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EX wife want to move kids to S.Korea

marie21's picture

DH ex wife called him to ask him permission to move his 3 kids to S. Korea for 2yrs and wouldn't need to pay any child support (yeah, right) since her new husband has joined the army. My DH told her absolutly not..she responed that papers are on their way (what ever that means)..And that he is going to have to take her to court to stop it...She also mentioned that since we live in California and she lives in Florida with the kids, it is the same thing since he only sees them during their 2 month summer vacation.
Can she go with the kids even though he doesn't give permission?
I also found out that she has been asking people about how she can go about having her new husband adopt her children...Should we be worried? My DH would never give up his rights as a Dad and he is not irresponcible to stop paying child support no matter what she says...
We are not sure what she is up to, but it sounds very shady. Like she is trying to go away so she can then accuse my husband of being an absentee father...

VAStepMom's picture

Wow. Go see an attorney immediately. She may be able to give 90 days written notice and go.... you don't want that...she is trying to move them to a foreign country!!!! If you can possibly afford it... go for full custody. Obviously her hubby got stationed in Korea....and she wants to be there with him. Why are the kids in Florida and not in California? Was that a move made by her, that you allowed? IF so, that may be why she is now pulling this too.

Good Luck

marie21's picture

We are in California because of my husbands job...We've been here for the past 2yrs and she signed an agreement that the kids would come here for 2 months during the summer, so that is what we have been doing (and yes during those 2 months she still gets paid child support, even though the kids are with us the entire time)
We pay the entire trip for them to come, but obviosly from S.Korea we won't be able to do so..

VAStepMom's picture

I want to believe for some reason, that if SHE moves the kids to Korea... SHE must provide the transportation for visitation. Worth looking into.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

She has a valid reason for wanting to move there and a court would most likely allow her to move anywhere. She also does have a point about it 'being the same' as far as visitation. As long as visitation doesn't change then it IS kind of the same. I don't see an American court allowing her new husband to adopt another man's kids if the birth father is paying and active in their lives and doesn't consent. I don't know what happens if she moves out of the states, though. Talk to an attorney. She might think since they are moving out of the states that dh will give up and sign his rights away. But as long as dh doesn't sign his rights then her new hubby can't adopt them.