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Why do BMs always have to get their way?

Kay2's picture

SD 5 had her first day of kindergarden yesterday, last night a phone call to her mother was made. (on speakerphone in the other room) all BM had to hear was that she rode the bus and that was it, she threw a FIT! A little back story, BM lives over 2000 miles away in cali, we have SD for the school year, SO works nights and at times will not be home to take her to school. My car is well.....a piece of junk, so there will be times that she HAS to ride the school bus. To BM that is unacceptable. SO wants her here for the school year because....lets just say BM is a shitty role model. She had irish twins by age 16, I truly think that says something about this womans intelligence. Where I come from we call that a whore. She all but gave us the youngest one to raise, (she has 3 kids and the youngest is SO's) but still wants to dictate what we can and cannot do. There are days that I want to smack him for having a child with such a stupid slut. Thank god we will have his daugher away from her the majority of the time. It just makes me sick to my stomach to have to do ANYTHING just because this b**** says so. I will do it to make SO's life easier, but I seriously want to get on a plane and go put a foot up her ass. He doesn't want to "rock the boat" because they have no court odered custody arrangement. I understand that, but I wonder what it would take for him to be able to get primary custody of her. If we spend a year or so getting her established in school would that help? Also BM lives in section 18 housing three bedroom house, with her two kids her BF and his two kids. I have no children of my own, so SD is an only child here, we can provide for her sooooo much better that BM. Would any of this make a difference in court? Never had to deal with anything like this before, but her demands are getting insane. The whole "don't rock the boat" thing is going to get REALLY old. Is there anything we can do? :?

Kay2's picture

There were married when she was born, he is her legal father. She doesn't have the resources to come here. I does leave him in a odd position that could turn bad really fast!

happymostly's picture

well here in my state (OK), if the parents were unmarried when the child was born and never got married, then the mother has full custody until a court order says otherwise. so if you were in my state, bm could come and collect sd whenever she wanted because she has full custody. So i think it will be wise to have a court agreement, but if you choose not to, have everything documented, especially when sd came to live with you guys, and it does help that she is 'established' in the community, especially if she is playing any sports or anything, judges are usually more likely to want to keep a kid where they are living now (the 'status quo') if they are established in the community, have family around them and you guys being the primary care takers of sd. But who is to say after this school year is over and sd goes to her mom's for summer that BM doesnt decide to just enroll sd in a school down there? Thats why you need a court order so that doesnt happen, because sometimes it can take a while for everything to become 'legal', and sd could already be in a school there and the judge might not want to rip her out of it to place her back with you guys. That's just a 'what-if' scenario.

*edit* okay i see that they were married. but definitely get everything in writing! and document everything as well!

overit2's picture

I agree-get a court order, based on your description I'd say it should be pretty easy to obtain primary custody, Good luck!

It seems the rock the boat thing that bio dads say- is pretty common around here, ha!

Oh, another thing- I don't think the mom has a right to dictate how you transport the child to school if the child is living with you during the school year, that's insane IMO.

That said, as a mom I do understand the apprehension about school buses. For some reason the bus would pick my boys up around 7am-with school starting at 8-and we're only 5 min from the school! That's a lot of stops, and extra time at the school, so I chose to take them on my way to work, leaving around 745am...this way we all sleep in more Smile In the afternoon they do take the bus-but I guess there amongst the first to be dropped off because it's only a 10-15min ordeal from when they leave school. I honestly am not comfortable w/the long morning commute-you'd be shocked to know some of things that go on in buses-lot less supervision, especially if it's a long trip..and being in only kindergarten would make me extra uneasy...mine are in 4-5 grade, and some of their bus ride companions make me shiver from their bad behavior, I can't imagine having a 5yr old for almost an hr w/those kids ughhh.

Just trying to present both sides here Smile

Kay2's picture

I completly see her side, but what is crazy is how she goes about things, she is a bitter old b****! If she went about things differently we would be glad to do it. I don't understand why BM's don't understand that they need to put the child first and their feelings second. She didn't even ask her daughter how her first day of kindergarden went, because she was too busy b******* about the bus! If I were her I would have asked my daughter about her day and THEN said "let me talk to you daddy" and taken it up with him. Her selfishness is amazing!

overit2's picture

I'd perhaps say, why SOME Bm's dont put their kids first-just like there are SOME BDads that dont' either, or maybe why your SD, BM doesn't...there are plenty who do. Daizy-seem my post above as to why some moms are apprehensive about buses. I can give more crazy details also.

Another thing-obviously the mom should worry about her life-but as a parent I can say-even if you're not parenting properly they still want to see their kids well and protected. My exh is this way-he's a crappy parent but heaven forbid if he thinks I don't live up to his standards on the smallest things.. even though my parenting is actually very good and highly praised by others. I have well adjusted, happy kids that you would never know come from a divorced home. I know when he "bitches" at me -part of it is just projection, his own guilt for not being a better parent, feeling left out of the kids lives, and still wanting to see them do well, I know he loves them.

