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I need help

Jeans222's picture

I don't know how I can hide my feelings for husbands adult daughter and keep from being anxious, leary and fearful of her.

How can I set my mind to deal with her? do I pretend she is not there? I know anything I say or do will be held against me so I am not exactly knowing how to get my head around her coming into our lives after years of her verbally abusing me and all her mind games and bad attitude.

help me get my head around it because I fear I'm going to have a heart attack or anxiety attack to be near her !

Jeans222's picture

I have seriously thought about this and the reason I can't be myself is that she is overly sensitive and takes everything wrong... like when I told her no one time, she called her mother and told her mother I was abusing her asnd of course her mother showed up DRUNK and having a FIT !

Do you people all have well adjusted kids or something and unaware of the drama and other BS these adult kids bring into your lives.

She may be an adult in years but in her head she is one messed up young woman.
anyway.... in the meantime, I have befriended a nice girl who is her age that I met in my area, one who is without the drama and BS and it helps me cope some to know there are young people out there who aren't fruit loop crazy like my step daughter.

I can only hope sd finds something else to do with her time than play these stupid games with us as my husband falls for them, but I can see right through her. She only wanted to try to be in our lives after we dropped the insurance ( she wasn't making her copyas and we were getting notices from a collection agency... thus her having it would ruin our credit)

I wish I could be myself and I wish her head was on straight but she has been filled with unrealisitic thinking and crazy expectations by her mother. One of them is "KIDS COME FIRST and SHE COMES FIRST"
which is what she tells my husband... she is hardly a kid.

I do believe she needs to seriously be knocked down off her high horse as to what life is all about. She has no humility or grasp of reason or sense. Everything is about her and her feelings and she has a massive sense of entitlement.
I also believe since her mother put all that garbage in her head, sd should be going to her mother with her BS, that she comes first and push that with her mother... maybe her mother will buy her a house and give her a weekly paycheck.

Orange County Ca's picture

Do I understand this correctly: As a child this person played around with your emotions or whatever. She's now an adult and after some absence is re-entering your life.

Generally speaking we forgive adolescent or child behavoir and allow a child to start over when they become an adult. If you can't do that then just absent yourself from the meeting as soon as its polite to do so.

Go visit Mom or see a movie. But be polite even if she isn't.


It may be that 50 years from now the only important thing you did in this life is to be important in the life of a kid.

Jeans222's picture

she is not coming to live with us, my husband wants to now let her come back into our lives for another chance.
For many years she has verbally abused us ( both of us) and she has accused me of abusing her twice... she has also brought her mother in on it and her mother came to raise hell.
She was cut off health insurance when she turned 19 and within one week wants to now come into our lives, she says she will be polite.

The last time we saw her was earlier this year and when we saw her and after she left my husband and I both felt as if we were hit by a car ( her behavior was downright violent and abusive) she was so very psycho acting, full of drama and unrealistic demands.
I do nto trust her. period.
My husband says he wants to try again and wants me to try to.

She has bad mouthed us on the internet, come to the door hysterical wanting her way, asks for time and money we do not have to give her and she has tattoed herself up with pericing all over ( yet she tells us, she's broke)
My husband says he will not give into her demands but wants to open the door.

For what I ask? more drama?
I just don't feel good about this as its been years of her manipulating, telling lies, acting like a spolied princess drama queen.
Now she claims she's changed? ha ! and one week after she was dropped from health insurance?
What is she planning.. I really have to wonder !!!