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How do I stop freaking out?

hbell0428's picture

So... another day of yelling between SD13 and daddy! Typical SD ends up crying about how her life is so bad and rough and blah blah blah (it is not bad AT ALL)
and then all is forgotten.... WHAT? Did I miss something. Why is it that he can't see, she just won? Why is it that they can't see it?
Last night we are actually cuddling on the couch; (we hardly get the chance) SD just walks up and sits right in front of him and start a conversation like I'm not even there? I get treated like this every single day. Finally I have had enough. I don't know what came over me! I started screaming ~ I was just furious.
They looked at me like I was the Bi*ch. and at that point I probably was. I ended up saying that I wasn't going to do anything for her anymore.
In all fairness, I have said that to my BD before ~ she was being disrespectful and I told her that if she couldn't treat me nice, I wouldn't cater to her anymore.

why is it SUCH a big deal that I said it to my SD? What is the difference - right?

bay's picture

Well... she's 13 passive agressive and knows the games. Does her life suck? Of course it does, she's 13. Just about every thirteen year old I have ever know has "Like the WORST life EVERRRRR"

Did you look like the bad guy, probably in this situation yes. I honestly don't think skids really know how much we cater to them. We just do it. Don't tell her you wont cater, just don't. Parents are parents, we're supposed to give them everything skid or not.

It's not easy being the SM to a teen, not easy at all. You're gonna blow up. It's going to happen, Heck, a biological parents are going to blow up. Its part of life. Just keep an open line of communication with your DH.

hbell0428's picture

True; very true - It would be nice to have dad call me back over to sit with him ~ but he doens't; it's almost like he feels bad because her mom is a piece of Crap! I feel like we fight more then ever now. I also feel like my BD is picking up my SD behavior and I hate it. My BD sees my sD get her with it; so she figures why not! aaahhhhh... I am not sure what I expect from this or her; I don't think I am a bi*ch; i will gossip with the girls; I give rides; I let 3 - 4 girls sleep over; I pick up after them. The only thing I ask and am anal about; is picking up after YOURSELF and keeping your room clean - that's it! everything else is manageable.
I am sick of defending myself and feeling like I'm the intruder;
should I just start talking and ask her if she sees me? Actually I have done that before and dad told me I was rude (infront of her!!!!!) a loosing battle