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Best (Worst) Stories from when BM learned of YOUR news...

folkmom's picture

Building off Stepmom008's topic about life changing events. Most people agree that you do not have to tell BM about any of the events, but let's face it-- they find out. So what are some of the horror stories you have of BM and her antics after finding out about engagement, marriage, baby, house..lottery...etc..:) LOL . ????

Kb3Hooah's picture

I posted this on SM008's blog, but I'll repost here.

BM admitted recently to causing problems when we first moved in together. She was texting all.the.time. Even more than I have recently complained about. She would send texts almost every night between 10pm-12am. She even showed up at my house on Mother's Day distraught because she was having a nervous breakdown and needed my BF to take her to the hospital. She tried her hardest to push herself into our home as much as she could...sad thing is that BF didn't realize that she was doing all of this to manipulate our relationship. He's always said she was crazy, but it never occured to him that she was doing anything maliciously.

I didn't realize how malicious she was purposely being either though, until she admitted it to me. I knew she was causing problems, and that she was too dependent on my BF...but I didn't realize that she had all of these "ideas" on how to come in between our relationship.

“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”

LizzieA's picture

She flipped out when she met me--she had invited us over to the house. She had a BF at the time, btw. When we walked in, she had a hissy and drove away. Then SD screamed at DH and called me his "slut GF." I just stood there and took it all in. DH was impressed by my cool head.

After he started seeing me, she spread the word that DH had LEFT THEM for me to the point where he heard people talking about it at a soccer game his son was in. He walked up behind them and then said, "Hi." Too funny. She wanted divorce, had BF, abused DH, etc. But she did the victim flip-flop.

When we got married, DH called BM the next day so she wouldn't "hear it on the street." courtesy call. She burst out crying and said, "congratulations." This was sheer hypocrisy. More "poor me."

folkmom's picture


TheWife's picture

There wasn't any big news that made her flip out, but when we first got together she was sooooo jealous.

Once, SD was calling, and we were in the middle of "relations" lol. At the time DH lived with his mother, and BM called his mother to find out where he was. MIL told BM that he was in the room with me. BM drove her car over, bust into the house, and ran into his room screaming "Oh you can't answer the phone for your daughter because you're fucking THIS bitch?!"

Violence disclaimer.

DH threw on his pants, dragged BM by the back of her neck and physically THREW her into the living room. I threw on my clothes and ran into the living room as well, coming at BM. SIL and MIL jumped on me and restrained me, while SIL's husband tried to pry BM's neck out of DH's hands.

Police were called, and BM tried to press charges against DH for choking her, when really he was just grabbing her by the neck and throwing her out of the house. OK so she mighta got choked a little bit, but ONLY because she refused to leave and was fighting him.

Police told her she couldn't press charges because DH was pressing charges for trespassing.

Psycho ass.

~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~

folkmom's picture


stepmom008's picture

Woah - she's a classy beeatch.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

TheWife's picture

NOW do you guys see why she is stuck at the gas station?!

~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~

stepmom008's picture

*snort* you totally should have gone on Jerry Springer after that one!

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

TheWife's picture

Yeah, but I just stayed away from his neighborhood for a few months after that, he came to visit me at my house. She was totally loony.

~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~

Thetis's picture

lol after the trial where we lost my Sd I invited BM to my wedding (her older sister is one of my bridesmaids) you should have seen her face. So maybe it goes both ways here. She can't stand DH but she doesn't want him to be happy either so any chance I get of rubbing it in I will.

stepmom008's picture

What's with that? That seems to be an underlying theme: the BM's don't want them (in fact, threw them away) but they don't want anyone else to have them either.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

Thetis's picture

My Dh walked out on her when she refused to be a mother, she was out all night partying.

He took two weeks off work to sort things out and take care of his kid. Then like a moron gave the kid back to BM and her mom to take care of while he worked. Bm filed the papers as soon as she had the child back... And A WAY WE GO!!! Rollercoaster ride from hell! Everyweekend a month, 50/50, only holidays, every other weekend..... lets see how many different types of access a woman can force her ex into by crying for the judge!

JMC's picture

BM evidently didn't want DH to beat her to the punch on getting remarried even though they'd been separated for almost 12 years; she & her live-in b/f of 7 years got married by a jp just 2 days before DH & I got hitched. Didn't bother us a bit - while she's got pics of her wedding in some dingey little po-dunk courtroom office, (no offense to anyone who gets married by a jp or in a courthouse, but you'd have to see these pics to know just how bad it really was) and we have our wedding pics - a beautiful tropical beach with a bluer than blue ocean & palm trees in the background....

