Surprise stepparent...well kind of
I have been with my husband for almost ten years and married for four. We have two children 7 & almost 3. We both work full time, love each other like crazy and have a full family life. Yet suddenly, I find myself in a position that makes me want to cry.
When I met my husband, he was up front about the fact his ex girlfriend had become pregnant shortly after they split up (this was six months prior to us meeting). He was honest about the fact that she was expecting twins and the possibility existed in his mind that he was the father.
He had pursued her a few times to question the paternity of her unborn children. Not only did she refuse to talk to him, but she would not take calls from his family (parents, and sister) inquiring about it either. So, at one point, my dh contacted met her in person at her job to ask her face to face about these babies. She told him (verbatim) "these babies do not belong to you and if you do not stop harassing me, I will have a restraining order taken out"
Good enough, so he stops trying to contact her. He hears through the grapevine that this woman has delivered twin boys. We were young and recently together, were very strapped for money, so went and sought free advice at a legal clinic as to our position. Basically, the lawyer advised us that a) if she denied paternity and refused a DNA test, we could be in for a long and expensive legal battle, and b) Was my DH SURE these kids were his? If not, and the DNA tests were negative, he could end up footing a five figure legal bill for himself and likely have to pay HER legal fees instead. Basically we were told to cut our losses and move on. So we did.
And the b#tch rises again...
Fast forward almost ten years. We're happy, and finally making decent money, making ends meet and we get a letter from an Ontario Works (welfare, for those outside Canada) Coordinator stating that my husband has to submit pay stubs and tax returns so they can determine how much support he needs to pay for his two children with this ex.
Of course, we refuse and respond to this worker that he has no children with this woman, and that if they want his financials, they can pay for a DNA test first.
We get told that because HE is disputing the paternity, HE has to pay the costs. Which we're told are only $400 if Welfare requistions the tests. Which is a steal in ON (I've heard $900 per child some places). Top this all off, we're trying to buy our first home, so money is TIGHT. In the end, we get a bill for $650 for the two kids, whom he's never seen, does not know when they were born or doesn't even know their names!
Right now, we're on the verge of paying (we have no choice either way) and getting this test completed. What really makes me angry I guess is that I know that this woman DOES NOT want anything to do with my DH (and god knows what she has told her sons). However, the welfare laws in Ontario state that any person who draws a cheque must exhaust all financial resources to be eligible for support, which in cludes child support if the client has children. NOw, this woman is a welfare HO. ALthough we do not have minute knowledge of her life, me and DH have kept 'tabs' so to speak on this woman since we were together. We know that she's a welfare lifer, has no desire to work, LIVES with her parents (and according to DH, does everything they say and THEY didn't like him, hence her breaking up with him), and he believes she used him to become pregnant to get a welfare cheque. That being said, b/c she lives @ home, she gets a reduced amount of welfare because she has parental support. WIth my DH's income, he would pay about 50% MORE than her welfare cheque gets her if these children are his and he has to start paying.
We are preparing ourselves for a positive result (these children strongly resemble my husband). I find myself suddenly thrust into a very bad situation.
1) These children are nine years old. How do we even get to meet them if the mother is unwilling? We don't know where to find her or contact her b/c welfare cannot GIVE us this info!!!! Privacy laws prohibit it. Seriously.
2) What has she told her children about their father? Doubtly the truth...that thru her doing, she had deprived them of the right to know WHO they are.
3) If we have to pay her more than she currently get, what gives this woman incentive to better herself now? I've worked my butt off everyday since my family started to improve our quality of life.
4) To top if off, she lives at least two hours from our house. She lives in a rural locale with no car. We would be responsible to foot the bill every time for my husband to maintain a relationship with his sons. She doubtfully will contribute anything, especially since she was FORCED to contact him at the outset.
5) Even if we go to court, we have no legal recourse to punish her for her deceit and basically, concealment of my dh's children from him. Sure we could sue, but what would we get from a welfare HO?
I'm so stressed out about this and terrified that this will put a wedge into the extremely close relationship my DH and I share.
ANy thoughts anyone?
Sue the whore for mental and
Sue the whore for mental and emotional anguish for depriving you DH of a relationship with is twins ........... if they are in fact his.
If the are not his sue her for mental and emotional anguish for the stress she caused you, your DH and your children. Heck you should file a suit for each of you and put her worhtless welfare breeder ass living in a box under an overpass for the rest of her life.
The grandparents can raise the kids if they are not your husbands. They are already raising them. If they are your husbands ....... congratualtions you have twins. Raise them in a loving home with your strong marriage as an example and foundation for them.
I have no use for people like this who use children as a paycheck and deny a father/parent a relationship with their children.
Best regards.
Where is the like button?
Where is the like button?
My heart breaks for you.....I
My heart breaks for you.....I was once in a VERY similar situation. My fiance (at the time) was served paternity suit papers 2 years after a one-night-fling with a former co-worker.
That was 10 years ago. He and I eventually did marry and then subsequently divorced and just last week the BM of that child once again inserted herself into my life and caused stress on my happy life.
