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OT ablation or partial hysterectomy?

StayorGo's picture

I have very low iron 8.7 and iron supplements are not working. Heart doctor and hematologist both recommend getting rid of my menstrual cycle.

Need any input from members that have undergone ablation or partial hysterectomy (kept ovaries intact)

Pros, cons, couldah, shouldah, wouldahs... and anything else you wanna throw in.

I go for blood transfusion on 7/8 and I am going on 7/16 to discuss what procedure would be best with my OB/GYN.

Thanks for any info you can provide from personal experience.

StepMadre's picture

I had one ovary removed in childhood and then got a complete hysterectomy in my early twenties so my health history is different, but I can relate and have had a lot of experience with this and hormone replacement, surgery etc...

I don't have much personal experience with ablation, but i've heard it's less invasive than a partial hysterectomy?

I can say that I would highly recommend a partial hysterectomy (if you are sure you don't want to give birth to bio-children) because you get the benefits of no periods, but don't have to take replacement hormones as your body will still be producing hormones. If I could have gotten away with this, I would have. It's expensive and annoying to have to take (or wear-I wear a three day patch on my butt) hormones. Having no periods is heavenly!!! I would highly recommend this for this reason alone. Eventually you will take it for granted, like I do, but not worrying about periods is the best thing ever. That's one week out of every month that gets taken up with pads and tampons and cramps and all that goes with it. With no uterus, you can go camping whenever and however long without bringing supplies and you can wear white and light colors without ever worrying about it. Any woman that has had nightmare periods like I did, can tell you what a huge relief and advantage this is.

It's a big decision though and I would really research your options before going through with anything.

StayorGo's picture

My cycles are horrible and heavy! Use "over-night" pads all the time for 5-7 days a month, weakness beyond belief and the embarrassing bleed through. I just want to be able to have normal strength and energy again. Come time for my cycle, I feel like someone has leeched the very life force out of me and left me a complete shell of a woman!

I have 3 bio-children and had my tubes tied in 2004, so I am all set in that area Smile

Thank you for your information!

Chavez's picture

I had a total hysterectomy at age 30. It was the single best thing I've ever done. However I refuse synthetic hormone replacement therapy due to the increased risk of breast cancer and so far, so good, nearly 9 years later!

Good luck with whatever you choose!

StayorGo's picture

My friend told me about "NovaSure" which is the procedure she had 2 years ago, but the fail rate on that is too high for me and there is no guarantees my period will stop completely and that is the whole purpose. I am thinking the hysto is the way to go and I will not do synthetic hormones, just natural herbs and what not.

Thank you for all the input...I really appreciate it.

PrincessFiona's picture

I have had both and if you are looking for permanent I would just go for the hyst. I had an ablation and was good for about 3 months, then my periods came back slowly and ended up worse than ever. My sister has had two ablations and still has a period.

A partial hyst however has been the best thing ever !

Good luck !

KittyKat's picture

I had an ablation a year ago and it was by far the best thing I've ever done in my life. No more periods, I was back on my feet the next day. Very little pain, just a little "gassiness", but that didn't last long.

If you are in good health otherwise, I say go for it. (No more PMS like before either since I'm no longer tired or bloated for weeks at a time.) Smile