JustAnotherSM's picture

I never really gave it much thought, but BM did make a mad dash to the alter to get married before me and DH. DH and I had been together 7 years when he proposed at Christmas. My sister was already planning her wedding for Oct so DH and I decided to wait until the next spring to get hitched. BM had been with her BF for 2-3 years and they were living together. All of a sudden, BM and BF were taking a trip "to get married in the beautiful mountains of Gatlinburg, TN" about a month before my wedding. Was I supposed to care?!

Rags's picture

We just send a change of address card if we move. That is all we have to do according to the Court. Nothing else in our lives is any of BioDad or the SpermClan's business.

We don't discuss, we don't debate we just inform them after the fact. When SS decided to try boarding school we did not even discuss it we just called BioDad and told him it was happening. He bitched that he could not afford any more CS, we told him not to worry and that the pittance in CS he pays would not be impacted since we were providing the opportunity to the Skid and BioDad would not be participating.

Even if we won the lottery there would be no change in how we deal with BioDad and the SpermClan. They don't have a pot to piss in our a window to throw it out of anyway so our lifestyle going from upper middle class to wealthy would not present much of a difference in contrast between their standard of living and ours as it stands now.

And there is not a snowballs chance in hell that we would be helping their worthless toothless asses other than to maybe pay for my SS's half sibs college if they are able to get in to college. The half sibs I would help but BioDad and the SpermGrandParents I would not piss on if they were on fire.

Best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)

outofplace's picture

Ugh... My story is a long one, But I'll try to keep it short.

I left a cult that I was raise at the beginning of last year. I had no contact with my friends and family for quite awhile, but my family started to come around and I talked to my mom a couple times a month. BM went to my old cult friends and spread a bunch of rumors that could have gotten me "dis-fellowshiped". Meaning she wanted my family to cut me off. She's done this about 4 times now (the last one saying I was pregnant, claiming her 3 year old son told her), each time my mom calls me up in a panic... Good part of all this is most of them won't talk to BM anymore. They're all really pissed at her, and want nothing to do with her now. Warms my heart. Blum 3

belleboudeuse's picture

I have LOTS of stories. But here's my favorite because it's so delusional:

When DH called BM to tell her we were getting married, she didn't freak out openly (she's quite bipolar and I'm guessing her meds were working okay that day). But she did make a "joke" (so DH thought) about being his best man.

He came back to me and told me about that, and laughed about it.

But as it turns out, she was serious. She was completely furious that DH didn't ask her to "give him away." I think she wanted to come to our wedding and make a big production out of being the benevolent matriarch giving her blessing, like it was her decision to "let" us get married. In the conversation where DH found out that she was serious, he told her that not only would she not be his best man, but she was also not invited to the wedding. I could almost hear the nuclear blast of her head exploding off her neck all the way to our house!


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

TheWife's picture

You have got to be fucking kidding me...

~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~

Rags's picture

Other than the toothless idiot crap they pull periodically the only major response we have had from BioDad and the SpermClan when they have learned of things in our lives was when they filed for custody of SS when they found out my wife and I were dating.

BioDad canceled several trips to reconcile with my Wife before she and I met. She had moved out of state with her Son to go to college. When he heard that she was dating someone he went crying to his Mommy that he missed her and his son. She went and got an attorney and filed for custody for BioDad without informing BioDad that she was doing it.

We were at her apartment after a lunch date when the process server showed up to serve her with the subpoena. She got really upset at first until she found that BioDad's signiture was in SpermGrandMa's hand writing. We have pretty much had them by the short and curlies as far as the continued court activity since then. When my Wife's (then GF) attorney contacted their attorney to point out BioDad's signature in SpermGrandMa's hand writing their attorney quit and they had to get a new one. They dropped the custody element of their claim the night before the court date in lieu of 26 wks of visitation. Needless to say that did not happen either. Court got postponed and we went back and forth on visitation several times with us offering 9wks the day before the actual court date. then declined and the Judge gave them 7wks. When we all walked out of the court room their attorney turned to my Wife (we married 2wks before the court date) and said that BioDad would accept our 9wk offer. My wife just laughed in their faces and said "you heard the judge ...... you get 7 wks" and we bopped out of court.