I can't offer much in the way of advice but please know you are NOT alone.
Wow. This must be a very
Wow. This must be a very tough situation, and my heart goes out to you and the kids involved.
I think that, before you meet the kids, DH should do the paternity test first. You might want ti consider getting advice from the same legal clinic you that did years ago and tell them how the situation has changed. Better yet, if you can afford a lawyer, do some research and find one who is good at handling cases like these. Document everything. Ask your lawyer if you can record phone calls with BM. Save all her emails and texts. Keep a journal of everything.
It's so sad to see kids get used as pawns...
Move to America and tell her
Move to America and tell her to piss up a long rope.
Seriously though I'd fight that in court til the bitter end. Have him put ALL the assets in your name and sign it over as separate property. I'd fight that until I were so broke she couldn't get anything. I'd sooner live under a bridge than give on nickel to someone who kept me from kids she clearly knew were mine.
Aside from all that, I'd imagine that if your laws are similar to ours, in order to receive child support she has to agree to visitation. Be sure to tell her that you'll tell the kids, FIRST VISIT, that you tried to see them, Momma wouldn't let you, and you went to a lawyer to fight it, and she hid them from y'all until now. Sadly, their mother is basically just a prostitute who wants a few bucks and is trying to get them any way she can, and let the poor twins grow up fatherless for nine years until she needed a little cash. Seriously. I'd let them know what a loser their mother is and that she kept them from having a daddy until she needed the money. Let her know that's exactly what you're going to say and see if she keeps asking for support.
That kind of screwing is THE LEAST she deserves.
I know the stress of the
I know the stress of the "what ifs" all too well. Plan but don't dwell on the worst case scenario. I find it disturbing that the welfare people wouldn't be able to give you her address so that you can obtain visitation with the kids. That seems like a broken system in terms of equal parenting rights.
im not sure how your dh feels
im not sure how your dh feels about if they are his kids, or WHAT he would do, but an another option (of course not sure how it is in canada) is to reliquish his rights to them, as they say 'sign his rights away', but a lot of times courts dont do that unless there is a step dad wanting to adopt, but ive heard of a few cases where a judge will do that in extreme conditions without having someone to adopt them. Not saying that your dh should do that and hopefully nobody flames me for saying all that, but it MIGHT be an option. Not saying your dh is a dead beat either.
thanks everyone for the
thanks everyone for the comments. It's good to know I'm not alone. Some points to consider:
DH cannot sign away his rights. In Canada, even if he reliquishes his rights, he still has to pay support until someone else adopts them. No freaking way is he doing that if these children are his and he must pay support...he wouldn't give her the satisfaction. Further to that, he is a good man. He wants to look after these kids if they're his. Hell, he would have stepped up to the plate ten years ago if she had told the truth (whether they were together or not).
Two, the welfare system is screwed. Do y'all know that they would not even tell my husband these children's names, birthdate or EVEN how to contact this b#tch???? They won't release her address or phone number or anything (so we can't call her or serve HER papers). Once, they told us they would pass on our phone number to her but she was under no obligation to contact us. Can you freaking believe that???? Not only is she seeking support, but she's hiding behind privacy laws to do it. It makes my blood boil.
She has contacted my husband once via Facebook (this is where he saw pictures of these boys resembling him...he's never seen them in real life). I basically told him in no uncertain terms should he deal with this devious woman alone (.ie, via Facebook). I know how she thinks. She could twist around his words and meanings to suit her own agenda. Holy cow, she freaking concealed two HUMANS from their father for ten years...this woman is capable of anything IMO.
We have not met the kids and have no plans to until the test is finalized. I've thought long and hard about the situation and have thought to take a passive aggressive approach to this in order, if anything, just to f with her head. First, if the results are positive, we will sue for vistitaion (i think I have found her address by a lot of internet searching), the first couple being at a family counsellor's office of our choice (at our expense, but my work benefits covers this
. She must bring the boys to meet us and our children. During this session, she can bring one person for support, but it cannot be her father or her mother (my dh has me for support)...reason for that is they hated my DH and they have a long and slightly volatile past. During this session with a neutral party, SHE will be forced to tell these children what she did (hid them from their father). We will go a couple of times to the counsellor to get to know these children, then start having day visits with these boys. Once they start coming over on weekends (and know us much better), we will be sure to sue for custody. DUring this time, we will also be reporting to child protective services about the emotional abuse these boys suffered while being lied to by a manipulative mother and retaining a lawyer to launch a civil suit against her for the pain and anguish.
The brillance of the above plan is that it shows how willing we are to look after the emotional health of these children. If she refuses, she looks like she is not willing to foster a relationship between her sons and their BF and could care less about what's good for the children (which is truly what the court will consider...what's in the best interest of the children!). Once she's in the counsellor's office, I will sweetly inquire to her to please PLEASE tell her children the truth about her LYING to them. She can't say she didn't know they belonged to my DH...she sued him for child support...she must have known something!
I get a prickle of happiness just thinking about screwing this b#tch over...chiefly, I will be raising her children...hopefully we can get over ten years of bad examples and lies.