She may know the daughter is better off with you guys now. If she is in section 8 housing-it's POSSIBLE that she could be in a bad school district-which woudl make the bus stories her kids perhaps experience pretty bad...if that's the case it makes sense to worry about her 5yr old-if she already feels guilt for not parenting properly she may be trying to have a say in something that would make it better for the girl? I don't know-I don't know the bm or you guys so it's hard to say...but I do play devils advocate a lot.

DaizyDuke's picture

so I am just wondering what is the big deal about riding the bus?? A school bus I am assuming, not like you stuck her on a Public transportation bus or the magic bus or whatever.. seriously I rode the bus from Kindergarten on because we always lived in the country, mom and dad worked and couldn't take me to school.. millions of kids do it every day. She needs to get a grip and focus on her f*cked up life instead of worrying about the dang bus.

iwishyouwould's picture

If you dont have a custody agreement then you need one ASAP. You should also get a lawer... ASAP! Kiddo (ss5) was 3 when his mother LEGALLY kidnapped him. Kiddo never lived with her, not even as a newborn. She said she wanted to spend the day with him and we said ok. She called us THE NEXT DAY and said she wasnt bringing him back. We called the police and were told that she was in every right to do everything she did, and even was in her right to refuse to tell us where she or he was...because she was his mother and there was no custody order. They told us that we could file a report "for the record" but that it would cost us $75 which we did not have. That began a 5 month horror of bm calling the police every time H tried to see kiddo, court, CS, suing her for visitation, only to have her abandon ss with H's mother when she and her boyfriend broke up and we immediately got a court order and sole custody. Kiddo has serious issues from it all, and H (and myself) spent months in extreme anxiety, depression, anger, and fear. We then did not get off child support until 6 months after we got kiddo back (and he had not seen bm the entire time) because bm REFUSED to sign the paperwork and it took that long to get a court date. Get a custody order. NOW.

As for the controlling bit... Why does anyone want to have control over anything? Because they feel like they have no control in their own life. The bm lives in poverty so she has no control over that part of her life b/c she is dependant on the government. She had kids WAAAAY too young... she didnt get an adolescence and that is when you are supposed to transition from child to adult and do what? - take control of your life from your parents. I doubt that happened well if at all. All she can do is talk, she lives 2000 miles away from you. Dont antagonize her on the phone... placate her and then ignore everything she said unless it makes some sense - she isnt raising the child, you are. You now have the HUGE responsiblity of deciding what is in another living beings best interest. She cannot control what you do. You make decisions based on what you think is best, safe, and good and let her rant. She made poor choices and now it is up to you to make sure that that child makes good choices. damn the rest.

Kay2's picture

Overit2 you are absolutely right, I should have said SOME BM's, I miss spoke on that one. We had to fight her to get her to let SD come to school here. We picked our apartment based on the school district to make sure she would have the best school possible, and we still had to fight her on it. I get that it isn't my decision but SO doesn't see the problem with riding the bus when it is nessicary. She is giving us a hard time about something that at times is out of our hands. BTW her older two kids have always rode the school bus with the exception of when BM was married to SO, then HE took them because she wouldn't get off her ass. He planned to take SD when it is possible, but there are times that it isn't. I don't see the issue with her riding the bus MAYBE once a week or so. I believe she is just trying to be difficult. It is BS!

overit2's picture

True, it very well could be...honestly though I think the "projection" and guilt the mom may be having right now is what's making her be difficult perhaps. If you had to fight her to agree to send her then could it be she does care for the daughter, does worry? You're right if it's only every once in a while shouldn't be a big deal. Believe me, you'll get to hear your own school bus stories soon enough from your SD!

Again, I don't know. I really agree with the previous poster-just placate her with "I understand your concerns, we'll try to work something out" and do your own thing when she's with you. From just my own personal preference and because of what I mentioned I as a current single parent chose to take my boys to school...I think it would be even more of a given with two parents in the house-this could be what the mom is thinking? She doesn't quite grasp your reality-your dh working nights, your car not working, etc. It's your guys lives you do as you please.

However there is nothing more annoying then anyone, a BM, BD, SM, SD, anyone trying to to meddle w/the visitation/time with the other parent.

I despise it when my bf's ex does it to him, I purposely do not do it to my ex...I don't call when they are with him, nor suggest things, that's his time-even if I don't agree, unless it's something I'm VERY morally conflicted about -his parenting choices are his to make and I respect that. His time is his time, his choices his choices, his parenting is his parenting, they are his sons also. Unfortunately even with my exh being pretty uninvolved and not a good father-he feels free to dictate my decisions with the boys, and suggest better parenting over things like-oh, I don't know-what color socks they have, which friends they are with (when I'm the one that meets the kids-the parents and evaluates whether I will allow it or not), if they skipped a shower one random night, stuff like no he doesn't extend the same courtesy even though I parent the kids 95% of the time all by myself and doing a dang good job too...sometimes their sense of entitlement, oh the, unreal!!