not sure what to do
This subject has nothing to do with step parenting but I'm not sure what to do. I was just at the dog park and this old man was masturbating in thew wooded part of the park.
I saw him and ran out of the woods.
Do you think I should call the police and make a report or just stop going ?
geeesh,, he was like 70. How sick. No one was there but me and him, as it's a workday, and mid day.
Should I report it to the police?
I would call the police, there could be kids there...
or even other adults, what a perv!!!
"God grant me the serenity accept the things I cannot change; the strength to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."
will be glad when we move
This city I live in is so big with so many nuts. In just a few years we will be able to move and get out of here.
I just can't believe some of the stuff I see around here. Guess in a big city you have many more people which increases the odds of running into perverts and molesters.
I looked online at and there are over 3,000 convicted child molesters in my city that are mapped, many hundred that are unmappable.
so I don't know what this guys problem is, maybe trying some of those impotence drugs and it working too well as he is an old man.
I am going to tell my husband too and maybe he can get his plate number so the police can ban him from there.
In my apartment complex
when I looked thru the window of my room, a guy in a second floor was peeing from his balcony to the ground of the 1st one, it was raining cats and dogs, and he probably thought it was a great idea :sick: ... NOT!!!
What if it had been my SD4 at the time, or some other kid?
Well, if I were you, I wouldn't call the police I wouldn't stop going to the park either, I would just try not to go to that area of the park, and if I see that person from far I would just try to stay away from him. :sick:
Didn't you say
your brother was a cop? Ask him what to do...
I plan to
but he is working right now.
I was thinking it may be best to just do like the other poster said and ignore him. I do like going to the dog park and at least I'm aware what he's like.
He also may not be back again........... in the old days I would have figured to do something but recently I have been thinking to just work to save myself and avoid all the drama.
He is a nasty man and others will see him too and complain and at that time if I am asked I can tell what I saw too, but until then..............
if and when it does become a problem, I'm going to just forget it. I'll mention it to my brother but I know what he will say, to stay away from there and I do enjoy going because its good for my dog and his disposition to get a workout.
Guess others will have to report him too
and if and when enough do, the police will
come and arrest him.
If I am the only one to complain, they may not believe me
and I could have that nbasty old pervert follow me home or something.
Can't wait to move. No problems like this where we're moving, as there are few people and low crime rates. Where we live now, I guess this is common everyday stuff in a big city.
Could be too, more effective if it happens again to just laugh at him
I would report it
You don't have to have a police car come to your house or anything, just talk to them on the phone. But he could be a child molester or something and someone could get hurt, is why. Plus I hope he gets caught!! that would serve him right, huh?!
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
I've decided to not report it
and keep going. Only I will be sure to take my cell phone and a pen to write plate number down in case I need it in the future. If he is crazy as he seems, someone besides me will see him and they will be asking if anyone else has seen him being a perv.
Guess right when it happened and for a short time afterwords, it kinda freaked me out.