Is he a deadbeat dad or a victim of "P.A.S."
DH has decided after 2 whole years of fighting to see his son just to let bm have SS.
SS6 never wants to come over and just stares at his dad while his dad tried to talk to him yet ss6 just mutters something in jargon or goes to his room? :jawdrop:
This has become impossible to us. We have fought this woman tooth and nail for years yet she has managed to make us look like monsters? I don't get it? :?
DH claims that he never can win. It's a losing battle. He has gone to court and they do nothing?
His son does not even call him now. BM does everything without consent. What happened to his son? He went from one person to another in the span of a few weeks and will not talk. DH has not seen him in weeks after asking ss6 if he wanted to be here and he says, "no."
I mean, is dh wrong? Is he a deadbeat? Now BM wants the kid all the time which of course equals $$$$$.
How can you make a kid love you? How are you supposed to fight when you do not have the money for legal help?
Can you imagine your own kid
Can you imagine your own kid saying the following things to you?
" I'm bored, I want a drink, I don't like "this" stuff, I'm walking home to MY mommy's, I don't like it here, I don't like this kind of food, My mommy this, my mommy that, I don;t like my room, where are MY new friends, wipe my butt, I want a snack, crawling in the bed at 4AM..." :O
What are we? The new butlers that perform circus acts, 24/7?
I think BM is PASing this
I think BM is PASing this child, so most of what he thinks, says and feels is due to what she has told him/said in front of him.
I don't think walking away from his child is the answer. I think getting the child professional help is.
A lot of kids with divorced parents say stuff like that about the other house. Especially young ones. He could be saying the same things about your home to BM.
my sd came to visit for the
my sd came to visit for the first time about 3 years ago, she was 9. She pulled me into her room and showed me a folded up piece of paper. I opened it and it was an address. (they live in az and we live in va) SD said this was her and her brother's real address but she wasn't supposed to tell us because her dad (my DH) might come and steal them in the night! Turns out, BM lied about where the kids lived in AZ and the address we mailed packages and letters to all went to their aunt's house the entire time! I am very aware of PAS....his daughter now 12 is so distant from us when she visits (due to more PAS issues from BM)and when we call her in AZ to talk it's all one word answers.
oh and I forgot to add, you
oh and I forgot to add, you find the money to fight. We opened a credit card and charged the lawyer on so we can make payments, yes it's expensive, but the fight is almost over and we found out we were intitled to more rights than BM was allowing us and the PAS will stop or we will be asking for custody of daughter. She needs to be with a parent who will encourage a relationship with the NCS parent.
I like the comment about cs,
I like the comment about cs, it is always about the money...then once they get the money, they move on to uninvolvement.
I for one believe your husband is correct. Is it sad? Yes. Is it fair? No. But at the end of the day a parent should not be made to choose to impovrish his other kids to spend all his money on one. If you had two bio kids, and one was would spend money on one for sickness, while still ensuring the other kid had a place to live and eat. Somehow these rights only belong to kids of divorced parents today. My son has financially and emotionally suffered greatly because of the financial mess skid and BM have put our entire family through...nobody cares about his emotional state as long as the emotional state of skid is met. Of course skids financial needs must also be met. Well, if my son has to suffer financially while sd does not, then I'll be damned if I will continĂșe for him to also suffer emotionally...if to BM financial extravagance is mire important than emotional needs, her ptoblem...I choose the latter and no, her kid should not be entitled to all while mine suffers all around.