BioDad will file for an amendment of CS every time he spawns a new out-of-wedlock child only to have his CS raised. Basic math is a challenge for him and neither he nor SpermGrandMa have figured out how to look at the online CS calculators to research the impact of what an amendment might do to the CS level.

We know where he works and what licensed plumbers make where he lives so we can pretty accurately forecast what his CS will be when he files yet again in an attempt to get CS lowered. He has no clue where my wife or I work, what we make or the basic understanding to research the possible impact of a court action. It is pretty damned funny when his jaw hits the table when the judge raises his CS when he is attempting to get it lowered.

I know, it is evil of me to bask in his misery but I do so enjoy it! }:)

Best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)

NaturallyMom's picture

DH and I got married the day before her birthday.
I didn't know it was her birthday.
DH said he never knew her birthday when they were married so why would he know it after they divorced.
For the past few years, our anniversary has overshadowed her birthday and the skids celebrate our anniversary over her birthday each year as we do things as a couple and they oversleep the next day from staying up with the babysitter.
So on our wedding day, she called MIL and the Great GrandMIL (who rules this majority Italian family) and actually requested our wedding be put off until after her birthday. The GreatGrandMIL said "Go back to the depths of misery from where you sprang," which is very scary coming from a little old italian lady who sounds like a female version of the Godfather.

"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." ~ Abraham Lincoln

VictimOfHisPast's picture

BM didn't know about me for a while. I met my DH while he was separated from BM. We were dating while he was going through the divorce process. I called her over xmas when DH was deployed and I needed to know what size clothes/shoes SD wore. I thought DH told her about me so I called her to ask. She started crying a little while she told me what SD needed.

When I met her, me and DH were trying to pick up SD for the day. BM has received divorce papers a few days earlier. DH took her off his life insurance. Stopped paying her military spouse support. Put child support on himself. She seen I am white, all the money was cut off and she was furious. Telling DH she doesnt want her child around some crazy white trash bitch (I live in a high class area, Im a PA,Im not trash). She slam the door and we called the police so DH could get his child. That night when we brought SD back, she didn't want to go home, she wanted to stay with us. I a fun SMom!

The day after DH told BM we were getting married, BM called and said SD was in the hospital,DH took emergency leave and we drove 1000 miles to find out she really wasn't. BM thought DH was going to come without me. BM likes to play victim.

imagr8tma's picture

Well, our horror story is that after she found out DH and I got married and moved in together.... she started blocking visits and took SD to a trauma counselor - alleging abuse on our part.

Then filed a custody case against us and suggested DH pay more child support and lose his visitation. It didn't work - her claim was dismissed with the counselor saying she was just jealous and DH got even more visitation.

Actually a new court order told BM to stop alienating DH and her family to stop as well.

(Read back in my blogs - it is a sad but interesting story)... But here we go again with the same type things........ cause summer is coming up and DH gets 5 of the 8 weeks of summer..... and she does not want SD here with us that long.

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************

BlueberrysBaby's picture

Wooooo!!! I wonder if they have a convention where they get tips on how to be nutbags - they all sound so much alike!!!

BM cheated on my DH, they were separated many times during their 14 year marriage and she filed for divorce - it was final 7 years before I even met him...

Engagement - she filed papers to collect back support she'd denied before knowing my DH had had a period of unemployment after 9/11. It was actually in the same email. "Congratulations, I'm so happy for you. I'm going to file for back CS on Monday."

Marriage - called both our cells on Christmas Eve and left me a voicemail saying it was World War III at her house that night because I'd put my married name in the return address on the great big box of Christmas gifts I'd express-shipped to her kids. I would have thought they would have given their kids a heads-up since we'd been married 5 MONTHS earlier! I'd already disengaged somewhat at that point though...

Honeymoon Pics - posted on our Myspace that it was surprising he could afford a honeymoon with all the CS he owed...

Baby - she sent a nasty email to my work address telling me congratulations, take care of it because DH never would (he's a wonderful Daddy to our son). I told her she was tasteless and inappropriate - she then told me that cutting her kid off from my health insurance when I was on maternity leave was tasteless and inappropriate... I didn't have to insure him in the first place - wth should I pay COBRA rates to continue to insure him???

Ongoing - she is VERY close friends with my MIL and pathetically, FB friends with other ex-wives of the family, his cousin's wife, etc. trying desperately to stay in the mix. Wait 'til she finds out baby #2 is already in the planning stages...

Blueberry's Baby