NEVER do that without my telling them to. But they were concerned as I don't often say something like that to them.
I told them the story of your friend's son. My SIL had hodgkins lymphoma about 4 years a go. She is a survivor, had chemo and radiation, lost her hair etc.
My sons also just lost their SM's SF to a stroke at 53 years old. He had also battled bladder cancer for years.
They take cancer seriously.
My sons are normally embarrassed at any mention of private things. I can't get my ex to have any sex talks with my oldest BS, who turns 14 this coming weekend, and certainly doesn't want to talk to me about it. I will be offering him one more chance, when they take a camping trip next month, and then I'm taking over the discussion.
My sons did not get at all embarrassed last night. They listened seriously, no giggles, asked a few questions and promised me they would do self checks.
Tell your friend, that she is potentially saving the lives of other sons, and her son's brief life may save many, many others.
I hope that helps.
Take care,
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
It brings tears to my eyes,
and fills my heart at the same time. Thank you.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
so sad
thanks for posting. I have also been buggin my BF to talk with his son who will be 13 about the sex topic. But i think ill bug him now for a check up..dont think he has been to the doc in a while.thanks
Thank you for the heads up!
wow..thanks for the imfo!
that NEVER even crossed my mind that it could happen to my 15 year old.This is something I am going to talk about to my son..Its very scarey to think something like this could hit our children.
Thank you for the heads up!
" Life is like a jar or Jalapeno peppers, what you
do today could burn your a*s tomorrow."
my sons
I have two sons also and you better believe I will be talking to them, they are also pretty good about talking to me about "those" kinds of things, but it can never hurt to be doubly sure!
I lost a beautiful nephew at 19- I will never be the same. My thoughts are with your friend and her family.
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
thank you.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!