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wedding dresses and rings, what to do with them?

forever2's picture

Since there are a lot of divorced women on this site, I will ask this question. When your marriage is over and you have moved on, what do you do with the wedding dress and the rings? The dress just takes up so much room, and what does it mean if it didn't work out? Seems no one wants a wedding dress from someone who is its contagious. But then how often do you throw something that cost $1000 or so in the trash? Seems a little crazy. Plus I think its a little unfair for my current guy to see this fancy boxed up wedding dress everytime he has to find something in the attic. I know it bothers me if I run across some momento of his past. Same question with the ring. Okay, sure its a little sentimental, but not like I am going to pass that ring on since my kids will be with the new hubby, none with the first. I guess its a question of whether a little bit of sentimental value or a 7000$ check makes more sense. Part of me says keep it. Another part says nothing would be more symbolic of moving on like selling the ring and going on a huge vacation with hubby 2. Thoughts or suggestions? Thanks ladies.

Chavez's picture

I had my ring melted and stones reset into a ring that I designed and it became my "divorce ring" LOL. I wear it every day to remind me where I came from and where I am now! Biggrin

mom2five's picture

I saved both the ring and the dress for my daughter. One day, I'll have the ring remade. And the dress really is gorgeous. If she wants to wear it, it's there for her. I don't regret marrying her father. I don't see the dress as anything more than exactly what it is: a gorgeous dress that I wore on one of the happiest days of my life.

Eagle Eye's picture

I gave the dress away to goodwill. I really didnt see the purpose of keeping it. The rings I still have not because they mean anything but because I see $$ signs. I attempted to sell them but couldn't get much for them so I decided I would keep them and eventually melt them down and have a diamond pendent made for my BD when she turns 16 and maybe some earrings to match! Smile

not_snow_white's picture

I spent less than $200 on my dress and since i'm still married it is folded in a drawer waiting for me to shorten it into a tea length garden party dress Wink

I've heard people make all kinds of things from their gown.a pretty shawl from the train,doilies,a seasonal tablecloth,decorative pillow cases...i'm sure there's some sort of internet list that shows a million ways to utilize an old wedding gown.

As for the rings,any creative jewelry person can make the dreaded divorce rings into something beautiful and wearable. if i get divorced, i plan on just wearing my engagement ring as a right hand ring. it's too pretty to destroy or turn into something else.

quippers01's picture

I love that you have a plan for your ring "if [you] get divorced"...yours matches my own lack of optimism LOL. I may have hope but optimism is a whole other thing Biggrin

poisonivy's picture

Save the ring, have it melted down, no since getting rid of precious metals!

As for the dress, consignment, EBAY, ad in the paper.

stormabruin's picture

My sister made my first wedding dress for me. I still have it. I'll never do anything with it, but held onto it for the sentiment from my sister. Maybe one of my neices will want to wear it for their day. Maybe not. If nothing else, maybe it will serve as a fun dress-up dress for someone dear to me. I sold my rings...for near nothing, but it was enough to cover my electric bill & my phone bill for a month. If ex & I had children together, I'd have kept them, but being I have no kids, I had no use for them.

DH & I have BM's dress downstairs in her cedar chest. He is keeping it for his daughter.

I bought my dress when I married DH. It's been cleaned & stored. I've debated posting it on Craigslist, but I think I've decided to hold onto it. I'm not sure what for. It'll probably end up wherever my first one goes. SD(going on 14) is built the same way I am. BM is frail, so there's no way SD will be able to wear her dress. Mine will be available to her should she choose to wear it. I doubt she will because I did...but it will be there as an option for her.

rinkrats5's picture

My wedding band had 5 big diamonds in it. I took it to the jewellers and had them take the stones out. For my daughters 16th birthday I had a pair of diamond solitaire earrings made for her. It only cost $142. They are worth about $1000. She appreciated having something nice for herself from the rings - since I guess I could have pawned them.
I still have 3 big stones left, so really, if my boys want to use them for engagement rings...they are welcome to them.!

stormabruin's picture

I did try to find a used dress, however I had my mind made up that my dress would have sleeves of some sort. I'm not necessarily fat, but I'm not petite. I'm not comfortable in a sleeveless dress, & that's 95% of what's available. The Goodwill stores did have some dresses with sleeves, but they screamed 1987, & I wasn't willing to make that sacrifice. Smile

If you can find a dress you feel good in, I agree with the secondhand option.

AndreaRider's picture

I completely agree about horders... It's disgusting! I even think keeping my external hard drive is hording, so I'm considering utilizing an online storage service to back everything up so long as I know it's secure. Knowing my luck, I'll back everything up online and it'll just disappear. Sad

steptwins's picture

Wedding dress was $50 at an "antique" store. I had previously shopped at bridal salons & just couldn't do it (spend $500+ on a dress). Its crammed in a box & taped shut.

The ring I resold. Guy was going to get it reset for his g.f. - kind of cute idea, he said she was expecting it for xmas but not getting it until they take the tree down. He was going to put it in a ornament for her to "find". Romantic I thought.
Money I got I put towards my new & larger engagement ring that I liked & got to keep after I broke off the engagement.

wriggsy's picture

My first "wedding dress" was a little white dress from Sears, that has since been given away. I have both my and my exH wedding rings that I will give to my daughter to do with as she pleases.

I still have my wedding dress from wedding #2, not sure what I will do with it.

Something my own (step)mom did. When my oldest brother--her SS--got engaged, she gave him her engagement ring from our father. I thought that was just so classy of her. Of course, through our trials and "growing up" blended family was very close!!

PrincessFiona's picture

I donated my wedding dress to a second hand store.

The rings I gave to a friend of DH's who was struggling and wanted to buy a ring for his gf. He had helped us out when we needed it and it was a favor returned. He could not have afforded the set and was thankful for it. I was amazed at how nicely they cleaned up. I took them to a jeweler and had them cleaned, checked and the engraving buffed out. Looked brand new. And we promised to never speak of where they came from so she doesn't need to feel bad that they already have a divorce behind them. lol

RedWingsFan's picture

I had a wedding dress burning party for dress #2!!!! He was a complete ass who abused me, threatened me, cheated on me, lied, stole, etc. I invited everyone I knew, we had a great big fire and my daughter (who was also subjected to this horrible man) and I tossed the dress in!

The rings he gave me I later found out were purchased at a pawn shop, so back they went! I got $500 for them.

My first husband (my daughter's dad) and I married right out of high school at the courthouse and I didn't wear a dress. The rings I had from him were beautiful, but dumbass #2 stole them out of my jewelry box and pawned them. Most likely to buy the rings he gave me...UGH

My DH now spent thousands on my rings (they're everything I've ever wanted) and I bought a SHORT white satin dress (pictured in my profile) from David's Bridal online for $60. I plan on dying it and wearing it as a party dress Smile For now, it hangs in the closet.